Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Yep, you are definitely confused! Still think it’s a courthouse?
Your stupidity isn’t my problem.

I’ll take sworn testimony from people in Trump’s administration over what some crayon-eating retard thinks. Sorry.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

The Plandemic and Great Steal of 2020 is what caused a lone fire extinguisher to attack The Capital on January 6th!

A Day of Infamy Worse Than Pearl Harbor I tell you!

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