Trump Takes Putin's Word Over The US Intelligence Community...Again

Trump also tweeted: "When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics - bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!"

Having a good relationship is good but having a relationship kissing Putin ass and scared of Putin is a different story.
Then blasted his own intelligence for the sake of his master is a sign weakness and a traitor to America.
Dude just admit it this lousy POTUS is nothing but a clown. A TOTAL DISGRACE.
Our intelligence agencies are infiltrated by democrats. In some, democrats control. Of course, it goes without saying that Putin is more trustworthy than democrats. After all, it was Putin's intelligence that tried to warn us about the Boston Bombers and our own democrat controlled intelligence that chose to let the bombers go so they could kill. That had to be deliberate.

REALLY? How about his own intelligence directors that he hired? Are they democrats? This has nothing to do with democrats ———- it has something to do with this puppet president.

And who give a shit about Putin?
After yesterday, I'm really beginning to wonder if the President is playing with a full deck.

He is entitled to his opinions on what will make America safest, richest, best. I don't necessarily agree but he gets to decide.

He made two comments yesterday, though, that show he's completely cut off from the reality on the ground.

First, The President says Putin really seems sincere that he didn't have anything to do with interfering in our election. Then one of his handlers pulled him aside and said, Sir: You just threw US Intelligence under the bus. You need to fix that. So the Pres comes back with the profound observation that Putin believes he didn't interfere with the election. So what does that have to do with the price of eggs, and why does the President think Putin is going to tell the truth on this matter? This is what I mean about the President not relying on any facts in that "gut feeling" of his.

Second, while the State Department and who knows who else is madly trying to reach out to North Korea to initiate some sort of talks/negotiations regarding their nukes, Trump gets hold of his phone and calls Kim Jung Un short and fat. Well, that will certainly help things along, Mr. President. Ultimately, it is whether the President can be trusted at his word for negotiations to be successful. Yet the President stands at the podium saying he hopes to God we will not have war with North Korea and 24 hours later he is flaming KJU on Twitter. The President is not taking any of the ongoing diplomatic efforts into consideration while he plays his games. He is showing no understanding of the actual reality of the situation whatsoever.

Two examples in one day. I am beginning to wonder.

US intelligence never examined the servers. It's that simple.
The Intelligence services said the exact copy that was provided by the DNC was sufficient. If it hadn't been, they would have gotten the actual servers.

I've never seen a link to that. Comey said they believed CrowdStrike. In testimony.

"The FBI instead relied on the assessment of a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke. Comey told senators that the "highly respected private company eventually got access and shared" the evidence with the FBI".

FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics
No one has proved that the Russian government hacked the DNC.
Every single person who has heard the evidence (we won't hear it) agrees without any question that Russia has interfered with our election process by inserting themselves into our discussion of candidates and issues disguised as Americans on social media They bought and until very recently were still buying ads that encouraged divisiveness and they were playing both sides--not just Repub or Dem. The Russians also did a fishing expedition to see if they could hack into election computers. All of this is known without a doubt. I don't know about the DNC server. I know enough to say the Russians interfered with our election.
So you should have no trouble showing us the proof.
Get yourself elected to Senate or as a need to know member of Trump's administration, and they'll share it with you. Check with the Republicans who have learned the facts. No one is disputing this except Trump, which is my point. I'm not sure he's playing with a full deck.

Why should anyone believe CrowdStrike. Any moron who believes CrowdStrike for all their fuckups is the one not playing with a full deck.
So we are going to start World War 3 over Facebook ads? We are going to hold an evil sociopath to a higher standard than ourselves?.

Are we going to turn over America to the Russians? Better RED than dead?

So are we going to go after every country that interferes in our government? Should Trump turn over Obama to Israel?

Should Trump turn over Obama to Israel? Why? Israel is a foreign country. Are you proving that Trump is a traitor and a foreign agent that sided with foreign countries like Russia?
Trump loud and clear he is threat and danger to this country. A TRAITOR. Sad. Very sad.
No one has proved that the Russian government hacked the DNC.
Every single person who has heard the evidence (we won't hear it) agrees without any question that Russia has interfered with our election process by inserting themselves into our discussion of candidates and issues disguised as Americans on social media They bought and until very recently were still buying ads that encouraged divisiveness and they were playing both sides--not just Repub or Dem. The Russians also did a fishing expedition to see if they could hack into election computers. All of this is known without a doubt. I don't know about the DNC server. I know enough to say the Russians interfered with our election.
So you should have no trouble showing us the proof.
Get yourself elected to Senate or as a need to know member of Trump's administration, and they'll share it with you. Check with the Republicans who have learned the facts. No one is disputing this except Trump, which is my point. I'm not sure he's playing with a full deck.

