Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

Reading again through some of the posts, it's really hitting me here, that the Trumpsters may really not have known how clearly the unemployment rate was heading down after the Meltdown, when Trump took over.

I realize they're kept from a lot of information, but THIS? They REALLY DON'T KNOW?

Are the walls of the alternate universe THIS thick? These numbers aren't exactly a secret.

I guess it's my own fault for just assuming they knew.
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I realize they're kept from a lot of information, but THIS? They REALLY DON'T KNOW?
You know. You know that unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats, and that it resulted in the 2010 midterm “shellacking”. At that after Republicans overwhelming controlled this country, coast-to-coast, the “recovery” began.

Here is the most simple proof that you assholes deny reality and push propaganda. Since getting into office, President Trump has enacted polices that are the polar opposite of Barack Obama. So by your account, we should have seen unemployment skyrocket, the market collapse, and salaries decrease.

Instead, we’ve seen unemployment hit record lows, the market hit record highs, and wages across the U.S. increase. Indisputable proof that you’re an asshole pushing propaganda.
You know. You know that unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats...
...Indisputable proof that you’re an asshole pushing propaganda.
The irony of that one is just breathtaking.

Let me ask you a question. I will believe that you're being serious with your answer.

You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?

Please feel free to go into as much detail as you would like. Looking forward to your clear, direct, specific response.
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You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?
1. A “condition” doesn’t cause something. A condition is the result of something. So your question literally makes 0 sense. :eusa_doh:

If your automobile is in good condition - it’s the result of it being well taken care of. If your automobile is in bad condition, it’s the result of being neglected. The condition wasn’t the cause of the state of the automobile, it is the result.

So you just asked me what result caused the disaster that was the Obama economy. :eusa_doh:

2. When Obama was sworn in, unemployment stood at 7% and change (I want to say 7.8% or something like that). It skyrocketed to over 10% on his watch while the Dumbocrats controlled both chambers. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
You know. You know that unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats...
...Indisputable proof that you’re an asshole pushing propaganda.
The irony of that one is just breathtaking.

Let me ask you a question. I will believe that you're being serious with your answer.

You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?

Please feel free to go into as much detail as you would like. Looking forward to your clear, direct, specific response.

What caused the skyrocketing of unemployment at the start of Obama first term was the crashes that happened from Housing to Banking to the Auto industry but the significant declining did not happen until States and the House flip GOP, so can you explain why?
Indisputable proof that all you do is peddle propaganda.
Thus Trump has been dealt a far better hand than Obama, who took office when the jobless rate was 7.8% and rising. It hit a peak of 10% in October of Obama’s first year.
As always, my memory was spot-on. This anti-Trump hit piece by USA Today even admits that unemployment was at 7.8% the day Obama was sworn in. And yet your chart inexplicably starts with unemployment at 9.5%.

It speaks volumes that you people have to lie every time you post or speak.

Fact check: What President Trump inherits
You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?
1. A “condition” doesn’t cause something. A condition is the result of something. So your question literally makes 0 sense. :eusa_doh:

If your automobile is in good condition - it’s the result of it being well taken care of. If your automobile is in bad condition, it’s the result of being neglected. The condition wasn’t the cause of the state of the automobile, it is the result.

So you just asked me what result caused the disaster that was the Obama economy. :eusa_doh:

2. When Obama was sworn in, unemployment stood at 7% and change (I want to say 7.8% or something like that). It skyrocketed to over 10% on his watch while the Dumbocrats controlled both chambers. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
You appear to be avoiding my question.

Did Obama have anything to do with the temporary unemployment increase, or was it increasing when he took office?

There. That should be better.
Indisputable proof that all you do is peddle propaganda.
Thus Trump has been dealt a far better hand than Obama, who took office when the jobless rate was 7.8% and rising. It hit a peak of 10% in October of Obama’s first year.
As always, my memory was spot-on. This anti-Trump hit piece by USA Today even admits that unemployment was at 7.8% the day Obama was sworn in. And yet your chart inexplicably starts with unemployment at 9.5%.

It speaks volumes that you people have to lie every time you post or speak.

Fact check: What President Trump inherits
I just posted a graphic. Answer my question.
You know. You know that unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats...
...Indisputable proof that you’re an asshole pushing propaganda.
The irony of that one is just breathtaking.

Let me ask you a question. I will believe that you're being serious with your answer.

You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?

Please feel free to go into as much detail as you would like. Looking forward to your clear, direct, specific response.

What caused the skyrocketing of unemployment at the start of Obama first term was the crashes that happened from Housing to Banking to the Auto industry but the significant declining did not happen until States and the House flip GOP, so can you explain why?
Not to someone who will only see half the story.
You know. You know that unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats...
...Indisputable proof that you’re an asshole pushing propaganda.
The irony of that one is just breathtaking.

Let me ask you a question. I will believe that you're being serious with your answer.

You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?

Please feel free to go into as much detail as you would like. Looking forward to your clear, direct, specific response.

