Trump Takes Putin's Word Over The US Intelligence Community...Again

Putin is not our friend..... look it up .... he is propping up North Korea, he is much off our problem in the middle east, and on and on ........
Yes, he supports Kim Jong Un more than China. China would not want a nuclear conflict so close, for Russia it's not as important as there is only one big city nearby.
Since when can you not play golf on Veterans Day?

You understand that bone spurs are chronic and become painful after repeated injury right? No, you don’t because you are an idiot.

That didn't seem to be a problem for Trump-0 He can't even remember which foot had the bone spurs.
Trump Got A Medical Draft Deferment For Heel Spurs, But Couldn’t Remember Which Foot Was Affected

The ignorance of leftists never ceases to amaze me.

So explain it. If I had a problem causing bone spur, I know I would remember which foot it was on.

Actually wtf, I’m bored so here goes:

Two ways I can debunk your stupidity

1. Bone spurs are often painless and only manifest with pain from repeated stress such as running or any other high impact activity. They can occur in one or both feet and They can only be diagnosed by x-ray. It’s entirely possible that it was diagnosed without ever causing him pain and he forgot which foot it was.

2. You cannot get a medical deferment by simply walking into the selective service office and telling them you have bone spurs. They have to be diagnosed by a doctor and no doctor is going to lie about that.

I just annoyed the pig.

Right. No doctor would ever lie about a patient's health. Do you really think Trump-0 is the healthiest president ever? How do you explain the following?

Doctor: Trump would be healthiest president ever
Donald Trump has "extraordinary" stamina and physical strength and would be the healthiest person ever elected president, his doctor said in a statement released Monday.

Bull shit. Those liars claiming collusion are very far from patriots.

Fuck the CIA, praise the Kremlin

Liars are liars wherever they are and they are not patriots. Your lame attempts at a “gotcha” fails as always.

Yeah, and Putin is a truth teller and our government Intel are liars. Is that what you'e saying?

If not, then you're playing games

Again with the “gotcha” bull shit. This ones too stupid to respond to.
Bull shit. Those liars claiming collusion are very far from patriots.

Fuck the CIA, praise the Kremlin

Liars are liars wherever they are and they are not patriots. Your lame attempts at a “gotcha” fails as always.

Yeah, and Putin is a truth teller and our government Intel are liars. Is that what you'e saying?

If not, then you're playing games

Again with the “gotcha” bull shit. This ones too stupid to respond to.

That didn't seem to be a problem for Trump-0 He can't even remember which foot had the bone spurs.
Trump Got A Medical Draft Deferment For Heel Spurs, But Couldn’t Remember Which Foot Was Affected

The ignorance of leftists never ceases to amaze me.

So explain it. If I had a problem causing bone spur, I know I would remember which foot it was on.

Actually wtf, I’m bored so here goes:

Two ways I can debunk your stupidity

1. Bone spurs are often painless and only manifest with pain from repeated stress such as running or any other high impact activity. They can occur in one or both feet and They can only be diagnosed by x-ray. It’s entirely possible that it was diagnosed without ever causing him pain and he forgot which foot it was.

2. You cannot get a medical deferment by simply walking into the selective service office and telling them you have bone spurs. They have to be diagnosed by a doctor and no doctor is going to lie about that.

I just annoyed the pig.

Right. No doctor would ever lie about a patient's health. Do you really think Trump-0 is the healthiest president ever? How do you explain the following?

Doctor: Trump would be healthiest president ever
Donald Trump has "extraordinary" stamina and physical strength and would be the healthiest person ever elected president, his doctor said in a statement released Monday.


Of course you do. You believe anything Trump-0 says. I'll bet you think there were more at his inauguration than any other president, ever.
Bull shit. Those liars claiming collusion are very far from patriots.

Fuck the CIA, praise the Kremlin

Liars are liars wherever they are and they are not patriots. Your lame attempts at a “gotcha” fails as always.

Yeah, and Putin is a truth teller and our government Intel are liars. Is that what you'e saying?

If not, then you're playing games

Again with the “gotcha” bull shit. This ones too stupid to respond to.

