Trump Tariffs to add $5800 cost to new cars

That is 2200 in EURPOE! Their isn't 2200 dollars worth of steel or aluminum in a Harley. Geezus!
The tariff is on the motorcycles, not the steel. Holy shit.

Yes, that go into EUROPE! How does that affect you? You in Europe?
I guess I don't really care if Harley Davidson vanishes, so it doesn't affect me much.

I think tariffs suck! But, I believe in FAIR, and OPEN trade. We will see who buckles 1st, and it will be Europe-)
Yes it will be great when Europe starts charging us more for what they sell us.

Oh well, know what happens then? We ramp up production here, and supply ourselves. With all the regs gone that Trump got rid of, won't be long at all.

You really should have MORE confidence in America! We can build anything better, faster, and cheaper, that is actually worth anything than anyone else. If we couldn't, Europe wouldn't be taxing our autos at 20% on the way in-) They need us more than they fear us though, and tariffs will go away quickly.
The cost of making them absolutely ywill increase. If you are suggesting they will not pass this on to the consumer, then they will produce less and lay off workers.

It's one or the other. Or, both.
Companies absorb costs all the time to keep production and sales makers deal with costs from government action on a daily bases...making trade fair for the United States is not a bad thing...why do you think it is?

We are essentially at full one is going to lose their job over tariffs..
That makes zero sense. Yes, they could lose their jobs. Might they then find a job I .another field? Sure. But you are delusional to think full employment guarantees all jobs.

I gotta say, the abject ignorance of simple concepts is really on display in this thread.

These Leftists are actually pretty funny, although they may shake up a few people.

QUESTION--------> Of the autos built here, how much do YOU think the tariffs will affect the price ?

ANSWER: Reality says 400 to 600 bucks, but that is NOT the end of the story-) How much of a rebate does an automaker put on their vehicles, and STILL MAKE A PROFIT?!?!?!?!?! (Lefties are now frowning as they catch my drift, ruining the OPs thread)

Soooooooooooo, the question is NOT how much more we are all going to have to pay, but rather...…… much CAN the automakers pass on to us before they hurt their sales. The built in profit of these vehicles tell you, that if it is 600 bucks more, then the automaker can pass on 600 hundred, to instead of a 2000 dollar rebate give 1500, and still make a profit!

And honestly, why should the Lefties care? If we all ride bikes, it will help the environment, lol. The Left just has to doom and gloom, because they have NOTHING else, including a way to stop the GOP from installing the New Supreme, lolol.

Feel lucky Leftists, and count your blessings. Just think, you have Auntie Maxine, Fancy Nancy, Chucky Shmucky, Keith X Ellison, and your new hero...…...the next congress critter from New York, the Democratic Socialist!

Oh wait, wait, I typed the sentence wrong; what I meant to say was---------> We conservatives should be counting our blessings that the Leftists have these people as their leaders. And we will be REMINDING America of their leaders each and every day till November, along with GREAT video footage, hehehehehehehehehehehe!

Really? I mean REALLY?
Give us a proof of what you are saying. How in the world you came up with those figures?
Like I said or asked repeatedly. Give me one lousy economist or famous economist that supports Trumpy trade wars. Give me one Republicans that came out speaking supporting Trump trade wars.

I don't have to, you said the price of Harleys was going up 2200 bucks. If you mean Europe, you are wrong cause they are shifting production there. If you mean here, you are also wrong, because it has no effect on goods built here.

Therefore, what is your point?

YES YOU DO. You came up with those figures to support your lies. So...... PROVE IT. It also mean your whole post is just bullshit. You don’t know what you are talking about that I can guarantee you 100%.

Any company like Harley shifting to other countries..... Is very bad. Harley excuses is the tariffs.

So then, you ADMIT like the phony baloney you are, that Harleys are NOT going up in this country 2200 bucks, and that they are NOT going up in Europe 2200 bucks because they shifted production there. YES or NO! No moving the damn goalposts!
The tariff is on the motorcycles, not the steel. Holy shit.

Yes, that go into EUROPE! How does that affect you? You in Europe?
I guess I don't really care if Harley Davidson vanishes, so it doesn't affect me much.

I think tariffs suck! But, I believe in FAIR, and OPEN trade. We will see who buckles 1st, and it will be Europe-)
Yes it will be great when Europe starts charging us more for what they sell us.

Oh well, know what happens then? We ramp up production here, and supply ourselves. With all the regs gone that Trump got rid of, won't be long at all.