Why should anyone believe CrowdStrike. Any moron who believes CrowdStrike for all their fuckups is the one not playing with a full deck.
Why are you so against our intelligence services? Are you not from here? What is it with you? I trust them when there is absolutely no disagreement, equivocation or dispute between them, or from anyone who has heard and seen the evidence.
The Russians did it. Whether you think Crowd Strike was appropriate, the FBI and the other intelligence services did. No disrespect, but I tend to think they know more about it than you or I.
Trump also tweeted: "When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics - bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!"

Having a good relationship is good but having a relationship kissing Putin ass and scared of Putin is a different story.
Then blasted his own intelligence for the sake of his master is a sign weakness and a traitor to America.
Dude just admit it this lousy POTUS is nothing but a clown. A TOTAL DISGRACE.
You insult Clowns
No one has proved that the Russian government hacked the DNC.
Every single person who has heard the evidence (we won't hear it) agrees without any question that Russia has interfered with our election process by inserting themselves into our discussion of candidates and issues disguised as Americans on social media They bought and until very recently were still buying ads that encouraged divisiveness and they were playing both sides--not just Repub or Dem. The Russians also did a fishing expedition to see if they could hack into election computers. All of this is known without a doubt. I don't know about the DNC server. I know enough to say the Russians interfered with our election.
So you should have no trouble showing us the proof.
Get yourself elected to Senate or as a need to know member of Trump's administration, and they'll share it with you. Check with the Republicans who have learned the facts. No one is disputing this except Trump, which is my point. I'm not sure he's playing with a full deck.

Why should anyone believe CrowdStrike. Any moron who believes CrowdStrike for all their fuckups is the one not playing with a full deck.
Why are you so against our intelligence services? Are you not from here? What is it with you? I trust them when there is absolutely no disagreement, equivocation or dispute between them, or from anyone who has heard and seen the evidence.
The Russians did it. Whether you think Crowd Strike was appropriate, the FBI and the other intelligence services did. No disrespect, but I tend to think they know more about it than you or I.

An FBI run by Comey and McCabe. Clapper was Obama's man who lied in testimony to Congress. You bet I don't believe these freaking players. They are liars.

Proven liars.
The same intelligence community that confirmed the existence of WMDs in Iraq? Why would anyone not take their word for something?
The same exact Iraq war that you were totally in support of, and still defend today? You mean that one?

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I believe it was you liberals who claimed the intelligence community were lying about WMDs. You didn't think they were lying when it was Bill Clinton wanting to invade, but the same intel was false when Bush wanted to. I understand why you want to deflect, since your hypocrisy has been once again exposed.

It was claimed that the administration was lying, not the intelligence community. The intelligence agencies were relying on a bad source, which they, themselves, exposed to the White House. The white house suppressed that information and lied to Congress and the world. Of course, that doesnt bother you one bit.
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Didn't the intelligence agencies try to pass off the "Trump getting hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in" as real?
Not at all.
how can trump believe our intelligence agencies and believe putin too They don't s**t in Russia without Putin's OK

It's just another example of Trump's personal interests not aligning with America's interests. He is the most unfit man ever to hold the office.
Didn't the intelligence agencies try to pass off the "Trump getting hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in" as real?
Red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is about Trump taking the word of the anti-democratic dictator of an enemy state over that of his own intelligence agencies.

The stupidity of Trump and the blind partisan right is remarkable.
and they keep outdoing themselves Just when you think they've reached the height of stupidity they come up with something more moronic

If the intelligence agencies are trying to pass off bad intelligence as good plus add the "leaks" is it any wonder that he doesn't take the intelligence agencies word for it

Oh if any of that has anything to do with Trunp's obstinance. Trust me, you have thought 100% further into it than the orange retard has.
If Trump says this very same thing to a Russian official before the 2020 election, will Progs get their balls twisted?

Just change “Obama” to “Trump”...then it’s collusion. Right?:badgrin:

Despicable, on veterans day, is exactly right, whoever started this thread and supported the OP are despicable. I am happy for message boards such as this. It allows the idiots to show us who they really are. The leftist Democrats respect no part of our history and will use any national holiday for their own demented political agendas.

sad to see members here that must stoop so low, I will never be a democrat, same as I will never be a liar or a pedophile.
Putin is not our friend..... look it up .... he is propping up North Korea, he is much off our problem in the middle east, and on and on ........

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