Trump Tells Senators: My Three Oldest Children Were All Unmasked By Obama and His Minions On Inauguration Day

It is sickening what they have subjected he and his family to, because they don’t like his policies. God forbid, someone gets in office the right doesn’t like and subjected their family to such harassment. It would be front line news forever and a day
Trumpsters will believe anything Lord Drumpster-Fire tweets.

By the way, Trump unmasked 27,000 names in his first two years.
You’ll believe any lie the left feeds you, yet when facts are set in front of you, you deny them if they aren’t to your liking. In your mind any of the Dems actions are justifiable if they are a ways and a means to your ends.
All part of Obama's "insurance policy" in case Trump won...
This is on Inauguration Day. He’s the President. Being spied on. As well as his kids.
The FBI, DOJ and the intel agencies and all Federal agencies had Obama loyalists running things.
I heard that Obama didn't want to tell Flynn any sensitive info on Russia?? Trump's DNI!!!!!
Yet Obama had Komrad Brennan running the CIA. WTF?
Barr and Durham need to get to the bottom of things and start indicting soon.
"Unmasking" is a term the intelligence community uses which refers to revealing the identity of someone on a monitored communication.
The coup conspirators were spying on minor children of the President.

so are you a liar saying they were spying on the minor children when there is only one of those...

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