You really should have MORE confidence in America! We can build anything better, faster, and cheaper, that is actually worth anything than anyone else. If we couldn't, Europe wouldn't be taxing our autos at 20% on the way in-) They need us more than they fear us though, and tariffs will go away quickly.
It will lower quality of life, decrease production, and speed up automation.
You can call it Suzie if it makes you happy. But whatever you CALL IT, it is fundamentally an increase of costs and volatility at time of full employment
Only in your hate Trump and America last mind....Trump is defending American citizens from dishonest nations that have taken advantage of us for far too deal with it....


Bad idea is a bad idea, nothing to do with the feely touchy nonsense you are pushing.
I bet you like China stealing from our corporations? under cutting us?
BS the cost will not go up that car sales are at the breaking point now....tariffs or not the auto makers still want to sell forces and competition will control costs....stop with the scare tactics on tariffs....we are only leveling out the field...we are only doing to others what others have done and are doing to us regarding import exports.....knock it off!

You are in full denial. Harley Davidson first casualty will increase average of $2,200. See link.
These are not scare tactics. It’s the reality. And it will hit your wallet. I guarantee you 100%.

Harley-Davidson warns European tariffs will cause a 'tremendous cost increase' (HOG) | Markets Insider

That is 2200 in EURPOE! Their isn't 2200 dollars worth of steel or aluminum in a Harley. Geezus!
The tariff is on the motorcycles, not the steel. Holy shit.

Yes, that go into EUROPE! How does that affect you? You in Europe?
I guess I don't really care if Harley Davidson vanishes, so it doesn't affect me much.

It doesn’t affect me at all either but I do care about Americans losing their jobs because of stupidity.

Harley is not the only one using aluminums.
Housing industries, manufacturers of medical instruments ( like me ), can goods or any products that uses aluminums.
This will hit peoples wallets across the board.

If a price of a lettuce or banana goes up What made you think people like mechanics, hair dressers, restaurants etc etc etc will not increase their prices?

If my vendors (machinist) that make my fabricated aluminum parts are paying higher prices at the groceries. What made you think he will not me charge higher?

If my my fabricated parts are higher. What made you think I will not charge my customers (hospitals, labs and research labs) higher?

If my customers (hospitals) are being billed higher. What made you think hospitals will not billed their patients higher?
BS the cost will not go up that car sales are at the breaking point now....tariffs or not the auto makers still want to sell forces and competition will control costs....stop with the scare tactics on tariffs....we are only leveling out the field...we are only doing to others what others have done and are doing to us regarding import exports.....knock it off!

You are in full denial. Harley Davidson first casualty will increase average of $2,200. See link.
These are not scare tactics. It’s the reality. And it will hit your wallet. I guarantee you 100%.

Harley-Davidson warns European tariffs will cause a 'tremendous cost increase' (HOG) | Markets Insider

And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

I don’t have to. Read the link I posted that for you so you understand how bad is the trade wars.

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Of course, the OP doesn't mention the "could" part but just makes it seem like it's a sure thing. That's called "misleading."

And, uh, are cars too expensive in China? China, as most know, fiercely protects its car industry with high tariffs and other trade restrictions. Yet, private car ownership has been steadily increasing in China. In 2015 alone, 23.5 million new cars were registered in China. Private car ownership in China is now approaching 200 million, even though China has a tremendous public transportation system. Gee, how could this be?
Just think of all the carbon emission savings if people don't buy new cars and instead take public transportation. That should make the left happy.
BS the cost will not go up that car sales are at the breaking point now....tariffs or not the auto makers still want to sell forces and competition will control costs....stop with the scare tactics on tariffs....we are only leveling out the field...we are only doing to others what others have done and are doing to us regarding import exports.....knock it off!

You are in full denial. Harley Davidson first casualty will increase average of $2,200. See link.
These are not scare tactics. It’s the reality. And it will hit your wallet. I guarantee you 100%.

Harley-Davidson warns European tariffs will cause a 'tremendous cost increase' (HOG) | Markets Insider

And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

Read my post #87. Did I say in US?

I made an error in using US$ instead on European currency. I apologize.

You are concentrating on my 2200 when Ive been asking you to prove your lying post. You came up nothing.
BS the cost will not go up that car sales are at the breaking point now....tariffs or not the auto makers still want to sell forces and competition will control costs....stop with the scare tactics on tariffs....we are only leveling out the field...we are only doing to others what others have done and are doing to us regarding import exports.....knock it off!

You are in full denial. Harley Davidson first casualty will increase average of $2,200. See link.
These are not scare tactics. It’s the reality. And it will hit your wallet. I guarantee you 100%.

