Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

The graph compares 8 years to less than 4 years for Trump. Obama years money was infused to the government to help unemployment as well as other problems. The graph should compare the point where Obama won the election the first tine to the point where Trump won his first election. So that would be from 6% in Nov. 2008 to 7.8% first administration and 7.8 to 4.9% his second administration. Trumps election 7.5% to current 3.75 for one administration without boosting the economy without artificial means like stimulants.]

So term 1 Obama - 1.8 improvement term 2 - 2.9 improvement; Trump term 1 - 3.75 without artificial infusing of funds.
Yo Jackson buddy, how is it that Obammy gets 7.8 to 4.9% and then Trump starts at 7.5%? explain how that happens? hmmmmmm odd that when obammy left office it was 4.9% and the very next minute Trump had a 7.5% to get down. odd. very odd. Come on, can't any of you pukes in here be honest? just once in your mthr fking lives?
I had forgotten how they quit counting people who quit looking for jobs. I think a lot of funny numbers and creative math were spun. Didn't one exec, Westinghouse?, publicly state that the Obama White House was fixing numbers. Between the work hours being reduced, and people giving up looking for work, I'm thankful we don't have dems in control. I'm glad the charts tell Mac what he wants, but people were hurting badly during ears tenure, and now wages are rising for the first time in a long time and record amounts of people are working. I know Mac hates Trump, but his charts can't coverup that people are much better off today.

The way they count the people for the UE rate has not changed for at least the last 4 president, if they were fake numbers under Obama they are still fake numbers now.
What blows my mind is that they just deny it.

It's not as if this chart is the only one that indicates what has happened to the UE rate. It's not hard to find.

That's the power of group ideology.

Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

It’s hilarious you idiots can’t look at all the data objectively. The number of people on food stamps and on welfare was at record levels under the Hussein. It is a fact that the government stopped counting people as unemployed after two years of being unemployed. Did the economy limp on and slowly get better over those eight years, yes.
Now we have a low number of people on welfare and food stamps, high workforce participation rates, higher wages, high stock market, and sustained low unemployment rates.

But hey, you can’t accept reality and the numbers. The liberal media complain about the economy and wages, even though it’s way better now than under the Hussein.

The fact of the matter is that nothing changed after Trump took over, all the things you mentioned are still trending the same as they were prior to the election, all that has happened is a continuation of the previous 5 to 6 years.

Now there is something to be said for not fucking it up, but to pretend your god is the cause of it all is a bit silly
I had forgotten how they quit counting people who quit looking for jobs. I think a lot of funny numbers and creative math were spun. Didn't one exec, Westinghouse?, publicly state that the Obama White House was fixing numbers. Between the work hours being reduced, and people giving up looking for work, I'm thankful we don't have dems in control. I'm glad the charts tell Mac what he wants, but people were hurting badly during ears tenure, and now wages are rising for the first time in a long time and record amounts of people are working. I know Mac hates Trump, but his charts can't coverup that people are much better off today.

The way they count the people for the UE rate has not changed for at least the last 4 president, if they were fake numbers under Obama they are still fake numbers now.
What blows my mind is that they just deny it.

It's not as if this chart is the only one that indicates what has happened to the UE rate. It's not hard to find.

That's the power of group ideology.

Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

Fun semantics huh?
How about you just cite his amazing policies and connect the dots for us...easy shit right?
no, no, Mac1958 thinks it's as simple as looking at a graph. that should explain it all. And it should be trusted as fact without any questions or investigation as to how the numbers arrived on the chart. Nope, look at the graph and bingo all is explained.

It would actually be a breath of fresh air to have people post honestly in here. I can't believe all of the deadzone posts.

