Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria

Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria?

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Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria?

Rick Santorum said today that he thinks few of Trump's base will support this (the 'way' he is doing it).

I 100% support the withdrawal AND the way he is doing it - big kudos to Trump for doing this, but I am definitely not part of Trump's base.

So what say you, his base?
Yes 100%! I never agreed with them being there to begin with and I agree 100% to a complete withdrawal from Syria,Afghanistan etc etc...Bring ALL the soldiers home!
Well, 20 votes so and 90% agree with Trump.

Looks like Santorum was wrong on this one.
Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria?

Rick Santorum said today that he thinks few of Trump's base will support this (the 'way' he is doing it).

I 100% support the withdrawal AND the way he is doing it - big kudos to Trump for doing this, but I am definitely not part of Trump's base.

So what say you, his base?
Yes 100%! I never agreed with them being there to begin with and I agree 100% to a complete withdrawal from Syria,Afghanistan etc etc...Bring ALL the soldiers home!
/——-/ Its the one thing the libtards and I agree on 100%. Ok to send in drones and air strikes but bring our troops home now.
Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria?

Rick Santorum said today that he thinks few of Trump's base will support this (the 'way' he is doing it).

I 100% support the withdrawal AND the way he is doing it - big kudos to Trump for doing this, but I am definitely not part of Trump's base.

So what say you, his base?
I consider the annoying orange worthy of ridicule and scorn. I support this move, though it is a baby step. If he continues, I will reevaluate my view.
Not sure I qualify as a supporter since I didn’t vote for him and I have made no decision to vote for him but I am happy with this decision
I support it. I made a mistake supporting Bush's invasion of Iraq. These muslims aren't worth our treasure and blood. Let them kill each other. Don't let anymore muslims in and no more mosques. Keep them contained. Islam is a cancer on civilization.
Well, 20 votes so and 90% agree with Trump.

Looks like Santorum was wrong on this one.
Santorum has always been a neocon freak....I can't figure out whether he or Tom Cotton are more off their rockers.
Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria?

Rick Santorum said today that he thinks few of Trump's base will support this (the 'way' he is doing it).

I 100% support the withdrawal AND the way he is doing it - big kudos to Trump for doing this, but I am definitely not part of Trump's base.

So what say you, his base?
Yes 100%! I never agreed with them being there to begin with and I agree 100% to a complete withdrawal from Syria,Afghanistan etc etc...Bring ALL the soldiers home!
/——-/ Its the one thing the libtards and I agree on 100%. Ok to send in drones and air strikes but bring our troops home now.
Agree. Continue killing the vermin, but they're not worth putting our military in harm's way.
What they aren't telling us in the news is the Saudis and other locals are stepping up....... I don't see a problem......if there is, we can go back in...

Take a look at this...

Mattis Is Wrong—This Scholar-General Was Right

Odom went on to list the arguments—many of the same arguments Trump heard applied to Afghanistan from Mattis and McCain and McMaster and Kelly and Tillerson and Pence 16 months ago; and the same as we are hearing from almost everywhere today.

Here are a few notes from the familiar refrain, with the essence of Odom’s responses:

We would leave behind a civil war.

“Iraqis are already fighting Iraqis. Insurgents have killed far more Iraqis than Americans. That’s civil war.”

We would lose credibility on the world stage.

“A hyperpower need not worry about credibility. That’s one of the great advantages of being a hyperpower: When we have made a big strategic mistake, we can reverse it. And it may even enhance our credibility. Staying there damages our credibility more than leaving.”

It would embolden the insurgency and cripple the move toward democracy.

“The U.S. will not leave behind a liberal, constitutional democracy in Iraq no matter how long it stays. Holding elections is easy. It is impossible to make it a constitutional democracy in a hurry.”

The scholar, soldier and strategist whose words our government needs to consider most of all today is the late William Odom, who said presciently:

“Those who fear leaving a mess are actually helping make things worse while preventing a new strategic approach with some promise of success.”

I'm quoting you and I guess I could have quoted Pismoe because both of you
have a similar thinking to this subject, like I do.

I'll try to be as brief as possible.

A year ago, the President got the Saudi's to stand up to Iran along with a few
other Arab Countries. He got the Saudi's to enter the fight in Yemen against Iran and the Houtis. Now our Congress wants to chastise the Saudis for fighting a fight they should have fought all along.

That's what everybody wanted. The Saudis have even agreed to trade with
Israel which used to be unheard of.

I voted, unsure, in the poll because I just have a belief and not any facts, but
I wouldn't be surprised if we are pulling out to let the Saudi's ensure the
friendly coalition in Syria and force Congress to tear up that chicken shit
non-binding resolution they passed. If they want the Israeli border protected
from Iran then they have to side with the Saudi's and American Interests in
the region.

Let the Saudi's and Jordanians handle that fight. They are more than capable. Israel can handle its own borders with their help. We'll sell
them the arms and let them take the fight to these pieces of shit.

And Congress will have to support it. For two years there has been a method
to all of Trump's madness. He reads this stuff better than anybody.

There are only two Military's in the Middl East that are worth a damn. The Saudis and the Egyptians. The Iranian Military is worthless on its own. They
want nothing to do with the Saudis or the Egyptians. If the Saudis enter the
fight against Iran in Syria and assist in protecting the Israeli border, if doing nothing but keeping Iran tied up in Syria, it can also send a signal to those
worthless Palestinians, and maybe force them to look at the cards they are holding.

If The Donald is thinking along these lines, I'm all for this.
Well, 20 votes so and 90% agree with Trump.

Looks like Santorum was wrong on this one.
Santorum has always been a neocon freak....I can't figure out whether he or Tom Cotton are more off their rockers.

I have almost no respect for Santorum...have not for many years.

But when he said Trump's base would not support this move - I thought he was wrong. But I am far from a Trump I was not sure (though I support Trump's move here BIG TIME - I politically DESPISE neocons).

I just wanted to get the Trump supporter's views on this to prove that Santorum was indeed wrong (at least to those who voted in this poll).
Well, 20 votes so and 90% agree with Trump.

Looks like Santorum was wrong on this one.
I like Santorum's social views but on everything else he is wrong. He has no idea who Trump's base is because we don't vote for Santorum. I didn't vote for him when he did run what was it in 2008 or 2012?
Trump Supporters only, please - do you support Trump's pulling US forces out of Syria?

Rick Santorum said today that he thinks few of Trump's base will support this.

I 100% support the withdrawal - big kudos to him for doing this, but I am definitely not part of Trump's base.

So what say you, his base?
They should have been pulled out some time ago. The Nato org needs to take over the support of locals in this fight, we are not the worlds Police Department and never wanted to be, This was the idea of the Democrat Nation builders who got us into the war in Nam. The Democrats had full control of the Nation during this time the Senate, Congress, and the President. So look at History and you make the decision.
"the support of locals in this fight?"

To hear Trump tell it, you would think Americans are doing all of the fighting.

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