Harley-Davidson warns European tariffs will cause a 'tremendous cost increase' (HOG) | Markets Insider

And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

I don’t have to. Read the link I posted that for you so you understand how bad is the trade wars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Forget it, and let me state for the sir/ma'am, are a phony-E-Baloney of the highest purity. Let me state again------>TARIFFS SUCK! Let me also state again------>your assertion that Harleys will cost 2200 more here, or in Europe, is a leftist/liberal/Marxist, fabrication. A fabrication stated to purposely cause, consternation, and exasperation. You KNEW (and so did I) exactly what you were trying to do, and there is no doubt in anybodys mind that people like you, are at least 1/2 the problem.

It is NOT that your position is bad, but that you LIE to support it, that instantly makes your position UNTENABLE once you are exposed.

Now go pound sand, you phony-baloney!
5 ways the Trump tariffs will hit your wallet

To recap the status of Trump’s trade wars: Since January, Trump has imposed tariffs ranging from 10% to 50% on $107 billion worth of goods imported to the United States, including washing machines, solar panels, steel, aluminum, and hundreds of Chinese products. Trading partners hit with new American tariffs have retaliated with their own tariffs on U.S. exports. Trump, meanwhile, has threatened additional tariffs on another $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, and $208 billion worth of imported autos from everywhere. It’s getting serious. Financial markets are dyspeptic.

Trump says his tariffs are meant to protect American workers and key U.S. technologies. But most economists say Trump’s protectionism will do more harm than good — and perhaps considerable harm. Here are five ways the Trump tariffs will ultimately impact consumers.

They’ll raise prices. Other than solar panels and washing machines, most products hit with the Trump tariffs are components of other products, such as aircraft parts, metal for cars, semiconductors for electronic devices, and injection-molding machines used to make rubber and plastic products. Most consumers will never buy raw steel or a pallet of semiconductors — but just about all of us buy products that contain components subject to new tariffs. As production costs go up, producers will pass higher costs down the chain, with consumers ultimately paying more for finished products.
You are in full denial. Harley Davidson first casualty will increase average of $2,200. See link.
These are not scare tactics. It’s the reality. And it will hit your wallet. I guarantee you 100%.

Harley-Davidson warns European tariffs will cause a 'tremendous cost increase' (HOG) | Markets Insider

And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

I don’t have to. Read the link I posted that for you so you understand how bad is the trade wars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Forget it, and let me state for the sir/ma'am, are a phony-E-Baloney of the highest purity. Let me state again------>TARIFFS SUCK! Let me also state again------>your assertion that Harleys will cost 2200 more here, or in Europe, is a leftist/liberal/Marxist, fabrication. A fabrication stated to purposely cause, consternation, and exasperation. You KNEW (and so did I) exactly what you were trying to do, and there is no doubt in anybodys mind that people like you, are at least 1/2 the problem.

It is NOT that your position is bad, but that you LIE to support it, that instantly makes your position UNTENABLE once you are exposed.

Now go pound sand, you phony-baloney!

LOL, I went back and read YOUR post. So, you didn't think to mention that it wasn't in the US, and in fact, if they MOVE SOME production, it won't happen in Europe either.

Seriously Charmin-Sharmin, as intelligent as you want us to believe you are, you want us to believe you just accidentally FORGOT to put anything in your written post about this, lololol.

You are NOT incompetent, irrelevant, or immaterial like a bunch of your leftist bretheren, but you are a phony we can see through like glass, lolol! "Oh, I just plain forgot, silly me," hehehehehehehehehehe!
You are in full denial. Harley Davidson first casualty will increase average of $2,200. See link.
These are not scare tactics. It’s the reality. And it will hit your wallet. I guarantee you 100%.

Harley-Davidson warns European tariffs will cause a 'tremendous cost increase' (HOG) | Markets Insider

And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

I don’t have to. Read the link I posted that for you so you understand how bad is the trade wars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Forget it, and let me state for the sir/ma'am, are a phony-E-Baloney of the highest purity. Let me state again------>TARIFFS SUCK! Let me also state again------>your assertion that Harleys will cost 2200 more here, or in Europe, is a leftist/liberal/Marxist, fabrication. A fabrication stated to purposely cause, consternation, and exasperation. You KNEW (and so did I) exactly what you were trying to do, and there is no doubt in anybodys mind that people like you, are at least 1/2 the problem.

It is NOT that your position is bad, but that you LIE to support it, that instantly makes your position UNTENABLE once you are exposed.

Now go pound sand, you phony-baloney!

Dude I don’t need to lie. If I made a mistake I will admit. But I don’t lie.

Prove to me where I lied. I will wait.

I asked you several questions about your lying post but you cannot prove anything. The 2200 estimates came from Harley. I didn’t made that up.
And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

I don’t have to. Read the link I posted that for you so you understand how bad is the trade wars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Forget it, and let me state for the sir/ma'am, are a phony-E-Baloney of the highest purity. Let me state again------>TARIFFS SUCK! Let me also state again------>your assertion that Harleys will cost 2200 more here, or in Europe, is a leftist/liberal/Marxist, fabrication. A fabrication stated to purposely cause, consternation, and exasperation. You KNEW (and so did I) exactly what you were trying to do, and there is no doubt in anybodys mind that people like you, are at least 1/2 the problem.

