Trump said Hispanics and Muslims couldn't be a federal judge. What's the big deal?

Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

So, as I correctly pointed out, the Judge belongs to La Raza - the La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California. A 'Latino-only', do to speak, Bar Association. That only goes to support, in part, Sotomayor's opinion that ethnicity and gender may and DOES affect Judging.

Are you saying Obama's hand-picked USSC justice is WRONG, NYC?
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

So, as I correctly pointed out, the Judge belongs to La Raza - the La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California. A 'Latino-only', do to speak, Bar Association. That only goes to support, in part, Sotomayor's opinion that ethnicity and gender may and DOES affect Judging.

Are you saying Obama's hand-picked USSC justice is WRONG, NYC?

Ethnic bar associations aren't anything new or controversial.
List of Bar Associations in Southern California | Southern California Professional Magazine
He has a conflict of interest, douche bag.

Political disagreements are not a conflict of interest.

Yes they are. He donated money to the Clintons.

The case is not political. It's a fraud case.

Bullshit. All the evidence indicates the case is being brought for political reasons.

The case began in 2010. Nor does a judge 'bring' a case.

What difference does any of that make? The judge has an agenda that is in conflict with his role as a judge.
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

So, as I correctly pointed out, the Judge belongs to La Raza - the La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California. A 'Latino-only', do to speak, Bar Association. That only goes to support, in part, Sotomayor's opinion that ethnicity and gender may and DOES affect Judging.

Are you saying Obama's hand-picked USSC justice is WRONG, NYC?

Ethnic bar associations aren't anything new or controversial.
List of Bar Associations in Southern California | Southern California Professional Magazine

All you've said is that we've always had these racist associations.
Trump said "Mexico is sending us their rapists and murderers" and the press and his opposition have called him "anti Mexican" for saying it.

Trump said "We should block the passage of incoming Muslims until we figure this terrorist infiltration into the Syrian refugee thing out" and the press and his opposition have called him a bigot for saying it.

All we continue to hear is how the Muslim and the Latino population despise Trump.

And he is now a bigot for showing concern that a Judge of direct Mexican descent is sitting on a case against him?

Curious...what are the chances that a Mexican juror would be chosen for that case? A Muslim juror?

The GOP are a bunch of assholes for feeding fuel to the "outrage"...all they care about are their careers....

Get off it. He may have presented in a gruff way....but he has all the right in the world to question his chances of a fair trial.

If Hillary were to be indicted and put on trial....would she be satisfied with an ultra conservative judge? Would she not make a comment if a very conservative judge did not recluse him/herself from the trial? Would she be deemed "un American" for thinking she may not get a fair trial?

You folks are all a bunch of non thinking gullible assholes with no real understanding of how politicians manipulate your thinking.
Mr. Trump is attacking Judge Curiel in a personal business case, not a political one, and as a candidate for President we think he should be above this kind of pettiness. His implied threat against the judge if he becomes President is more obnoxious, though we doubt he could do much about it in office. The political blowback would rightly be enormous.

What elevates Mr. Trump’s remarks to the reprehensible is his equation of ethnicity with bias. That truly is an attack on the independence of the judiciary because it means that a judge can be disqualified from a case merely for his personal background, rather than for any material conflict of interest.

The suit against Trump University is a classic civil fraud case that has nothing to do with ethnicity. Judge Curiel happens to be an American born in Indiana to immigrant parents, but that is of no legal import. He shouldn’t be judged by the ancestry of his parents any more than Chief Justice Roberts should be barred from ruling on religious liberty cases like the Little Sisters of the Poor because he is a Roman Catholic.

As a legal matter this is well established, notably in a 1998 case (MacDraw v. CIT ) in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. A litigant challenged the fairness of Judge Denny Chin due to his ethnicity. Judge Chin responded by slapping down the complaint and sanctioning the lawyers, and he was backed by the appellate judges. “Courts have repeatedly held that matters such as race or ethnicity are improper bases for challenging a judge’s impartiality,” wrote Judge Ralph Winter, a highly regarded conservative appointed by Ronald Reagan.

