Trump said Hispanics and Muslims couldn't be a federal judge. What's the big deal?

If Trump appealed this case to the Supreme Court, based on his charge of judicial race based bias,

would Judge Sotomayor be expected to recuse herself?

IT is really not too hard for even a libtard to understand; members of racist organization like any of those in the la Raza movement are not fit to be judges. Period.

Just imagine that instead of it being an Hispanic racist organization it was the KKK or....oh never mind. Asking a libtard to be honest and objective is equivalent to pissing on yourself and imagining it to be rain. No point to even trying and you get all messed up.
Trump never said that, Derp
Don't be an idiot freak:

Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s heritage — and his membership in a Latino professional organization — are the only evidence Trump cites for the judge’s inherent prejudice against him. He has not identified public statements Curiel has made about border policy, only the fact that he is a Latino and that he associates with other Latinos in the legal world.

Trump: Hispanics Can’t Judge Me Impartially. Also, I Respect Susana Martinez and Want Her Endorsement.

What is it you think he's saying?
Hey, asshole. Back up your headline.

If not, welcome to the JoeyB Dolezal Institute of liars in support of their agendas.
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?
He didnt say that, you fucking liar.
nO MEX JUDGES FOR ME NEITHER. Prolly be prejudiced over what I pay Juan to mow
The objection is to a judge presiding over his case who is a member of a group in the Hispanic racist la Raza movement.

You are not that fucking stupid to not see that. You are being dishonest and a fucking liar.
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?
Actually Republicans are not the ones that built the modern plantation. We went to war to end the old plantations and we will fight the Democrat attempts to expand the new one they created.

Oh my, here we go with the plantation thing.
At least LBJ was honest about his intentions. Buying votes.
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?
He didnt say that, you fucking liar.
nO MEX JUDGES FOR ME NEITHER. Prolly be prejudiced over what I pay Juan to mow
The objection is to a judge presiding over his case who is a member of a group in the Hispanic racist la Raza movement.

You are not that fucking stupid to not see that. You are being dishonest and a fucking liar.
ah don want no naacp ones ovas me either
If Trump appealed this case to the Supreme Court, based on his charge of judicial race based bias,

would Judge Sotomayor be expected to recuse herself?

IT is really not too hard for even a libtard to understand; members of racist organization like any of those in the la Raza movement are not fit to be judges. Period.

Just imagine that instead of it being an Hispanic racist organization it was the KKK or....oh never mind. Asking a libtard to be honest and objective is equivalent to pissing on yourself and imagining it to be rain. No point to even trying and you get all messed up.

"Anyway, in addition to Trump's overtly racistattack on Curiel, in which Trump explicitly said that Curiel cannot be trusted to rule fairly on any case involving Trump or any of his companies solely on the basis of his Mexican heritage, both Trump and certain lazy/dishonest conservative bloggers have attempted to affiliate Curiel with "La Raza."

What they are attempting to do is associate Curiel with the National Council of La Raza, the radical left-wing and pro-illegal-immigration group that has gained significant notoriety in the news over the years as a group that is both anti-American and open to fomenting violent pro-immigration protests.

Curiel, however, has no affiliation with this group whatsoever. He is a member of La Raza Lawyers of California - aka the Latino Bar Association of California. They have absolutely no affiliation with National Council of La Raza. As far as I can tell, they appear to be a pretty garden variety special interest lawyers association. Every state has these chapters for Hispanic lawyers, black lawyers, women lawyers, Mormon lawyers, Christian lawyers, Jewish lawyers - you name it, there is a lawyer association for it in every state. They have meetings, everyone comes and eat lunch together, and they serve pretty much exclusively the function of networking, which is the lifeblood of legal business generation.

Maybe you find the existence of these groups distasteful and tacky, but that's a separate point. The point is, no, Judge Curiel is not a member of or affiliated with the radical leftwing group that conservatives have come to know and hate, in spite of the surface level similarity of name."

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Not surprisingly, you're completely wrong about this judge and his affiliations. You obviously have no hesitation in proclaiming your ignorance loudly and proudly. Good job dope!
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?
He didnt say that, you fucking liar.
nO MEX JUDGES FOR ME NEITHER. Prolly be prejudiced over what I pay Juan to mow
The objection is to a judge presiding over his case who is a member of a group in the Hispanic racist la Raza movement.

You are not that fucking stupid to not see that. You are being dishonest and a fucking liar.
The objection is to a judge presiding over his case who is a member of a group in the Hispanic racist la Raza movement.

You are not that fucking stupid to not see that. You are being dishonest and a fucking liar.

^ How ironic.:oops-28:
You've been in those closed door GOP meetings and know full well the depth of their devout racism huh? BTW Trump didn't say minorities couldn't be judges. Why do you have to lie so often?

I doesn't make any difference if Trump said it or if anyone here has been in closed door meetings with the GOP.

Planet earth knows that republicans hate non-white people .. which is why the Republican Party is virtually all-white .. it's why republicans have so few non-white representatives all across the country.

