Trump team is as disorganized as I've ever seen.

And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.

I don't think he can. I think this is who he is, and it's who he's been through out the election. He can hold it together for short periods....

I find it troubling that Trump has not matured.

I had hoped that the burden of the office and his new responsibilities would have forced him to act more presidential

He is still a Twitter bully who is unable to allow any slight to go without a petty putdown. His opposition is derided as clowns. Meryl Streep is "overrated", He still responds to criticism like a child would

Does not bode well for the next four years as his opposition both at home and abroad will be baiting him

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You voted for the worst president in history, even Carter!
I admit I voted for GWB
Wait, I need my golashes
A republican all my long life gramps until shortly after voting for that iraq war liar

You voted for Saddam Hussein?

Doesn't surprise me at all!
Are u really that stupid??? Bush started that war and is responsible for every single death there and nit wits like you give him and repubs a pass??
so you were with Saddam Hussein I see.
And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.

I don't think he can. I think this is who he is, and it's who he's been through out the election. He can hold it together for short periods....

I find it troubling that Trump has not matured.

I had hoped that the burden of the office and his new responsibilities would have forced him to act more presidential

He is still a Twitter bully who is unable to allow any slight to go without a petty putdown. His opposition is derided as clowns. Meryl Streep is "overrated", He still responds to criticism like a child would

Does not bode well for the next four years as his opposition both at home and abroad will be baiting him
I find it troubling he isn't in office yet.
He's your president if you want him to be...looks like you're courting the airheads and communists here.....doesn't make any difference to me if that's who you want to hang's an either-or world now.
It looks like I'm courting the communists here?

Lol its a par 4 and you're on swing 8
One of the reasons I think he got elected was that he was able to get his beliefs out without the media filtering what he said.

Every president has been able to do that.

Bullshit! Are you going for "Talking Out of My Ass" trifecta? :D
You giving up your title?

I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
It looks like I'm courting the communists here?

Lol its a par 4 and you're on swing 8
Every president has been able to do that.

Bullshit! Are you going for "Talking Out of My Ass" trifecta? :D
You giving up your title?

I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.
Bullshit! Are you going for "Talking Out of My Ass" trifecta? :D
You giving up your title?

I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.
and it is who he is.. And hollywood doesn't tell me who to vote for.
Bullshit! Are you going for "Talking Out of My Ass" trifecta? :D
You giving up your title?

I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.

The press and the public know how easy it is to get under Trump's skin and that he will not let any perceived slight go without an insult in return

He will be constantly baited and goaded into making petty personal insults that embarrass not only the President but the country
You giving up your title?

I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.

The press and the public know how easy it is to get under Trump's skin and that he will not let any perceived slight go without an insult in return

He will be constantly baited and goaded into making petty personal insults that embarrass not only the President but the country

What happens when he is so easily goaded and has power?
I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.

The press and the public know how easy it is to get under Trump's skin and that he will not let any perceived slight go without an insult in return

He will be constantly baited and goaded into making petty personal insults that embarrass not only the President but the country

What happens when he is so easily goaded and has power?
Hopefully Congress will keep him in check
And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.

I have to disagree, he's doing what he does. He's sucking all the oxygen out of the room and controlling the narrative, he's got the media and the opposition chasing their tails and I think he will continue all the way to the inauguration. I also think you'll see a more coordinated message after he takes office.
I sure hope your right.
Trump is different, he's not a politician which is a good thing. If he delivers results I'm fine with his use of Twitter and social media. He can hardly do any worse than Obama or Bush.

Actually, he can do a lot worse than Obama or Bush

So far, he hasn’t given any indications that he knows what he is doing

Well, we’ll have what, 150 ambassadors all starting on the same day; totally inept at every ongoing program, previous conversation, probably history with that particular nation, and more than likely what their strategic importance is to the overall chess board.

What could go wrong???
I destroyed two of his arguments yesterday just like I did with yours in this thread.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.

The press and the public know how easy it is to get under Trump's skin and that he will not let any perceived slight go without an insult in return

He will be constantly baited and goaded into making petty personal insults that embarrass not only the President but the country

What happens when he is so easily goaded and has power?