Apart from his racist implications, Mr. Trump is also indulging in the left’s habit of attributing the motivations of everyone and everything to race, class, gender and sexual orientation. Claiming that a person’s judgment is determined by his objective circumstances is a Marxist trope. Isn’t Mr. Trump supposed to be running against such thinking?​

Trump and the ‘Mexican’ Judge
That's not true. Republicans aren't just racists. They are greedy first.
yeah.....the ones that make the money and want to keep it are greedy. The ones don't don't make the money but want free stuff aren't.

Gotcha sparky.
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

So, as I correctly pointed out, the Judge belongs to La Raza - the La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California. A 'Latino-only', do to speak, Bar Association. That only goes to support, in part, Sotomayor's opinion that ethnicity and gender may and DOES affect Judging.

Are you saying Obama's hand-picked USSC justice is WRONG, NYC?

Ethnic bar associations aren't anything new or controversial.
List of Bar Associations in Southern California | Southern California Professional Magazine
so you consider this nothing out of the ordinary?

Curious....if you were a legislator and you pushed legislation to have the city you represent obey the law and deport any illegal immigrant...and then you were found to be possibly corrupt and put on trial.....would you accept a judge who belonged to a pro Mexican association that was pushing for legalization of illegal immigrants?

This is basic guys are all sheep of the politicians and press....cause it is easy and fun.

Grow up and face reality.
Why can't a liberal Mexican decide a case against a fraudulent university?
He has a conflict of interest, douche bag.

Political disagreements are not a conflict of interest.

Yes they are. He donated money to the Clintons.

The case is not political. It's a fraud case.

Bullshit. All the evidence indicates the case is being brought for political reasons.

The first lawsuit was filed in a NY court in 2013.
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Different La Raza dum-dum.
He has a conflict of interest, douche bag.

Political disagreements are not a conflict of interest.

Yes they are. He donated money to the Clintons.

The case is not political. It's a fraud case.

Bullshit. All the evidence indicates the case is being brought for political reasons.

The first lawsuit was filed in a NY court in 2013.
educational institutions are sued all the time for "false advertising"....most go nowhere.
Because with education, it is all about the dedication of the student.
If ONE PERSON gained from Trump University, it will be very hard to prove that the content was not what it was cracked up to be.

The only reason this is ongoing is because he is a candidate.
Political disagreements are not a conflict of interest.

Yes they are. He donated money to the Clintons.

The case is not political. It's a fraud case.

Bullshit. All the evidence indicates the case is being brought for political reasons.
re was
The first lawsuit was filed in a NY court in 2013.
educational institutions are sued all the time for "false advertising"....most go nowhere.
Because with education, it is all about the dedication of the student.
If ONE PERSON gained from Trump University, it will be very hard to prove that the content was not what it was cracked up to be.

The only reason this is ongoing is because he is a candidate.

Not to mention I'm sure they signed something acknowledging there was no guarantee of results.
Trump said "Mexico is sending us their rapists and murderers" and the press and his opposition have called him "anti Mexican" for saying it.

Trump said "We should block the passage of incoming Muslims until we figure this terrorist infiltration into the Syrian refugee thing out" and the press and his opposition have called him a bigot for saying it.

All we continue to hear is how the Muslim and the Latino population despise Trump.

And he is now a bigot for showing concern that a Judge of direct Mexican descent is sitting on a case against him?

Curious...what are the chances that a Mexican juror would be chosen for that case? A Muslim juror?

The GOP are a bunch of assholes for feeding fuel to the "outrage"...all they care about are their careers....

Get off it. He may have presented in a gruff way....but he has all the right in the world to question his chances of a fair trial.

If Hillary were to be indicted and put on trial....would she be satisfied with an ultra conservative judge? Would she not make a comment if a very conservative judge did not recluse him/herself from the trial? Would she be deemed "un American" for thinking she may not get a fair trial?

You folks are all a bunch of non thinking gullible assholes with no real understanding of how politicians manipulate your thinking.

Trump said that an American-born judge was biased because of his ethnicity.

