trump suggest he would use FBI to go after political opponents in second term using FBI

We have to be selective which trade agreements we undo and which we keep in place. I can tell you that Auto Manufacturing In America is a very important industry. The most. Have you ever heard manufacturing jobs are the most valuable? It's because they have to buy things to make things. And then tier one, 2 and 3 suppliers and restaurants and clothing sales all because people are buying and selling and doing business. When the Bush Great Recession happened, we got hurt bad in MI because all those high paying middle class jobs left to China and Mexico. Not down to a red state, to Mexico and China. We should have never done that.

Of course Republicans will blame the overpaid blue collar workers because they are unionized. Otherwise, Republicans say they are pro blue collar workers. But only for $15 max. Let's be honest.

Every other country protects it's vital industries. Only America didn't and that was on purpose. Because those union companies wanted to break those unions, renig on those pensions.

And Republicans on USMB went right along in the 2000's attacking union workers. Defending the companies for moving overseas. Now they want to bring those jobs back? For how much an hour?

Do we even have the people to work those $15 hr jobs? Most companies who pay $15 hr say they can't find workers. Shit, you can make that much at McD's.

This is seriously a problem. I'm not making this up. I believe Dana Corporation in Ohio can't find workers for what Dana is willing to pay.
We need to deport all of our illegal aliens, force our able-bodied people into the workforce by depriving all their government benefits and close the border for a while to let things equalize. We can also tariff the shit out of the outsourcers to the point of making it cheaper to produce in the US. Those two things would drive wages up naturally. MAGA
Good. Someone needs to hold the crooked Biden family accountable for their crimes.
Did you know Comer gave a "loan" to his brother, recently? $200K! And then tried to claim special tax breaks for a non-existent company!!! Lock HIS ASS UP! Right?
We need to deport all of our illegal aliens, force our able-bodied people into the workforce by depriving all their government benefits and close the border for a while to let things equalize. We can also tariff the shit out of the outsourcers to the point of making it cheaper to produce in the US. Those two things would drive wages up naturally. MAGA
Just silly. And you can't deport all the illegals. What you can do though is go after illegal employers. If we do that, they'll let their illegal workers go and they'll go home. Problem solved. If you refuse to go after illegal employers then you're just playing wack a mole. It's why a wall won't work. Not if we continue to have illegal employers.

I think Clinton raided hundreds of illegal employers every year he was president. In 2001 Bush raided 3.

And it started on Reagan's watch. He signaled to illegal employers he would not enforce the laws on them like we did before him.
So we just won big in 3 red states because of their wallets?

Those pro choice women turning red states blue don't believe Trump or Republicans will make a difference to their pocket books. I sure don't.
What did you win?
As if that is something new for Benedict Donald.

"If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your (missing email) situation,” Trump said, “because there has never been so many lies, so much deception.”

Trump’s threat – which he has made before on the campaign trail – is extraordinary even by the standard of the vitriolic 2016 campaign.

Clinton responded first by calling Trump’s comments about her emails false, then said, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”

Trump, as if continuing her sentence, added: “Because you’d be in jail.”

You mean (SHOCK!!) like when scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH, led by Chuckie Schemer, did away with the Senate Filibuster (mostly) and we turned around and stuck it up his ass? How they all cried like the little bitches they are? Like that??
Dotard The Stalker can run his stupid yap all he wants to, stalking & threatening witnesses, his political opponents, election officials & front line workers, judges, DOJ officials, the press etc. etc.

He'll more then likely end up like Roh Cohn, broke & alone. Oh, did I forget to mention that by the time Jack Smith is finished with that lunatic he's more then likely going to spend the rest of his miserable existence in Otisville? That's where that no good bastard belongs. That coxsucker wants to blow the whole thing up with his lies for his own gain. A cell is too good for him.
Red states aren't getting more red they're turning bluer.

Even you guys say people are leaving California and Michigan and moving to your low tax/IQ states to save some money. They're also bringing their liberal views.

Look at Kansas, Ohio, Virgina and Kentucky. You aren't laughing.

Hispanics are flooding across the border remember? Don't they vote Democrat?

And women will turn red states blue next year with abortion on the ticket.

Ohio is NOT turning more blue. Yes they came out strong for issues 1&2, but as a whole Ohio is getting more red every cycle. In fact I am guessing Sherrod Brown will be replaced by a Rethugikkkon in this next Senate vote.
Honestly, I lived through the 4 years of Trump. Didn't seem like he really made America Great Again for blue collar workers. They were still under paid and not saving enough for retirement.

Trump's tax break did very little for anyone except millionaires and billionaires. Notice how many new Billionaires you see popping up all the time? That's because it's no longer a lot of money anymore. That's inflation.

So unless you address how out of wack wealth distribution is, or that it's a problem, then you shouldn't say you're going to fix the middle class.

Unions will fix the middle class. Liberal/Democratic programs will fix the middle class.

You will kill unions and the middle class. Just look at how many Republicans here want to do away with social security. So $15 hr, no social security.... That's great?

I think great was before Bush sent all our highest paid blue collar manufacturing jobs overseas. Started on Reagan and Bush2 delivered the death blow. Today the middle class is a shell of what it once was.

But millionaires and billionaires are doing great.
Lol, the economy was doing so good. Democrats had to shut it down.
Just silly. And you can't deport all the illegals. What you can do though is go after illegal employers. If we do that, they'll let their illegal workers go and they'll go home. Problem solved. If you refuse to go after illegal employers then you're just playing wack a mole. It's why a wall won't work. Not if we continue to have illegal employers.

I think Clinton raided hundreds of illegal employers every year he was president. In 2001 Bush raided 3.

And it started on Reagan's watch. He signaled to illegal employers he would not enforce the laws on them like we did before him.

Just silly. And you can't deport all the illegals. What you can do though is go after illegal employers. If we do that, they'll let their illegal workers go and they'll go home. Problem solved. If you refuse to go after illegal employers then you're just playing wack a mole. It's why a wall won't work. Not if we continue to have illegal employers.

I think Clinton raided hundreds of illegal employers every year he was president. In 2001 Bush raided 3.

And it started on Reagan's watch. He signaled to illegal employers he would not enforce the laws on them like we did before him.
I agree about holding the employers accountable, but they would need a better system than those ridiculous I 9 forms. E verify, real ID, facial recognition, maybe even chip all new arrivals. But unless there is political will to fix the problem, and there isn't, our politicians will continue to take the lobbyist money and keep the floodgates open. We should have severe penalties for the employers too, but we don't have politicians with the balls or the concern for their country to levy them. As far as Clinton goes, he's the Democrat that caved in to NAFTA after his party was our last defense against it for many years. Clinton was a decent environmental President who did good for himself, but that's about it. Reagan was duped in 86 (he believed the promise) and both Bushes totally sucked, NWO neocons. Trump has shown that he is the only President with the balls to tariff and turn down shitty trade agreements, and that's a big part of why establishment elitists hate him so much. He deprived them of the opportunity to keep their slaves and rob the American worker. Trump just wouldn't play ball with the robber barons and they have the money and power. God bless DJT. MAGA

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