TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.

You're sadly mistaken and if you don't know the difference between trumpism and conservatism by now there probably isn't any hope for you.
So no violence, and Biden is inaugurated without a hitch? misunderstood.

I said mostly peaceful protests.

They are members of a cult, and they don't know they are in a cult.
They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them. If not one legal body would hear their objections including SCOTUS, there apparently wasn't any evidence to point at massive voter fraud. But yet in their paranoia everyone is out to get them.
They are members of a cult, and they don't know they are in a cult.
They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them. If not one legal body would hear their objections including SCOTUS, there apparently wasn't any evidence to point at massive voter fraud. But yet in their paranoia everyone is out to get them.
You have defined the democrats.
Trump is the only president to lose the popular vote...TWICE. maybe in 2024, it'll become 3 times. in his own way, he's an overachiever!
They are members of a cult, and they don't know they are in a cult.
They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them. If not one legal body would hear their objections including SCOTUS, there apparently wasn't any evidence to point at massive voter fraud. But yet in their paranoia everyone is out to get them.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them.

Just like democrats.
They are members of a cult, and they don't know they are in a cult.
They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them. If not one legal body would hear their objections including SCOTUS, there apparently wasn't any evidence to point at massive voter fraud. But yet in their paranoia everyone is out to get them.
You have defined the democrats.

I have been on these boards for about 4 years and I have yet to see anything that you've posted that comes close to any intelligent life. But you sure like to pm poster's with your dirty thoughts.

Are you going to report me again crybaby?
They are members of a cult, and they don't know they are in a cult.
They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them. If not one legal body would hear their objections including SCOTUS, there apparently wasn't any evidence to point at massive voter fraud. But yet in their paranoia everyone is out to get them.

They have one goal and that is to eliminate anyone who does not agree with them.

Just like democrats.

And sane republicans.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
What would you do if our roles were reversed? If you believed the election was stolen. If a state violated their own constitution and then their supreme court upheld it. If every lawsuit was dismissed on procedural grounds and evidence was never heard. If subpoenas for voting machine records were ignored. If state voting officials barred observers. If secretaries of state rushed to wipe voting machines. Would you just roll over and take it? That's a rhetorical question. The answer should be a wholehearted, full throated, not a fucking chance.
There's a big difference between rolling over and realizing you might be wrong. There's another election in four years. If your arguments have any merit, they should help you. However, calling for some sort violent action is just going to result in deaths, jail time and ruined lives, just because you believed lies.
I am going to say I no longer care what they want but if they want war then be warned if a Civil War does erupt throwing this country into chaos and without a government then NATO and the U.N. will put boots on the ground and end this war!

So let me be clear those that believe Trump should be President will lose and slaughtered if they go further into what they wish to happen!
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
What would you do if our roles were reversed? If you believed the election was stolen. If a state violated their own constitution and then their supreme court upheld it. If every lawsuit was dismissed on procedural grounds and evidence was never heard. If subpoenas for voting machine records were ignored. If state voting officials barred observers. If secretaries of state rushed to wipe voting machines. Would you just roll over and take it? That's a rhetorical question. The answer should be a wholehearted, full throated, not a fucking chance.
There's a big difference between rolling over and realizing you might be wrong. There's another election in four years. If your arguments have any merit, they should help you. However, calling for some sort violent action is just going to result in deaths, jail time and ruined lives, just because you believed lies.

So, you want us to respect elections, when your side does not?

Rules don't work like that. When you try, the system breaks down. The game ends.

Your side refused to respect the peaceful transfer of power and employed violent street mobs in opposition, backed up by the police and government.

You are the children upending the board because you kept losing.

And that game was called Democracy.

Now we are playing something else.
So no violence, and Biden is inaugurated without a hitch? misunderstood.

I said mostly peaceful protests.

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So you admit to being as violent and destructive as those you hate.

Would you like to see Biden's inauguration go off without a hitch?

That's a pretty straightforward question.

That is not how rules work. Rules that only one side respects, don't work. THe game breaks down.

We can't play like that. You are literally killing us. Asking us to play nice while you are killing us,

the answer is no.

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