Did obammy actions create jobs and bring the UE down? Yes. Was it artificially lowered? One would have to investigate what he did to get the numbers down. Yes, they went down. No one can say differently. Many factors went into the numbers though. I don't have them, and as I already explained to Mac1958 I'm not going to do that, no one in here can be honest. It's useless to waste my time there. I was aware of a 'shovel ready' jobs effort, but I haven't the numbers on how that went. I also know that there was money infused and distributed to employers to hire.
Last edited:
I had forgotten how they quit counting people who quit looking for jobs. I think a lot of funny numbers and creative math were spun. Didn't one exec, Westinghouse?, publicly state that the Obama White House was fixing numbers. Between the work hours being reduced, and people giving up looking for work, I'm thankful we don't have dems in control. I'm glad the charts tell Mac what he wants, but people were hurting badly during ears tenure, and now wages are rising for the first time in a long time and record amounts of people are working. I know Mac hates Trump, but his charts can't coverup that people are much better off today.

The way they count the people for the UE rate has not changed for at least the last 4 president, if they were fake numbers under Obama they are still fake numbers now.
What blows my mind is that they just deny it.

It's not as if this chart is the only one that indicates what has happened to the UE rate. It's not hard to find.

That's the power of group ideology.

Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

Fun semantics huh?
How about you just cite his amazing policies and connect the dots for us...easy shit right?

The right says policies aren't needed to lower the unemployment rate for Impeached Trump. But point out 83 consecutive months of private sector unemployment growth under Obama and the unemployment rate dropping from 10% to 4.7% and suddenly, they want policies.
I had forgotten how they quit counting people who quit looking for jobs. I think a lot of funny numbers and creative math were spun. Didn't one exec, Westinghouse?, publicly state that the Obama White House was fixing numbers. Between the work hours being reduced, and people giving up looking for work, I'm thankful we don't have dems in control. I'm glad the charts tell Mac what he wants, but people were hurting badly during ears tenure, and now wages are rising for the first time in a long time and record amounts of people are working. I know Mac hates Trump, but his charts can't coverup that people are much better off today.

The way they count the people for the UE rate has not changed for at least the last 4 president, if they were fake numbers under Obama they are still fake numbers now.
What blows my mind is that they just deny it.

It's not as if this chart is the only one that indicates what has happened to the UE rate. It's not hard to find.

That's the power of group ideology.

Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

It’s hilarious you idiots can’t look at all the data objectively. The number of people on food stamps and on welfare was at record levels under the Hussein. It is a fact that the government stopped counting people as unemployed after two years of being unemployed. Did the economy limp on and slowly get better over those eight years, yes.
Now we have a low number of people on welfare and food stamps, high workforce participation rates, higher wages, high stock market, and sustained low unemployment rates.

But hey, you can’t accept reality and the numbers. The liberal media complain about the economy and wages, even though it’s way better now than under the Hussein.
The people on food stamps and welfare exploded because of Bush's Great Recession which shed some 8 million jobs. Also because of fraud as many people lie to qualify.
The graph compares 8 years to less than 4 years for Trump. Obama years money was infused to the government to help unemployment as well as other problems. The graph should compare the point where Obama won the election the first tine to the point where Trump won his first election. So that would be from 6% in Nov. 2008 to 7.8% first administration and 7.8 to 4.9% his second administration. Trumps election 7.5% to current 3.75 for one administration without boosting the economy without artificial means like stimulants.]

So term 1 Obama - 1.8 improvement term 2 - 2.9 improvement; Trump term 1 - 3.75 without artificial infusing of funds.
Yo Jackson buddy, how is it that Obammy gets 7.8 to 4.9% and then Trump starts at 7.5%? explain how that happens? hmmmmmm odd that when obammy left office it was 4.9% and the very next minute Trump had a 7.5% to get down. odd. very odd. Come on, can't any of you pukes in here be honest? just once in your mthr fking lives?
Oh shit. I am sorry. I kept scrolling back and forth. Didn't mean to be dishonest. Trump 2.75? I'm thoroughly confused now. Sorry.
The way they count the people for the UE rate has not changed for at least the last 4 president, if they were fake numbers under Obama they are still fake numbers now.
What blows my mind is that they just deny it.

It's not as if this chart is the only one that indicates what has happened to the UE rate. It's not hard to find.

That's the power of group ideology.

Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

It’s hilarious you idiots can’t look at all the data objectively. The number of people on food stamps and on welfare was at record levels under the Hussein. It is a fact that the government stopped counting people as unemployed after two years of being unemployed. Did the economy limp on and slowly get better over those eight years, yes.
Now we have a low number of people on welfare and food stamps, high workforce participation rates, higher wages, high stock market, and sustained low unemployment rates.

