Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

Well I am sitting pretty well- President Obama was elected twice, by voters who rejected all of the idiotic Birther claims.

Mocking Birthers is fun though.

And Bush was elected twice as well. I guess by your standards he must have been a great president by voters who rejected all the idiotic made up bullshit about him.

A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years.

Says you. I'll take the will of the electorate over you citing yourself any day. Just as I'll take the Director of Health and Registrar of Hawaii over whatever nonsense you make up.

As would any rational person.
Hah? You're ignorant. Every American born citizen holds an original birth certificate that is issued sometime after his birth. Has Obama lost his? Why doesn't he say so, "I lost mine so I asked the state to issue a certified copy." But he didn't say that.

You are an idiot.

I was born a few years before Barack Obama.
I 'hold' no original birth certificate. I haven't needed even a copy of my BC since I got my passport decades ago. I know where my original BC is- its in the county I was born.

Read the State of Hawaii's website- or are you really so determined to remain ignorant?

The state issues an original and it is used for proof of US citizenship or obtaining a first time passport.

The state issues a certified copy which is used to obtain passports. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If you're born outside of the US, the US govt is going to want to see a translated, certified, apostille of your birth overseas birth certificate. If you can't verify that you are who you claim to be you are including by the embassy of the country you are from, then you aren't going to even get a green card, let alone become a citizen.

And since Obama was born in Hawaii....all your embassy babble is gloriously irrelevant.

Like I said, certified copy, although the same as far as proof of US citizenship and legality of it, is not exactly the same as the one you are first issued as a child, which is your original. Especially when it comes to this issue.

'Like I said' being the operative phrase. You 'saying' something is meaningless, as you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Prove that Obama holds an original birth certificate. You can't. You're done.

While I have the Director of the State of Hawaii that confirm that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital documents. Obliterating your claims yet again.

Try again birther.

A certified copy although the same legally, can look differently and contain different information than the original. Have you seen an original from like 40 or 50 years ago, and compare it to what they issue today? Not the same.
Well I am sitting pretty well- President Obama was elected twice, by voters who rejected all of the idiotic Birther claims.

Mocking Birthers is fun though.

And Bush was elected twice as well. I guess by your standards he must have been a great president by voters who rejected all the idiotic made up bullshit about him.

A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years. This is the same guy that came up with an elaborate fabrication and then got in front of the cameras and totally lied about Ben Ghazi, then sent his cronies out to repeat the same lie in the mass media. I don't see lying about his birth and then conspiring to keep the truth under cover beyond his abilities and ethics.

Yeah and there are still 9/11 truthers.

They too will continue to presume that there is some conspiracy. we should just sit and accept his steaming pile of horseshit that Obama has his original birth certificate?

Um, no.

Until you says where his original is, you can sit in whatever you prefer.

For perhaps the 10th time......the State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents.

And when you ask again, the State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. And yes, its the STATE of Hawaii that holds the original vital documents. And just so you're not confused as to location, its the State of HAWAII that holds the original vital documents.

Did you get that the State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents? Or do I need to repeat that the State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents?

Obama's parents at some point in time held an original which matched the state's records. They may or may not have given it to Obama. You don't know how these things work, do you?

Says you, citing yourself. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Says who? Says the State of Hawaii.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen,"

Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper

But you know better than the Director of Health of the State of Hawaii?, you don't.

Did Susan Rice and Eric Holder lie and deceive the American public many times?
Am I citing Susan Rice or Eric Holder on Obama's birth certificate? Nope.

I'm citing Chiyome Fukino and Alvin Onaka, birther. If you have evidence they are lying, present it.

You don't. Try again.
And Bush was elected twice as well. I guess by your standards he must have been a great president by voters who rejected all the idiotic made up bullshit about him.

A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years.

Says you. I'll take the will of the electorate over you citing yourself any day. Just as I'll take the Director of Health and Registrar of Hawaii over whatever nonsense you make up.

As would any rational person.