This is 2016, not 1816.

But you keep running with that.

Make sure to blame everyone else when Trump loses in November.
Yes they are. He donated money to the Clintons.

The case is not political. It's a fraud case.

Bullshit. All the evidence indicates the case is being brought for political reasons.
re was
The first lawsuit was filed in a NY court in 2013.
educational institutions are sued all the time for "false advertising"....most go nowhere.
Because with education, it is all about the dedication of the student.
If ONE PERSON gained from Trump University, it will be very hard to prove that the content was not what it was cracked up to be.

The only reason this is ongoing is because he is a candidate.

Not to mention I'm sure they signed something acknowledging there was no guarantee of results.
Perhaps......but the bottom line is I heard several people interviewed who appreciated the content of the lessons taught.
But lets be real.....not everyone found it interesting enough to apply it to real life and not everyone is creative enough to apply it to a point of success.
At best, the lawsuit will have to prove that the educators were not qualified.....and that will likely NOT be the case.
Trump said "Mexico is sending us their rapists and murderers" and the press and his opposition have called him "anti Mexican" for saying it.

Trump said "We should block the passage of incoming Muslims until we figure this terrorist infiltration into the Syrian refugee thing out" and the press and his opposition have called him a bigot for saying it.

All we continue to hear is how the Muslim and the Latino population despise Trump.

And he is now a bigot for showing concern that a Judge of direct Mexican descent is sitting on a case against him?

Curious...what are the chances that a Mexican juror would be chosen for that case? A Muslim juror?

The GOP are a bunch of assholes for feeding fuel to the "outrage"...all they care about are their careers....

Get off it. He may have presented in a gruff way....but he has all the right in the world to question his chances of a fair trial.

If Hillary were to be indicted and put on trial....would she be satisfied with an ultra conservative judge? Would she not make a comment if a very conservative judge did not recluse him/herself from the trial? Would she be deemed "un American" for thinking she may not get a fair trial?

You folks are all a bunch of non thinking gullible assholes with no real understanding of how politicians manipulate your thinking.

Trump said that an American-born judge was biased because of his ethnicity.

This is 2016, not 1816.

But you keep running with that.

Make sure to blame everyone else when Trump loses in November.
and only a fool would think he meant "the son of a mexican does not have the ability to be unbiased"

Anyone with a brain understood what he meant..."because of the reputation my opposition and the press gave me due to my comments about immigration, it is not right to have a man oversee my case who belongs to a pro immigration association and the son of Mexican parents.

But I get it. Whatever the press and the opposition says.....must be fact.

Thus why you are what you are.
Mr. Trump is attacking Judge Curiel in a personal business case, not a political one, and as a candidate for President we think he should be above this kind of pettiness. His implied threat against the judge if he becomes President is more obnoxious, though we doubt he could do much about it in office. The political blowback would rightly be enormous.

What elevates Mr. Trump’s remarks to the reprehensible is his equation of ethnicity with bias. That truly is an attack on the independence of the judiciary because it means that a judge can be disqualified from a case merely for his personal background, rather than for any material conflict of interest.

The suit against Trump University is a classic civil fraud case that has nothing to do with ethnicity. Judge Curiel happens to be an American born in Indiana to immigrant parents, but that is of no legal import. He shouldn’t be judged by the ancestry of his parents any more than Chief Justice Roberts should be barred from ruling on religious liberty cases like the Little Sisters of the Poor because he is a Roman Catholic.

As a legal matter this is well established, notably in a 1998 case (MacDraw v. CIT ) in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. A litigant challenged the fairness of Judge Denny Chin due to his ethnicity. Judge Chin responded by slapping down the complaint and sanctioning the lawyers, and he was backed by the appellate judges. “Courts have repeatedly held that matters such as race or ethnicity are improper bases for challenging a judge’s impartiality,” wrote Judge Ralph Winter, a highly regarded conservative appointed by Ronald Reagan.

