Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

You can't fix laws by EO. This may force the supreme court to interpret the law.

A POTUS *can* fix laws by EO (e.g. Barak the Nimrod did it on several occasions) because the Executive can determine when/why/how to enforce laws through it's agencies and thanks to Congress having deferred so much of it's Constitutional Authority to the Executive those same agencies get broad discretion on the details of how those laws look when they hit the Federal Register.

That being said, Executive Orders were never intended to "fix" or "change" existing law, it's only because they've been abused for so long that the precedent has been set and half the Partisan Sheeple accept it when *their* POTUS does it.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
I hope some dumbass takes this to court.

You don't need to hope, if Trump follows through on this EO , it's GUARANTEED to be challenged in Court.
And blown out of the water once and for all.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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(Let’s test Gators fingers this morning...are they LefTards today?)
Tell us Gator, wouldn’t it be cool if Trump could amend the 14th with an EO?
This is a check Yes or No.

No, I would not. There is a very specific process for amending the Constitution and I think it is a good process so it is not at the whim of the way the wind is blowing today.

I do not think that mere birth on our soil should be enough for citizenship, but there is a process that must be followed.

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I agree with you on the proper process.


But, I like fighting with you, so here is some shit talking:


Texas A&M vs. Florida - Game Summary - October 14, 2017 - ESPN


Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

And, which president sign a shit ton of EOs to bypass congress and thumb his nose at the people?

Did you call Barry a dictator?

The hypocricy is outlandish.


How many EOs did Obama sign to repeal any Constitutional Amendment?

I see you are playing dumb ass today.

Oh, you're not playing? OK

You're always that way; got it.

Changing The US Constitution, is by law, the function of The US Congress, not some shit hole DICTATOR.
You can't fix laws by EO. This may force the supreme court to interpret the law.

A POTUS *can* fix laws by EO (e.g. Barak the Nimrod did it on several occasions) because the Executive can determine when/why/how to enforce laws through it's agencies and thanks to Congress having deferred so much of it's Constitutional Authority to the Executive those same agencies get broad discretion on the details of how those laws look when they hit the Federal Register.

That being said, Executive Orders were never intended to "fix" or "change" existing law, it's only because they've been abused for so long that the precedent has been set and half the Partisan Sheeple accept it when *their* POTUS does it.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
I hope some dumbass takes this to court.

You don't need to hope, if Trump follows through on this EO , it's GUARANTEED to be challenged in Court.
And blown out of the water once and for all.

Don't count on it, I would say that the chances are more than good that a SCOTUS decision will go against Trump given the social ramifications of upholding such an EO.
The 14th ammendment was intended for slaves, people who came here against their will.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States"

How the fuck is the Orange Ogre going to change that with an EO? . Show us where it says anything about slaves. If that was the intent it would say so. I don't believe that people can be this stupid

You're even slower than I thought. :auiqs.jpg:
OK smart ass. Explain your legal theory that would allow him to do this.
The 14th ammendment was intended for slaves, people who came here against their will.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States"

How the fuck is the Orange Ogre going to change that with an EO? . Show us where it says anything about slaves. If that was the intent it would say so. I don't believe that people can be this stupid

You're even slower than I thought. :auiqs.jpg:
OK smart ass. Explain your legal theory that would allow him to do this.

There is no legal theory allowing him to do this.

Doing this merely moves the matter to the courts, and eventually to the SCOTUS, which is his intent. A clarification of "under the jurisdiction thereof" has long been needed.
Trump proposing an Executive Order to over-ride an explicit Constitutional Amendment is totally halarious considering this is how conservatives tried to paint Obama:


Not an ounce of consistency to be found with the lemmings that inhabit Trumplandia.

Nope this is land full of DUPES. Trump's EO is going nowhere. His advisers know it. Trump knows it. This is not a policy play, this is electioneering and pandering at it's worst.

Millitary at the border
Executive Order to end birthright citizenship.

There is only ONE reason for this kabuki theater - to rile up the rubes right before the midterms, because Trump knows they are suckers for this shit.
Last edited:
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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(Let’s test Gators fingers this morning...are they LefTards today?)
Tell us Gator, wouldn’t it be cool if Trump could amend the 14th with an EO?
This is a check Yes or No.

No, I would not. There is a very specific process for amending the Constitution and I think it is a good process so it is not at the whim of the way the wind is blowing today.

I do not think that mere birth on our soil should be enough for citizenship, but there is a process that must be followed.

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I agree with you on the proper process.


But, I like fighting with you, so here is some shit talking:


Texas A&M vs. Florida - Game Summary - October 14, 2017 - ESPN



Following the “proper process” is always the better way to go, particularly when related to constitutional construct. We feel like noble constitutionalist when we say “follow the proper process” with regard to revisions and the constitution...BUT, here’s the thing, the U.S. Constitution was framed for Americans...Every word in the Constitution should ALWAYS be of benefit to good Americans either directly or indirectly....Nobody with a sane mind could say Americans benefit from Mexican anchor babies. With that said, I take the “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” approach to amending the 14th and I’d urge all good Americans do the same.
Nothing prevented illegal aliens being imported to replace slave labor. .

You mean except for the laws that made them illegal ?
Exactly. If they came here illegally, are they subject to US law? That's the question.

But as Gator posted, literally they are subject to being convicted in US courts of crimes committed here. So, how can they not be subject to US laws when they are subject to US laws?

And frankly the WHOLE ISSUE is just RW ... LOOK A SHINY OBJECT. IF we don't want illegal immigrants working here, all we have to do is make it extremely bad biz economics to hire them. But when GA did this .... the republican farmers got mad that they didn't have labor.
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.

You finally admit it. Barry was a dictator.

He wrote EO left, right and all over the place.

Glad to see you are being honest.

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