Obama has lied and deceived the American public many times. Once a liar always a liar.
The state holds the original vital documents. So says the Director of Health of the State of Hawaii who has inspected them personally.

You don't know a fucking thing about birth certificates. You're making up your bullshit as you go along. And you've inspected none of obma's original vital documents. Rendering your assessment the useless opinion of someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

While Chiyome Fukino most definitely does know what she's talking about.

Try again, Birther. This time offering more than you citing yourself on matters you're clueless about.

i don't care what a govt. employee in an overwhelmingly democrat run state named Fuckimo says. I want to see Obama's original, and then match it to what the state says is the copy of the original. And then I want an explanation that back then, all black people were referred to on birth certificates as "African", which is more of a geographical designation.

Of course you 'don't care' about actual evidence.

You, like all birthers, rely completely upon speculation, innuendo and lies.

I'm like Peter Falk. I want to correlate what the state has, with what Obama / his parents surely at some point in time was issued as a child in order to obtain his passport, hence "Obama's original."

Let us know when you have actually read what the State of Hawaii says.

I won't hold my breath.

I read it. And I told you I need to see Obama's original, or he should tell the nation what has happened to it.

No- you want to see something that doesn't exist.

The original birth certificate is on file in Hawaii- you refuse to accept that one as an original- Hawaii says it is the original.

You are doomed to go through life disappointed.
The state issues an original and it is used for proof of US citizenship or obtaining a first time passport.

The state issues a certified copy which is used to obtain passports. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If you're born outside of the US, the US govt is going to want to see a translated, certified, apostille of your birth overseas birth certificate. If you can't verify that you are who you claim to be you are including by the embassy of the country you are from, then you aren't going to even get a green card, let alone become a citizen.

And since Obama was born in Hawaii....all your embassy babble is gloriously irrelevant.

Like I said, certified copy, although the same as far as proof of US citizenship and legality of it, is not exactly the same as the one you are first issued as a child, which is your original. Especially when it comes to this issue.

As per the State of Hawaii- the 'original' is what they have on file in Hawaii.

Why do you refuse to read what the State of Hawaii says?
Hawaii can't be trusted since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, determined after a lengthy investigation that the long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 is without a doubt a 100% forgery that never existed in paper form.

Show me the official report from Maricopa County Sheriff's Department saying any of this.

There is none. Its not an Maricopa County Sheriff's Department investigation. Its an investigation by a corrupt non-profit named the 'Cold Case Posse' whose 'lead investigator' (and I use that term loosely) took 5 figure bribes from birthers under the table.

And then lied about it.

Corrupt, bribe taking piece of shit Mike Zullo, to be exact.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

This lying sack of shit protested so adamently that all the accusations against him were lies....

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!"

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

But a day later when Zullo was presented with the evidence that he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit....Zullo's story changed:

One day later, after faced with evidence provided by CBS 5 Investigates, Zullo sent another email.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

And shocker......Zullo's 'investigation' found exactly what Bill Wolf wanted it to. Sometimes quoting Wolf word for word.

And this is your investigation?
Total falsehoods against American patriot Mike Zullo who has committed zero crimes and has exposed Obama's birth records as completely fraudulent. He has also exposed the Hawaii Dept of Healths official statements as not truthful.
The state holds the original vital documents. So says the Director of Health of the State of Hawaii who has inspected them personally.

You don't know a fucking thing about birth certificates. You're making up your bullshit as you go along. And you've inspected none of obma's original vital documents. Rendering your assessment the useless opinion of someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

While Chiyome Fukino most definitely does know what she's talking about.

Try again, Birther. This time offering more than you citing yourself on matters you're clueless about.

i don't care what a govt. employee in an overwhelmingly democrat run state named Fuckimo says. I want to see Obama's original, and then match it to what the state says is the copy of the original. And then I want an explanation that back then, all black people were referred to on birth certificates as "African", which is more of a geographical designation.

Of course you 'don't care' about actual evidence.

You, like all birthers, rely completely upon speculation, innuendo and lies.

