Trump says he'd raise tax by 45%, then denies it

Number one, whether he said it or not, there should be high tariffs on many Chinese products.
China has been dumping products on the U.S. market for decades resulting in numerous closures and shutdowns of U.S. manufacturing plants. And the government takes DECADES to do anything about it - and the reason is very simple...because investors and the banking elite make more money when China dumps because they put private U.S. companies out of business where there is zero money to be made by the investor class.

Us trade deficit with China is the highest in the world.
Trade gap is about 80%
Why shouldn't we do something?

For the same reason the government doesn't do anything about China dumping products.
We are a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. We are not a Democratic Republic, haven't been for about 30 years now at least. It is like this... you have 8 manufacturing plants, all private - not public companies, not multi-merged super corporations either. Washington doesn't give a rats ass about those 8 manufacturing plants...nada. The investor class and the corporate class wants that business to move into the public market because it then becomes invest-able.
They make money off of the Chinese markets, and the Chinese companies because they are public.
The government is complicit with China dumping on the U.S. markets because they personally financially gain from it.

And BTW - Obama has completely failed and AWOL on trade deficits
The Real Meaning Of Obama's Trade Defeat
You Leftists and Progs are really getting desperate, aren't you? You got a corrupt, outright liar and a Commie running on your side and have no choice but to attack everybody else.

Truly sad. :crybaby:
Kasich is not a commie. Nice try.

Trump is not a Republican. He is an actual RINO.

Where the hell do you get the idea that I claimed Kasich was a Commie?

Need glasses or something? :cuckoo:
You Leftists and Progs are really getting desperate, aren't you? You got a corrupt, outright liar and a Commie running on your side and have no choice but to attack everybody else.

Truly sad. :crybaby:

So you're saying he didn't say it?

Not at all. I'm saying that, as usual, you Leftists take a quote out of context in lame attempts to make it fit your agenda. I know exactly what he said.

Do you?
Number one, whether he said it or not, there should be high tariffs on many Chinese products.
China has been dumping products on the U.S. market for decades resulting in numerous closures and shutdowns of U.S. manufacturing plants. And the government takes DECADES to do anything about it - and the reason is very simple...because investors and the banking elite make more money when China dumps because they put private U.S. companies out of business where there is zero money to be made by the investor class.
Is there anyone on this forum claiming to be a conservative who understands how the economies of developing nations work and evolve? Because this is one idiotic post right here.
First, quite a lot of our manufacturing jobs were not lost to China. They were lost to capital investment in increased productivity. More efficient manufacturing processes. A widget that took five workers to manufacture now takes one or two.

The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are over. You have to keep up with innovation and get the education required to get the high paying jobs. You don't see a lot of unionization in the high tech sector. Only in the old tech jobs that are threatened by cheaper foreign labor or cheaper machines replacing them.

Second, every developing nation depends on exports to initially grow. And that included the US in its early days. It is not until much further along that a country begins to depend on internal consumption. That didn't happen in the US until well into the 20th century.

China is slowly wheeling about to do this, too. But it will take at least another generation.
You Leftists and Progs are really getting desperate, aren't you? You got a corrupt, outright liar and a Commie running on your side and have no choice but to attack everybody else.

Truly sad. :crybaby:

So you're saying he didn't say it?

Not at all. I'm saying that, as usual, you Leftists take a quote out of context in lame attempts to make it fit your agenda. I know exactly what he said.

Do you?

“I would tax China coming in — products coming in,” Trump says. “I would do a tariff, and they do it to us. We have to be smart.”

Read more: New York Times posts audio refuting Trump

Are you saying he didn't say the quote above?
Every time I have heard him talking about tariffs on china, it would be a response to them if they didn't quit manipulating their currency
Makes me wonder if the content was edited.. They have a history you know..

That's fair.

But he also recently said that he'd slap a 35% tariff on Ford if they didn't stop making cars in Mexico.

And Mexico hasn't been manipulating its currency.

So what he said about China is consistent with what he's said about Mexico.

FTR the yuan is going much lower.

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