But hey, you can’t accept reality and the numbers. The liberal media complain about the economy and wages, even though it’s way better now than under the Hussein.
The people on food stamps and welfare exploded because of Bush's Great Recession which shed some 8 million jobs. Also because of fraud as many people lie to qualify.

And the numbers also started dropping by 2013.
The graph compares 8 years to less than 4 years for Trump. Obama years money was infused to the government to help unemployment as well as other problems. The graph should compare the point where Obama won the election the first tine to the point where Trump won his first election. So that would be from 6% in Nov. 2008 to 7.8% first administration and 7.8 to 4.9% his second administration. Trumps election 7.5% to current 3.75 for one administration without boosting the economy without artificial means like stimulants.]

So term 1 Obama - 1.8 improvement term 2 - 2.9 improvement; Trump term 1 - 3.75 without artificial infusing of funds.
Yo Jackson buddy, how is it that Obammy gets 7.8 to 4.9% and then Trump starts at 7.5%? explain how that happens? hmmmmmm odd that when obammy left office it was 4.9% and the very next minute Trump had a 7.5% to get down. odd. very odd. Come on, can't any of you pukes in here be honest? just once in your mthr fking lives?
Oh shit. I am sorry. I kept scrolling back and forth. Didn't mean to be dishonest. Trump 2.75? I'm thoroughly confused now. Sorry.
you have time to make the change in your first post. make it. Still unclear your Trump figures though. Huh
The graph compares 8 years to less than 4 years for Trump. Obama years money was infused to the government to help unemployment as well as other problems. The graph should compare the point where Obama won the election the first tine to the point where Trump won his first election. So that would be from 6% in Nov. 2008 to 7.8% first administration and 7.8 to 4.9% his second administration. Trumps election 7.5% to current 3.75 for one administration without boosting the economy without artificial means like stimulants.]

So term 1 Obama - 1.8 improvement term 2 - 2.9 improvement; Trump term 1 - 3.75 without artificial infusing of funds.
Yo Jackson buddy, how is it that Obammy gets 7.8 to 4.9% and then Trump starts at 7.5%? explain how that happens? hmmmmmm odd that when obammy left office it was 4.9% and the very next minute Trump had a 7.5% to get down. odd. very odd. Come on, can't any of you pukes in here be honest? just once in your mthr fking lives?
Oh shit. I am sorry. I kept scrolling back and forth. Didn't mean to be dishonest. Trump 2.75? I'm thoroughly confused now. Sorry.
you have time to make the change in your first post. make it. Still unclear your Trump figures though. Huh
I'm not going to try it again. Let's just say, I blew it. I did change the original post though.
What blows my mind is that they just deny it.

It's not as if this chart is the only one that indicates what has happened to the UE rate. It's not hard to find.

That's the power of group ideology.

Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

It’s hilarious you idiots can’t look at all the data objectively. The number of people on food stamps and on welfare was at record levels under the Hussein. It is a fact that the government stopped counting people as unemployed after two years of being unemployed. Did the economy limp on and slowly get better over those eight years, yes.
Now we have a low number of people on welfare and food stamps, high workforce participation rates, higher wages, high stock market, and sustained low unemployment rates.

But hey, you can’t accept reality and the numbers. The liberal media complain about the economy and wages, even though it’s way better now than under the Hussein.
The people on food stamps and welfare exploded because of Bush's Great Recession which shed some 8 million jobs. Also because of fraud as many people lie to qualify.

And the numbers also started dropping by 2013.

Thanks to the Hussein becoming a Lame Duck. That gave the economy hope.
Does it blow your mind that some believe that soft spoken, scrawny, black, Kenyan dude with oversized hearing devices had anything to do with the UE rate? Ask those dumbmotherfuckers what POLICIES he rolled out that steered us out of trouble.
^^^ The rightarded view of the unemployment rate...