I'm like Peter Falk. I want to correlate what the state has, with what Obama / his parents surely at some point in time was issued as a child in order to obtain his passport, hence "Obama's original."

Let us know when you have actually read what the State of Hawaii says.

I won't hold my breath.

I read it. And I told you I need to see Obama's original, or he should tell the nation what has happened to it.

I have seen not a single post of yours that indicates you have a clue as to what the State of Hawaii said.

Here- riddle you this: how many statements by Dr. Fukino does the State of Hawaii have on their website- and what do they say?
And Bush was elected twice as well. I guess by your standards he must have been a great president by voters who rejected all the idiotic made up bullshit about him.

A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years. This is the same guy that came up with an elaborate fabrication and then got in front of the cameras and totally lied about Ben Ghazi, then sent his cronies out to repeat the same lie in the mass media. I don't see lying about his birth and then conspiring to keep the truth under cover beyond his abilities and ethics.

Yeah and there are still 9/11 truthers.

They too will continue to presume that there is some conspiracy.

I will be in total agreement with you once Obama shows his original. Whether or not Obama was born in the US totally irrelevant at this point in time in his presidency. A few years ago, maybe, then it could be used to impeach him.
The state issues a certified copy which is used to obtain passports. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And since Obama was born in Hawaii....all your embassy babble is gloriously irrelevant.

Like I said, certified copy, although the same as far as proof of US citizenship and legality of it, is not exactly the same as the one you are first issued as a child, which is your original. Especially when it comes to this issue.

As per the State of Hawaii- the 'original' is what they have on file in Hawaii.

Why do you refuse to read what the State of Hawaii says?
Hawaii can't be trusted since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, determined after a lengthy investigation that the long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 is without a doubt a 100% forgery that never existed in paper form.

Show me the official report from Maricopa County Sheriff's Department saying any of this.

There is none. Its not an Maricopa County Sheriff's Department investigation. Its an investigation by a corrupt non-profit named the 'Cold Case Posse' whose 'lead investigator' (and I use that term loosely) took 5 figure bribes from birthers under the table.

And then lied about it.

Corrupt, bribe taking piece of shit Mike Zullo, to be exact.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

This lying sack of shit protested so adamently that all the accusations against him were lies....

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!"

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

But a day later when Zullo was presented with the evidence that he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit....Zullo's story changed:

One day later, after faced with evidence provided by CBS 5 Investigates, Zullo sent another email.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

And shocker......Zullo's 'investigation' found exactly what Bill Wolf wanted it to. Sometimes quoting Wolf word for word.

And this is your investigation?
Total falsehoods against American patriot Mike Zullo who has committed zero crimes and has exposed Obama's birth records as completely fraudulent. He has also exposed the Hawaii Dept of Healths official statements as not truthful.

Tell us more about the book deal the former used car salesman Mike Zullo signed with a known Birther and WND writer- prior to starting his 'investigation'?
A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years. This is the same guy that came up with an elaborate fabrication and then got in front of the cameras and totally lied about Ben Ghazi, then sent his cronies out to repeat the same lie in the mass media. I don't see lying about his birth and then conspiring to keep the truth under cover beyond his abilities and ethics.

Yeah and there are still 9/11 truthers.

They too will continue to presume that there is some conspiracy.

I will be in total agreement with you once Obama shows his original. Whether or not Obama was born in the US totally irrelevant at this point in time in his presidency. A few years ago, maybe, then it could be used to impeach him.

LOL- if any President was not eligible that would be relevant at any time in his presidency.

Your bizarre beliefs about his birth certificate are entirely irrelevant to anyone but you.
A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years. This is the same guy that came up with an elaborate fabrication and then got in front of the cameras and totally lied about Ben Ghazi, then sent his cronies out to repeat the same lie in the mass media. I don't see lying about his birth and then conspiring to keep the truth under cover beyond his abilities and ethics.

Yeah and there are still 9/11 truthers.

They too will continue to presume that there is some conspiracy.

I will be in total agreement with you once Obama shows his original. Whether or not Obama was born in the US totally irrelevant at this point in time in his presidency. A few years ago, maybe, then it could be used to impeach him.