Apart from his racist implications, Mr. Trump is also indulging in the left’s habit of attributing the motivations of everyone and everything to race, class, gender and sexual orientation. Claiming that a person’s judgment is determined by his objective circumstances is a Marxist trope. Isn’t Mr. Trump supposed to be running against such thinking?​

Trump and the ‘Mexican’ Judge
That's not true. Republicans aren't just racists. They are greedy first.

The irony that you use your racism to feed your greed. You work to keep blacks poor and subjugated to government so you can cultivate them for votes for free shit. It would be less evil if you just hated blacks

More whites than blacks get government assistance. You idiot.
As a percentage of population?
Trump said the Judge in the case against him should recuse himself because he is of Mexican heritage and that he would be bias based on his intent to build a wall and oppose illegal Mexican Immigration.

Turns out the Lawyer facing him and the Judge both belong to / are members of La Raza, and everyone knows what La Raza stands for / believes.
-- Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza


What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Different La Raza dum-dum.
That's like saying different KKK.
What did I say the other day about how many times we'd have to point this out?

The lawyer group is not the La Raza you're thinking of.
Ok, so only the Judge, who according to Sotomayor already has an ethnic bias, is a member of La Raza...

Copy - thanks.

Jesus Christ you're stupid.


The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

So, as I correctly pointed out, the Judge belongs to La Raza - the La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California. A 'Latino-only', do to speak, Bar Association. That only goes to support, in part, Sotomayor's opinion that ethnicity and gender may and DOES affect Judging.

Are you saying Obama's hand-picked USSC justice is WRONG, NYC?

Ethnic bar associations aren't anything new or controversial.
List of Bar Associations in Southern California | Southern California Professional Magazine
so you consider this nothing out of the ordinary?

Curious....if you were a legislator and you pushed legislation to have the city you represent obey the law and deport any illegal immigrant...and then you were found to be possibly corrupt and put on trial.....would you accept a judge who belonged to a pro Mexican association that was pushing for legalization of illegal immigrants?

This is basic guys are all sheep of the politicians and press....cause it is easy and fun.

Grow up and face reality.

Trump isn't in court for an immigrant issue, dumbass.
Mr. Trump is attacking Judge Curiel in a personal business case, not a political one, and as a candidate for President we think he should be above this kind of pettiness. His implied threat against the judge if he becomes President is more obnoxious, though we doubt he could do much about it in office. The political blowback would rightly be enormous.

What elevates Mr. Trump’s remarks to the reprehensible is his equation of ethnicity with bias. That truly is an attack on the independence of the judiciary because it means that a judge can be disqualified from a case merely for his personal background, rather than for any material conflict of interest.

The suit against Trump University is a classic civil fraud case that has nothing to do with ethnicity. Judge Curiel happens to be an American born in Indiana to immigrant parents, but that is of no legal import. He shouldn’t be judged by the ancestry of his parents any more than Chief Justice Roberts should be barred from ruling on religious liberty cases like the Little Sisters of the Poor because he is a Roman Catholic.

As a legal matter this is well established, notably in a 1998 case (MacDraw v. CIT ) in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. A litigant challenged the fairness of Judge Denny Chin due to his ethnicity. Judge Chin responded by slapping down the complaint and sanctioning the lawyers, and he was backed by the appellate judges. “Courts have repeatedly held that matters such as race or ethnicity are improper bases for challenging a judge’s impartiality,” wrote Judge Ralph Winter, a highly regarded conservative appointed by Ronald Reagan.

Apart from his racist implications, Mr. Trump is also indulging in the left’s habit of attributing the motivations of everyone and everything to race, class, gender and sexual orientation. Claiming that a person’s judgment is determined by his objective circumstances is a Marxist trope. Isn’t Mr. Trump supposed to be running against such thinking?​

Trump and the ‘Mexican’ Judge
That's not true. Republicans aren't just racists. They are greedy first.

The irony that you use your racism to feed your greed. You work to keep blacks poor and subjugated to government so you can cultivate them for votes for free shit. It would be less evil if you just hated blacks

More whites than blacks get government assistance. You idiot.
As a percentage of population?

Percentage means nothing. There are more poor white votes than black. Racist.

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