The unemployment rate did not come down under Obama. But if it did, it was inspite of Obama. But if it wasn't, it's because the BLS stopped counting unemployed people. But if they didn't it's because they were all part time, burger flipping jobs anyway. But if they weren't, it's because Republicans took over the House in 2011. But if it wasn't that, it's because that's not the real unemployment rate anyway. But if it is, it's because the BLS used fake numbers until Impeached Trump won the election. But if they didn't, it's because gay Barney Frank caused the Great Recession. But if he didn't, then the labor force participation rate dropped.

Rince... blather... repeat...

It’s hilarious you idiots can’t look at all the data objectively. The number of people on food stamps and on welfare was at record levels under the Hussein. It is a fact that the government stopped counting people as unemployed after two years of being unemployed. Did the economy limp on and slowly get better over those eight years, yes.
Now we have a low number of people on welfare and food stamps, high workforce participation rates, higher wages, high stock market, and sustained low unemployment rates.

But hey, you can’t accept reality and the numbers. The liberal media complain about the economy and wages, even though it’s way better now than under the Hussein.
The people on food stamps and welfare exploded because of Bush's Great Recession which shed some 8 million jobs. Also because of fraud as many people lie to qualify.

And the numbers also started dropping by 2013.

Thanks to the Hussein becoming a Lame Duck. That gave the economy hope.
It's still not clear to me what he was attempting to accomplish. His regulations moved jobs off continent, his infusion of money really didn't work, not sure why, and all other moves seemed to be trying to appease by bandaid, rather than a policy infusion. I haven't investigated it all though. It's over, and I don't feel the need to really waste my time to have a bunch of dishonest leftists say uh uh.
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Two things, official unemployment during true Hussein went “down” simply because they stopped counting people that gave up looking for a job after two years. If you look at the percentage of population in the workforce, it dropped drastically during his reign.

It only started to creep up for the better when Dems were thrown out of Congress and the Hussein became a lame duck.

I had forgotten how they quit counting people who quit looking for jobs. I think a lot of funny numbers and creative math were spun. Didn't one exec, Westinghouse?, publicly state that the Obama White House was fixing numbers. Between the work hours being reduced, and people giving up looking for work, I'm thankful we don't have dems in control. I'm glad the charts tell Mac what he wants, but people were hurting badly during ears tenure, and now wages are rising for the first time in a long time and record amounts of people are working. I know Mac hates Trump, but his charts can't coverup that people are much better off today.
So that chart is "fake news". Despite all the available data. Well, at least you folks are consistent.

And I haven't hated anyone since I was in grade school. I leave such emotions to wingers. I wish you'd stop lying about me. The only time I even POST to you is when you're COMPLAINING about me.

The chart is telling you what you want to hear. Charts are good that way. It just kills me that wages are rising the most in a long time and people are working, and you and your collectivist economists are saying how horrible things are. You tell us we don't think facts matter, but you seem to be doing just fine in your echo chamber. Don't mean to sound bitchy, but I honestly disagree with you. Now you can go back to putting up a chart or growth numbers and tell everyone how bad off they are.
It’s pretty clear to everyone we think your post makes you look like an idiot carrying water for the Hussein.
Have I posted something that you feel is incorrect?

We all know you are a leftwing hack. You’re trying to make your Hussein look good. Instead you only made the GOP look good.
Have I posted something that you feel is incorrect?


You know you hurt their feelings... They have a fantasy going on here.

You don't go running around the looney asylum talking about reality and facts. You just upset the patients

PS keep it up:goodposting:
This alternate universe stuff just blows my mind. My curiosity on all this stuff is whether they really believe the stuff they say.

Given how angry they get, I think they do.

This is the power of group ideology. I look at it as a cautionary tale.

This is not about Reality, it is about Tribalism. They are desperate to be a part of something, they feel inadequate with people who talk about evidence and facts. So that is why they try make out the science is alternative tribe, not there one.

Admitting you are right would be going against the tribe and we know what happens to people disloyal to the tribe.
Have I posted something that you feel is incorrect?

We all know you are a leftwing hack. You’re trying to make your Hussein look good. Instead you only made the GOP look good.
Have I posted something that you feel is incorrect?


You know you hurt their feelings... They have a fantasy going on here.