You are a Birther.

You will never accept anything regarding Obama- other than your own preconceptions.
she DID start it

and her husband once said of obama: " A few years ago, this guy ... this guy would have been getting us coffee,”
Bill Clinton 2008 on Obama: A few years ago, this guy would ...
Hot Air
Jan 9, 2010 - Bill Clinton 2008 on Obama: A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee ... All he meant by the coffee remark, I assume, was that The One was ... a Republican said what BJ said, he'd be finished, finished, finished. .... I wish I had known this before I bashed him for the girlfriend and lovechild.
You are an idiot.

I was born a few years before Barack Obama.
I 'hold' no original birth certificate. I haven't needed even a copy of my BC since I got my passport decades ago. I know where my original BC is- its in the county I was born.

Read the State of Hawaii's website- or are you really so determined to remain ignorant?

The state issues an original and it is used for proof of US citizenship or obtaining a first time passport.

The state issues a certified copy which is used to obtain passports. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If you're born outside of the US, the US govt is going to want to see a translated, certified, apostille of your birth overseas birth certificate. If you can't verify that you are who you claim to be you are including by the embassy of the country you are from, then you aren't going to even get a green card, let alone become a citizen.

And since Obama was born in Hawaii....all your embassy babble is gloriously irrelevant.

Like I said, certified copy, although the same as far as proof of US citizenship and legality of it, is not exactly the same as the one you are first issued as a child, which is your original. Especially when it comes to this issue.

'Like I said' being the operative phrase. You 'saying' something is meaningless, as you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Prove that Obama holds an original birth certificate. You can't. You're done.

While I have the Director of the State of Hawaii that confirm that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital documents. Obliterating your claims yet again.

Try again birther.

A certified copy although the same legally, can look differently and contain different information than the original. Have you seen an original from like 40 or 50 years ago, and compare it to what they issue today? Not the same.

You clearly didn't quite understand the verb I was using. I said 'Prove that Obama holds an original birth certificate'.

Which you apparently took as 'babble about Obama's original birth certificate'. You've made the claim that Obama holds his original birth certificate. I dispute the claim. Hawaii has affirmed that THEY hold Obama's original birth certificate.

Both disproving your claim and demonstrating that you have no idea what you're talking about.
The state issues a certified copy which is used to obtain passports. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And since Obama was born in Hawaii....all your embassy babble is gloriously irrelevant.

Like I said, certified copy, although the same as far as proof of US citizenship and legality of it, is not exactly the same as the one you are first issued as a child, which is your original. Especially when it comes to this issue.

As per the State of Hawaii- the 'original' is what they have on file in Hawaii.

Why do you refuse to read what the State of Hawaii says?
Hawaii can't be trusted since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, determined after a lengthy investigation that the long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 is without a doubt a 100% forgery that never existed in paper form.

Show me the official report from Maricopa County Sheriff's Department saying any of this.

There is none. Its not an Maricopa County Sheriff's Department investigation. Its an investigation by a corrupt non-profit named the 'Cold Case Posse' whose 'lead investigator' (and I use that term loosely) took 5 figure bribes from birthers under the table.

And then lied about it.

Corrupt, bribe taking piece of shit Mike Zullo, to be exact.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

This lying sack of shit protested so adamently that all the accusations against him were lies....

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!"

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

But a day later when Zullo was presented with the evidence that he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit....Zullo's story changed:

One day later, after faced with evidence provided by CBS 5 Investigates, Zullo sent another email.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief: I accepted $10,000 from source

And shocker......Zullo's 'investigation' found exactly what Bill Wolf wanted it to. Sometimes quoting Wolf word for word.

And this is your investigation?
Total falsehoods against American patriot Mike Zullo who has committed zero crimes and has exposed Obama's birth records as completely fraudulent. He has also exposed the Hawaii Dept of Healths official statements as not truthful.

The only reason that Zullo commited no because he's not actually a Maricopa County Sheriff Department investigator. If he were he'd long since have gone to jail.