Republicans hate non-white people and non-white people hate republicans.

What's the problem?
IOW, Trump is a racist for saying he believes he's a victim of racism. That seems to be the argument of the left and the Never Trump crowd.

Why is it "racist" to believe that a Hispanic judge who belonged to the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and who oversaw the granting of a scholarship to an illegal alien would treat Trump unfairly based on his ethnicity and on Trump's known positions of wanting to build a wall on the Mexican border and deport illegal aliens?

If a black liberal politician being sued were being treated by a white judge the same way Trump has been treated by Judge Curiel--with a bunch of very questionable rulings--liberals would not hesitate to suggest that the judge's rulings were based on racism.
IOW, Trump is a racist for saying he believes he's a victim of racism. That seems to be the argument of the left and the Never Trump crowd.

Why is it "racist" to believe that a Hispanic judge who belonged to the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and who oversaw the granting of a scholarship to an illegal alien would treat Trump unfairly based on his ethnicity and on Trump's known positions of wanting to build a wall on the Mexican border and deport illegal aliens?

If a black liberal politician being sued were being treated by a white judge the same way Trump has been treated by Judge Curiel--with a bunch of very questionable rulings--liberals would not hesitate to suggest that the judge's rulings were based on racism.

What does any of that have to do with a case about a fraudulent University?
IOW, Trump is a racist for saying he believes he's a victim of racism. That seems to be the argument of the left and the Never Trump crowd.

Why is it "racist" to believe that a Hispanic judge who belonged to the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and who oversaw the granting of a scholarship to an illegal alien would treat Trump unfairly based on his ethnicity and on Trump's known positions of wanting to build a wall on the Mexican border and deport illegal aliens?

If a black liberal politician being sued were being treated by a white judge the same way Trump has been treated by Judge Curiel--with a bunch of very questionable rulings--liberals would not hesitate to suggest that the judge's rulings were based on racism.
specify what rulings. AND what other instances of favoritism has the judge engaged in?
I think that a compromise could be made. Elizabeth Warren can be appointed judge for this one trial. Surely, Trump would not have a problem with a white anglo woman.....
I think that a compromise could be made. Elizabeth Warren can be appointed judge for this one trial. Surely, Trump would not have a problem with a white anglo woman.....

Native Americans don't like Trump
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?

So when Trump doesn't want a liberal Mexican, all you see is "Mexican." May want to question your assumptions on who's focused on race, Holmes
The judge isn't "Mexican," you're as much a bigot and just as stupid as Trump.
Republicans hate non-white people and non-white people hate republicans.

What's the problem?

The problem is that your assertion is simple-minded and shallow, Republicans don't "hate" "non-white people" anymore than Walmart "hates" Target shoppers, the Republicans just pander to a different demographic than the Democrats do and the leadership of both parties sit around trying to figure out how they can steal customers (aka sheeple) from the other side without alienating their loyal customers (appropriately termed "the party base"). The really funny part that the sheeple don't get is that the leadership of both parties don't really give a fuck about ANY of the common citizenry, all they care about is getting, expanding and maintaining their own power.

"I'm fed up with party politics, tired of the whole Republicans versus Democrats thing. Because there's no real difference; they're all Mr. Potato-Head candidates. Basically, the operative word is party. Behind closed doors, they just have a good time. What do you think the Secretary of Defense means when he says, "I think there's an open bar somewhere"?" -- Tom Dobbs, Man of the Year
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?

So when Trump doesn't want a liberal Mexican, all you see is "Mexican." May want to question your assumptions on who's focused on race, Holmes
He didn't say liberal, he said Mexican
Trump was talking about his liberal policies when he said it
Trump, of German heritage btw, hates anyone who isn't aryan.

See what I did there?

Yes, you are race whoring like our current President and the Democrat who want to be the next one.

Clearly Trump would be good with a Mexican who wants to enforce our borders and he would not be good with a liberal white who doesn't want to enforce our borders.

Yet you people look at that and see the issue as ... race ...
You nor Trump knows the judge's stance on borders
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?

So when Trump doesn't want a liberal Mexican, all you see is "Mexican." May want to question your assumptions on who's focused on race, Holmes
Why would you think he's a liberal Mexican?
I don't get it. Republicans have been anti minority for decades. Trump is only saying what the GOP has been saying behind closed doors for decades. Trump truly represents the party. What's the big deal? That's just who the Republicans are. All of us know it. Like I said, we've known it for decades.
Can you blame the guy for being honest?

So when Trump doesn't want a liberal Mexican, all you see is "Mexican." May want to question your assumptions on who's focused on race, Holmes
Why would you think he's a liberal Mex
And what's crazier than thinking that disqualifying a judge because he's liberal (or conservative) is legitimate?
No liberal should ever be a judge. It's a contradiction. Liberals can't separate their feelings from facts and they live in a sea of moral relativism. Liberal judges think dividing the baby in half is fairness.
See what I mean? Republicans have been this way for decades. It's who they are. It's what they stand for.

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