What caused the skyrocketing of unemployment at the start of Obama first term was the crashes that happened from Housing to Banking to the Auto industry but the significant declining did not happen until States and the House flip GOP, so can you explain why?
Not to someone who will only see half the story.

Wow, what an insult Mac and you claim to be above all that.

So you are saying I only see half of it because it was only Bush fault, am I correct?

A President actions has limited amount of how the unemployment will spike and decrease across the nation.

What should be discuss is the regulations on State levels, trade agreements, and when States like California, New York and Texas head into recession the country will also follow because the majority of other States are used to supply those three States for production to be exported back to the other states or around the world...

I know I just need to scream " Obama " savedcus all, right?
You know. You know that unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats...
...Indisputable proof that you’re an asshole pushing propaganda.
The irony of that one is just breathtaking.

Let me ask you a question. I will believe that you're being serious with your answer.

You say "unemployment skyrocketed under Barack Obama". What conditions caused that to happen, specifically?

Please feel free to go into as much detail as you would like. Looking forward to your clear, direct, specific response.

What caused the skyrocketing of unemployment at the start of Obama first term was the crashes that happened from Housing to Banking to the Auto industry but the significant declining did not happen until States and the House flip GOP, so can you explain why?
Not to someone who will only see half the story.

Wow, what an insult Mac and you claim to be above all that.

So you are saying I only see half of it because it was only Bush fault, am I correct?

A President actions has limited amount of how the unemployment will spike and decrease across the nation.

What should be discuss is the regulations on State levels, trade agreements, and when States like California, New York and Texas head into recession the country will also follow because the majority of other States are used to supply those three States for production to be exported back to the other states or around the world...

I know I just need to scream " Obama " savedcus all, right?
Scream whatever you'd like.
Did Obama have anything to do with the temporary unemployment increase, or was it increasing when he took office?
Of course he had something to do with it. His rhetoric about the “evils” of wealth and his plans to redistribute it, panicked the markets, and his policies destroyed them.

You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. The unemployment rate doesn’t skyrocket if Obama and the Dumbocrats implement the right policies. Stop denying reality. And stop being a blind, devout partisan to a failed ideology. Either look at the facts and accept them, or move along.
Well, go ahead you demented double talking ignorant hypocritical loser.

God, talking of losers. You talk about the unemployment rate going up between 2007-2010 like there was no GFC. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up.

And while you're at it, you whine on about how all the good news during those times were due to a GoP Congress - please spell out the bills they passed during those years that helped. Take your time.
It did not go over 10% and it did not go up for Obama's first two years. The post was total bullshit and 46 pages later the sheep are still defending it.
I assume they get that stuff from their alternate universe websites.

Oh I see. Well, that's your opinion you gathered from the stuff you pull up and post. You are a rabid centrist so you are a lived to say it's crap. You already know your sources are the only correct ones. That's a very rabid centrist way to be about it. Honestly, normal folks just don't care. They are working or they aren't.
I'm not a centrist.

So anyway, what is your independent, original, intelligent, informed analysis of the graph in the OP, specifically within the context of the quote I provided?

Or are just going to whine that I provided it?

Nope. I'm indifferent towards it because his graph and your graph mean jack shit out in the real world to normal folks. No one gives two fucks about yalls pretty pictures. Cash in their pockets matter. Being able to dump a shit ton of cash at Christmas matters.

Then there is the argument it's self. It reminds me of the psychic battle from South Park.

It only means shit to y'all. For my part I did not starve during Tokens reign. I was for the most part indifferent to it. He was a weak presidant whose legacy will be that one black dude on the rulers you buy in DC gift shops. Bammer is gone. Folks have money now. The graphs mean nothing.

Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight or honest answer!

Data, facts and graphs don't matter to Trumpsters, I get it.


Why do you never bring this real data up ??

Are you scared ??

Afraid to be seen as stoopid for not supporting trump ?


There is a sharp divide between males and females in their approval of the President’s approval. Among men, Trump has a 57% approval and 38% disapproval rating whereas among women Trump’s approval flips; he has a 38% approval and 57% majority disapproval.


No nation can survive this type of massive gender difference
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Getting from 10 to 5% is pretty easy. Especially during a recovery.

Getting below 4% takes a really good situation.

Neither one gets credit.

It is a very complicated mess and the implication of this thread OP is total bullshit.
I just posted a graphic.
A graphic that was 100% inaccurate. So either you posted something you knew to be false or you were too lazy to make sure you were posting accurate information. Which is it?
100% inaccurate. I see.

Please expand on that. Perhaps you can provide a more accurate graphic depicting the unemployment rate during that time.

Looking forward to it. Thanks.
Did Obama have anything to do with the temporary unemployment increase, or was it increasing when he took office?
Of course he had something to do with it. His rhetoric about the “evils” of wealth and his plans to redistribute it, panicked the markets, and his policies destroyed them.

You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. The unemployment rate doesn’t skyrocket if Obama and the Dumbocrats implement the right policies. Stop denying reality. And stop being a blind, devout partisan to a failed ideology. Either look at the facts and accept them, or move along.
In what direction was the unemployment rate heading just before Obama took office?

And please back up your response with graphical evidence.


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