I honestly don't know

It can't be war but he can take military action to respond to personal slights
Trump is different, he's not a politician which is a good thing. If he delivers results I'm fine with his use of Twitter and social media. He can hardly do any worse than Obama or Bush.

Actually, he can do a lot worse than Obama or Bush

So far, he hasn’t given any indications that he knows what he is doing

Well, we’ll have what, 150 ambassadors all starting on the same day; totally inept at every ongoing program, previous conversation, probably history with that particular nation, and more than likely what their strategic importance is to the overall chess board.

What could go wrong???

I think the best thing is that Trump is intellectually lazy

He just doesn't care about most of those countries and will let things run themselves. I think he will be the same way with Congress, not caring about the day to day running of things

Give me my wall and I will approve your Conservative agenda
We need to stop talking about his fingers hair, youngest son, wife. and pay attention to the policy's put in place. The ones that serve only one group should be brought to light . a president serves all the people.
You destroyed what?
I don't recall debating you yesterday. Or ever for that matter.

One ridicule of Trump and the extremes come out of the closet.
ridicule? ah, is that what you're calling it? funny. Son, the man isn't in office yet.
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Just like his Tweets about that stupid actress at the Golden Globes. It is juvenile & pointless. Nothing but a distraction that he need not bother responding to. Gotta thicken up that skin.

The press and the public know how easy it is to get under Trump's skin and that he will not let any perceived slight go without an insult in return

He will be constantly baited and goaded into making petty personal insults that embarrass not only the President but the country

What happens when he is so easily goaded and has power?

I honestly don't know

It can't be war but he can take military action to respond to personal slights

He can also attempt to throw his political weight into trying to shut down media criticism, limiting protests, or publically trashing private citizens for some slight real or percieved. In affect, making people fearful of speaking out.
We need to stop talking about his fingers hair, youngest son, wife. and pay attention to the policy's put in place. The ones that serve only one group should be brought to light . a president serves all the people.

I have to stop talking about his hair? fun!
That's a long way from 34 billion a year, thanks for admitting you lied.
I left out a decimal point and you want to kill me?

No need to kill you, your credibility is committing slow motion suicide all by itself. BTW the average aid to Israel has been about 3 billion a year since 1976 so 3.8 barely keeps up with inflation.
Why give them anything??? so they can keep killing pals taking their land?

We give more to Europe, what's your problem?
My problem is that over all these years Israel can't bend a little in the interest for peace ??
How would you like them to bend? Not being bombed?
You're shitting right? He's a rich old man so he's entitled to act like a teenage boy while leading the country? And for the record he isn't scaring me he's embarrassing me.

You didn't vote for him anyway so get off your high horse and relax...
What difference does my vote make? He is my president is he not? I expect appropriate behavior from all politicians. If I can't call out Trump's stupidity then I can't call out any democrat & neither can you since we don't vote dem?
Well again, the behavior you'd prefer didn't win. I had to put up with obummer eight years of embarrassment
I left out a decimal point and you want to kill me?

No need to kill you, your credibility is committing slow motion suicide all by itself. BTW the average aid to Israel has been about 3 billion a year since 1976 so 3.8 barely keeps up with inflation.
Why give them anything??? so they can keep killing pals taking their land?

We give more to Europe, what's your problem?
My problem is that over all these years Israel can't bend a little in the interest for peace ??
How would you like them to bend? Not being bombed?
IMHO the Pals see themselves as oppressed What they want that will put them at ease I just don't know But I don't believe Israel gives a crap as to the Pals depair
You're shitting right? He's a rich old man so he's entitled to act like a teenage boy while leading the country? And for the record he isn't scaring me he's embarrassing me.

You didn't vote for him anyway so get off your high horse and relax...
What difference does my vote make? He is my president is he not? I expect appropriate behavior from all politicians. If I can't call out Trump's stupidity then I can't call out any democrat & neither can you since we don't vote dem?

You expect appropriate behavior from him, yet we had 8 years with a scared little girl in office.
And I raised hell on this site regularly. So yes, I DEMAND, better behavior.

He won, the primaries are over. I don't want to hear anymore whining about the fucking media. We know how they operate and do not need daily reminders like we're 12 years old.

The time for talk is over. It's time for results.
When he is inaugurated you mean right?

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