Nothing to do with gotcha. Do you believe Putin is a truth teller, and our government are liars, or not?
The strongest circumstantial case I've ever seen: Trump is being held hostage by Putin, who has something on him that even Trump believes he can't survive
No one has proved that the Russian government hacked the DNC.
Every single person who has heard the evidence (we won't hear it) agrees without any question that Russia has interfered with our election process by inserting themselves into our discussion of candidates and issues disguised as Americans on social media They bought and until very recently were still buying ads that encouraged divisiveness and they were playing both sides--not just Repub or Dem. The Russians also did a fishing expedition to see if they could hack into election computers. All of this is known without a doubt. I don't know about the DNC server. I know enough to say the Russians interfered with our election.
So you should have no trouble showing us the proof.
Get yourself elected to Senate or as a need to know member of Trump's administration, and they'll share it with you. Check with the Republicans who have learned the facts. No one is disputing this except Trump, which is my point. I'm not sure he's playing with a full deck.
If there was proof, why would they not provide it? You may choose to take the word of known liars but others don't have to be stupid right along with you.
The same intelligence community that confirmed the existence of WMDs in Iraq? Why would anyone not take their word for something?
The same exact Iraq war that you were totally in support of, and still defend today? You mean that one?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
I believe it was you liberals who claimed the intelligence community were lying about WMDs. You didn't think they were lying when it was Bill Clinton wanting to invade, but the same intel was false when Bush wanted to. I understand why you want to deflect, since your hypocrisy has been once again exposed.

It was claimed that the administration was lying, not the intelligence community. The intelligence agencies were relying on a bad source, which they, themselves, exposed to the White House. The white house suppressed that information and lied to Congress and the world. Of course, that doesnt bother you one bit.
Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you sound trying to sell that bullshit? Back that shit up with some facts, and I don't mean from some left wing propaganda site.

The Look Of Love. And Treason

President Donald Trump just sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the US intelligence community. That’s because in one of their conversations during an international summit in Vietnam, Putin denied that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election — and Trump bought it.

“He said he didn't meddle, he said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One today. “Every time he sees me he says I didn't do that and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it.”

It’s remarkable enough that Trump openly admitted he just believed whatever Putin told him. It’s even more startling when you realize that in January, the FBI, CIA, and NSA clearly assessed that Russia did interfere in the election — and that Putin was behind it. Here’s part of that conclusion:

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.

Trump also took the chance to go after former prominent intelligence and law enforcement officials who disagree with his Russia views.

"I mean, give me a break, they are political hacks," Trump said. "So you look at it, I mean, you have [former CIA Director John] Brennan, you have [former Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper and you have [former FBI Director Jim] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he is proven now to be a leaker. So you look at that and you have President Putin very strongly, vehemently says he had nothing to do with them."

This isn’t the first time Trump accepted Putin’s account about election interference. On July 7, the two men had a one-on-one meeting at the G20, a gathering of the world’s top 20 economies. There, Putin also denied Russia’s efforts to interfere in the election, and Trump reportedly took it at face value.

Trump and Putin weren’t scheduled to meet during the the forum, but it was always possible that they would run into each other. They shook hands at a dinner for leaders on Friday and stood next to each other during a leaders’s photo on Saturday.

Trump added that he’d now rather discuss issues like Syria and Ukraine with Putin, noting that every time he brings up the Russia issue, Putin is unhappy. “I think he is very insulted by it,” he said.

After Trump’s comments, others might feel insulted, too — especially members of the US intelligence community.

Trump undercuts the US intelligence community again
Trump has, at best, a complicated relationship with America’s spies.

He frequently attacked the intelligence community’s skills and integrity during both the campaign and the early months of his presidency. He dismisses any investigation into Russia’s meddling as a “hoax.” He has repeatedly mocked American intelligence officers for the mistaken conclusion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, a rationale that paved the way for the 2003 invasion.

Trump has likened American spies to Nazis because he believed they leaked information about him.

And he spent part of his first full day in office at a memorial for the CIA’s fallen heroes attacking the media and lying about the size of his crowd at the inaugural.

However, Trump does like CIA Director Mike Pompeo — but that could be because Pompeo has no problem distorting Russia-related intelligence to in Trump’s favor. The CIA told me earlier this week that Pompeo stands by the January assessment. Pompeo is reportedly in consideration to become the next secretary of state.

So Trump doesn’t seem to trust the intelligence community. That’s his choice — but it’s concerning that he’ll trust Putin instead.

Trump chooses Putin's word over the US intelligence community — again

Why facts don't matter to Trump's supporters - The Washington Post

4 aug. 2016 - How did Donald Trump win the Republican nomination, despite clear evidence that he had misrepresented or falsified key issues throughout ...

Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans ...

12 maj 2015 - Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans who are ... The Weinstein Moment and the Trump Presidency.
The same intelligence community that confirmed the existence of WMDs in Iraq? Why would anyone not take their word for something?
The same exact Iraq war that you were totally in support of, and still defend today? You mean that one?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
I believe it was you liberals who claimed the intelligence community were lying about WMDs. You didn't think they were lying when it was Bill Clinton wanting to invade, but the same intel was false when Bush wanted to. I understand why you want to deflect, since your hypocrisy has been once again exposed.

It was claimed that the administration was lying, not the intelligence community. The intelligence agencies were relying on a bad source, which they, themselves, exposed to the White House. The white house suppressed that information and lied to Congress and the world. Of course, that doesnt bother you one bit.
Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you sound trying to sell that bullshit? Back that shit up with some facts, and I don't mean from some left wing propaganda site.