Zullo is merely a lying sack of corrupt shit that took bribes from birthers and then said whatever they told him to.

And this is your source? If I send Zullo a check, will he say what I tell him to?
And that is true Birther speak.
Why do you use the derogatory word Birther? Don't you as an American citizen which I'm assuming you are feel that the birth place of an American president is important? Do you want people in the lead roll of America to be from somewhere other than the United States of America? Why has our president refused to put this issue to bed? He could do it in less time than it takes to praise Allah. What is he hiding?

because birfers are idiots who deserve to be treated with contempt.
A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years. This is the same guy that came up with an elaborate fabrication and then got in front of the cameras and totally lied about Ben Ghazi, then sent his cronies out to repeat the same lie in the mass media. I don't see lying about his birth and then conspiring to keep the truth under cover beyond his abilities and ethics.

Yeah and there are still 9/11 truthers.

They too will continue to presume that there is some conspiracy.

I will be in total agreement with you once Obama shows his original.

Again, the only person saying taht Obama has his original birth you. And you're nobody.

Your entire argument is prefaced on a fallacy. And one you can't prove. Prove that Obama has his original birth certificate. You can't.

You're done.
The state issues an original and it is used for proof of US citizenship or obtaining a first time passport.

The state issues a certified copy which is used to obtain passports. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The State of Hawaii holds the original vital documents. Remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If you're born outside of the US, the US govt is going to want to see a translated, certified, apostille of your birth overseas birth certificate. If you can't verify that you are who you claim to be you are including by the embassy of the country you are from, then you aren't going to even get a green card, let alone become a citizen.

And since Obama was born in Hawaii....all your embassy babble is gloriously irrelevant.

Like I said, certified copy, although the same as far as proof of US citizenship and legality of it, is not exactly the same as the one you are first issued as a child, which is your original. Especially when it comes to this issue.

'Like I said' being the operative phrase. You 'saying' something is meaningless, as you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Prove that Obama holds an original birth certificate. You can't. You're done.

While I have the Director of the State of Hawaii that confirm that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital documents. Obliterating your claims yet again.

Try again birther.

A certified copy although the same legally, can look differently and contain different information than the original. Have you seen an original from like 40 or 50 years ago, and compare it to what they issue today? Not the same.

You clearly didn't quite understand the verb I was using. I said 'Prove that Obama holds an original birth certificate'.

Which you apparently took as 'babble about Obama's original birth certificate'. You've made the claim that Obama holds his original birth certificate. I dispute the claim. Hawaii has affirmed that THEY hold Obama's original birth certificate.

Both disproving your claim and demonstrating that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Hawaii is only laying cover for that boy in the White House and his 100% forged long form birth certificate that has never existed in paper form.
A 'great president'? That's subjective. Meeting the constitutional requirements to run?

You betcha, birther.

I don't think Bush was a "great president" at all. I think his heart was in the right place but not his head. Like Trump said to Jeb, "the reason we have this disaster Obama is because of what your brother did". None of that has the slightest relevance to what we're discussing. Your personal opinion is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to be president, birther.

Just pointing out to you that getting voted twice doesn't necessarily make one a great president. History will judge that, when there is no bias or special interest. Bill Clinton was indeed a great president, and so was Ronald Reagan. Carter has been judged a failure, GW the jury is still out, and Obama will also be judged a failure.

Strawman. No one has argued that being elected twice makes you a 'great president'. What has been argued is that being elected twice means that a majority of the electorate is convinced of your constitutional eligibility.

Or majority of electorate has been deceived for the last 7 years.

Says you. I'll take the will of the electorate over you citing yourself any day. Just as I'll take the Director of Health and Registrar of Hawaii over whatever nonsense you make up.

As would any rational person.

Obama has lied and deceived the American public many times. Once a liar always a liar.

I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the Director of Health of Hawaii and the Registrar of Hawaii.

You're insisting I ignore them....and believe you. Laughing....why would any rational person do that?

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