It is NOT that your position is bad, but that you LIE to support it, that instantly makes your position UNTENABLE once you are exposed.

Now go pound sand, you phony-baloney!

Dude I don’t need to lie. If I made a mistake I will admit. But I don’t lie.

Prove to me where I lied. I will wait.

I asked you several questions about your lying post but you cannot prove anything. The 2200 estimates came from Harley. I didn’t made that up.

OK, forgive me-( So you are insisting that the price of Harleys are going up 2200 bucks, is that your position, yes or no-)
And you know what sucks? You know it too and are LYING through your teeth.

I don't like tariffs either, but at least if you are going to post, be accurate instead of incendiary.

Wrong and your in denial again dude. Even your president disagreed with you.
Harley is going overseas because of trade wars. You can invert your underwear however you want. Trade wars is very bad for this country.

LOL, you keep moving the goalposts. We are talking about your post of 2200 bucks. Do you wish to retract that now or not?

I don’t have to. Read the link I posted that for you so you understand how bad is the trade wars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Forget it, and let me state for the sir/ma'am, are a phony-E-Baloney of the highest purity. Let me state again------>TARIFFS SUCK! Let me also state again------>your assertion that Harleys will cost 2200 more here, or in Europe, is a leftist/liberal/Marxist, fabrication. A fabrication stated to purposely cause, consternation, and exasperation. You KNEW (and so did I) exactly what you were trying to do, and there is no doubt in anybodys mind that people like you, are at least 1/2 the problem.

It is NOT that your position is bad, but that you LIE to support it, that instantly makes your position UNTENABLE once you are exposed.

Now go pound sand, you phony-baloney!

LOL, I went back and read YOUR post. So, you didn't think to mention that it wasn't in the US, and in fact, if they MOVE SOME production, it won't happen in Europe either.

Seriously Charmin-Sharmin, as intelligent as you want us to believe you are, you want us to believe you just accidentally FORGOT to put anything in your written post about this, lololol.

You are NOT incompetent, irrelevant, or immaterial like a bunch of your leftist bretheren, but you are a phony we can see through like glass, lolol! "Oh, I just plain forgot, silly me," hehehehehehehehehehe!

This proved you don’t anything about trades.
Silly You..... that I agree 100%.

Harley move the production because of trade wars. That’s the bottom line. You can twist however you want we Americans will pay the price of these stupidity. Harley is a good example of that.

Harley-Davidson, Blaming E.U. Tariffs, Will Move Some Production Out of U.S.
Last remaining nail producers in the US will become instinct.

Trump's new steel tariff could put a Missouri American nail producer out of business and cost 200 jobs

President Donald Trump’s controversial steel tariffs are already taking a major toll on one of the last remaining nail producers in the United States. Mid Continent Nail Corporation, a nail manufacturer located in southeast Missouri, lost 50 percent of its business in the two weeks since Trump signed a new tariff on steel imports, according to a MissouriNet report published on Friday.

The nail company said the updated impositions on steel goods resulted in the producer having to lay off 60 temporary workers. At the beginning of June, Mid Continent had roughly 500 people on staff, but the company may be forced to axe 200 more jobs by the end of July. There is a possibility the nail producer, which is one of the largest employers in Missouri's Butler County, may be completely out of business by Labor Day due to the tariff.

Under the new tariff, a 25 percent tax may be applied on imported steel while imported aluminum is taxed 10 percent
Tariffs are not even implemented yet you can see the affect of American lives of this non sense trade wars.

Texas town sends Trump 4,500 postcards asking for tariff exemption

Texas town sends Trump 4,500 postcards asking for tariff exemption

Workers and family members of workers at a Texas steel pipe manufacturer have sent the White House more than 4,500 postcards urging President Trump to grant the company an exemption to his recent steel and aluminum tariffs.

Employees and their families at Borusan Mannesmann's Baytown plant urged the Trump administration to support a tariff exemption for the Turkish company, which imports steel tubing and casing for its finished products from its parent company in Turkey.

"We ask for your help to obtain a short-term exemption for Section 232," the postcards addressed to Trump read, "so we can unlock an investment in a $75 million dollar steel pipe mill, increase our U.S. production of [oil country tubular goods], and add 170 new jobs in Baytown which currently suffers from a 10% unemployment rate.

But the expansion was thrown into jeopardy by the Trump administration's new tariffs on steel and aluminum, which the company estimates will cost an extra $25 million to $30 million per year.

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