They are facts. Nobody cares if you know them or not.
Trump slams former US intel leaders as 'political hacks'

Trump Says Putin ‘Means It’ About Not Meddling

Trump slams Americans who put their lives in danger to protect this country while relying on the word of a former KGB agent and murderous thug, Vladimir Putin.

Trump Sides With Putin Over U.S. Intelligence On Election Meddling

Putin is sincere, but Americans protecting this country are hacks.

Trump Lashes Out At McCain: 'I Like People Who Weren't Captured'

Yet everyone who believes in the phony dossier is putting "THEIR FAITH in KGB agents" for the truth.. Ain't that right Mr DNC?

Actually, no longer KGB, but buying rounds of drinks in Moscow from some old "disinformation agent" friends can produce remarkably funny and clever fictional tales. That WAS the KEY piece of evidence in your "collusion" myth -- wasn't it?
The same intelligence community that confirmed the existence of WMDs in Iraq? Why would anyone not take their word for something?
The same exact Iraq war that you were totally in support of, and still defend today? You mean that one?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
I believe it was you liberals who claimed the intelligence community were lying about WMDs. You didn't think they were lying when it was Bill Clinton wanting to invade, but the same intel was false when Bush wanted to. I understand why you want to deflect, since your hypocrisy has been once again exposed.

It was claimed that the administration was lying, not the intelligence community. The intelligence agencies were relying on a bad source, which they, themselves, exposed to the White House. The white house suppressed that information and lied to Congress and the world. Of course, that doesnt bother you one bit.
Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you sound trying to sell that bullshit? Back that shit up with some facts, and I don't mean from some left wing propaganda site.

They are facts. Nobody cares if you know them or not.
IOW, you have no facts. Thanks, you're dismissed.
The same exact Iraq war that you were totally in support of, and still defend today? You mean that one?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
I believe it was you liberals who claimed the intelligence community were lying about WMDs. You didn't think they were lying when it was Bill Clinton wanting to invade, but the same intel was false when Bush wanted to. I understand why you want to deflect, since your hypocrisy has been once again exposed.

It was claimed that the administration was lying, not the intelligence community. The intelligence agencies were relying on a bad source, which they, themselves, exposed to the White House. The white house suppressed that information and lied to Congress and the world. Of course, that doesnt bother you one bit.
Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you sound trying to sell that bullshit? Back that shit up with some facts, and I don't mean from some left wing propaganda site.

They are facts. Nobody cares if you know them or not.
IOW, you have no facts. Thanks, you're dismissed.

"You're dismissed"

And you're dismissive.
Trump may be stupid for believing Putin...

...but then again, the Intel Community has given Trump no reason to trust them.

They are full of Obama holdover loyalists who illegally shared and leaked Personal Protected Classified Information on his team AND helped illegally unmask members of his family / team in an attempt to undermine him / his administration...

...they helped Obama illegally spy on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on members of the US Senate, and on the USSC...

Many of these people should be in jail right now...instead of someone asking, 'Gee, why doesn't Trump trust the Intel Community' ... who have already betrayed him AND the American people...
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

LMAO!!!! The CIA can mimic cyber attacks and the fact that the DNC refused to turn their server over the the FBI is most telling....THEN we have Donna Brazile saying that the death of Seth Rich (the real leaker of the DNC e-mails) getting murdered sent chills up her spine tells me that EVERYTHING I have contended since July of 2016 was "dead on". You and your leftard pals are stone cold "busted".......and the "ROOOSKIES" played no part in it.
The ignorance of leftists never ceases to amaze me.

So explain it. If I had a problem causing bone spur, I know I would remember which foot it was on.

Actually wtf, I’m bored so here goes:

Two ways I can debunk your stupidity

1. Bone spurs are often painless and only manifest with pain from repeated stress such as running or any other high impact activity. They can occur in one or both feet and They can only be diagnosed by x-ray. It’s entirely possible that it was diagnosed without ever causing him pain and he forgot which foot it was.

2. You cannot get a medical deferment by simply walking into the selective service office and telling them you have bone spurs. They have to be diagnosed by a doctor and no doctor is going to lie about that.

I just annoyed the pig.

Right. No doctor would ever lie about a patient's health. Do you really think Trump-0 is the healthiest president ever? How do you explain the following?

Doctor: Trump would be healthiest president ever
Donald Trump has "extraordinary" stamina and physical strength and would be the healthiest person ever elected president, his doctor said in a statement released Monday.


Of course you do. You believe anything Trump-0 says. I'll bet you think there were more at his inauguration than any other president, ever.

No, moron, I don't believe everything he says. What I believe is that you are a complete idiot and a hack. More people VIEWED Trump's Inauguration than any other POTUS before him. It's easy to see that when you use knowledge and sense. Of course, lacking knowledge and sense, you can't understand that.

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