You don't go running around the looney asylum talking about reality and facts. You just upset the patients

PS keep it up:goodposting:
This alternate universe stuff just blows my mind. My curiosity on all this stuff is whether they really believe the stuff they say.

Given how angry they get, I think they do.

This is the power of group ideology. I look at it as a cautionary tale.

This is not about Reality, it is about Tribalism. They are desperate to be a part of something, they feel inadequate with people who talk about evidence and facts. So that is why they try make out the science is alternative tribe, not there one.

Admitting you are right would be going against the tribe and we know what happens to people disloyal to the tribe.

So you are lecturing us about tribes while trying to prop up the record of someone who said a permanent decline is the new normal? It think it would literally kill you to admit the economy is good right now.
Unemploment was 8% when Obama was sworn in...
I cannot believe you dolts still believe you can push propaganda in the era of the internet. :lmao:

Unemployment was at 7.8% when Obama took office. He swore it would never it 8% if we passed his bullshit, unconstitutional, “stimulus package”. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10% afterwards.
Unemploment was 8% when Obama was sworn in...
I cannot believe you dolts still believe you can push propaganda in the era of the internet. :lmao:
View attachment 299185
Unemployment was at 7.8% when Obama took office. He swore it would never it 8% if we passed his bullshit, unconstitutional, “stimulus package”. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10% afterwards.
Actually, at the time Obama said his stimulus plan would keep the unemployment from exceeding 8%, the unemployment was at 6.8%. By the time it passed, the unemployment rate was already up to around 8%.

And Obama never "swore" it wouldn't exceed 8%. He said that 8% figure was an "estimate." Estimates are not swears. "Swore" is your word, not his.
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Two things, official unemployment during true Hussein went “down” simply because they stopped counting people that gave up looking for a job after two years. If you look at the percentage of population in the workforce, it dropped drastically during his reign.

It only started to creep up for the better when Dems were thrown out of Congress and the Hussein became a lame duck.

I had forgotten how they quit counting people who quit looking for jobs. I think a lot of funny numbers and creative math were spun. Didn't one exec, Westinghouse?, publicly state that the Obama White House was fixing numbers. Between the work hours being reduced, and people giving up looking for work, I'm thankful we don't have dems in control. I'm glad the charts tell Mac what he wants, but people were hurting badly during ears tenure, and now wages are rising for the first time in a long time and record amounts of people are working. I know Mac hates Trump, but his charts can't coverup that people are much better off today.
So that chart is "fake news". Despite all the available data. Well, at least you folks are consistent.

And I haven't hated anyone since I was in grade school. I leave such emotions to wingers. I wish you'd stop lying about me. The only time I even POST to you is when you're COMPLAINING about me.

The chart is telling you what you want to hear. Charts are good that way. It just kills me that wages are rising the most in a long time and people are working, and you and your collectivist economists are saying how horrible things are. You tell us we don't think facts matter, but you seem to be doing just fine in your echo chamber. Don't mean to sound bitchy, but I honestly disagree with you. Now you can go back to putting up a chart or growth numbers and tell everyone how bad off they are.
Another lie. I have pointed out many times that the economy is good.

Go ahead. Provide a quote for a change. You can't even bring yourself to admit the obvious.

Constant lies. You people literally can't help yourselves. Go away.
Last edited:
Have I posted something that you feel is incorrect?

We all know you are a leftwing hack. You’re trying to make your Hussein look good. Instead you only made the GOP look good.
Have I posted something that you feel is incorrect?


You know you hurt their feelings... They have a fantasy going on here.

You don't go running around the looney asylum talking about reality and facts. You just upset the patients

PS keep it up:goodposting:
This alternate universe stuff just blows my mind. My curiosity on all this stuff is whether they really believe the stuff they say.

Given how angry they get, I think they do.

This is the power of group ideology. I look at it as a cautionary tale.

This is not about Reality, it is about Tribalism. They are desperate to be a part of something, they feel inadequate with people who talk about evidence and facts. So that is why they try make out the science is alternative tribe, not there one.

Admitting you are right would be going against the tribe and we know what happens to people disloyal to the tribe.
Something this obvious, too. Incredible.

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