Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

The legal wiggle room occurs due to the "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" phrase. It can be argued that the illegal alien has placed themselves out side of such jurisdiction by being in the country illegally. Hence, said births are also outside of said jurisdiction thus denying a legitimate claim to citizenship. The legal objective is to establish that offspring of illegal aliens have no legal standing to sue for citizenship.
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

And, which president sign a shit ton of EOs to bypass congress and thumb his nose at the people?

Did you call Barry a dictator?

The hypocricy is outlandish.


This was posted earlier, maybe you missed it.

List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.

You finally admit it. Barry was a dictator.

He wrote EO left, right and all over the place.

Glad to see you are being honest.

How many EOs did Obama sign to repeal ANY Constitutional Amendment?

Name one.

I'm waiting, bitch.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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Learned what works from his predecessors. That such extra-constitutional maneuvers worked for them with a collective shrug of the shoulders does not excuse such an act but is indicative of the very old partisan game of 'its ok so long as my guy does it".
When did a potus change the meaning of the const?
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.

You finally admit it. Barry was a dictator.

He wrote EO left, right and all over the place.

Glad to see you are being honest.

How many EOs did Obama sign to repeal ANY Constitutional Amendment?

Name one.

I'm waiting, bitch.

LMAO You've got the cart before the horse.

Trump hasn't signed anything yet and still glad to see you feel Barry is a dictator.

Way to go.

Oh and you can fuck off bastard.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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Learned what works from his predecessors. That such extra-constitutional maneuvers worked for them with a collective shrug of the shoulders does not excuse such an act but is indicative of the very old partisan game of 'its ok so long as my guy does it".
When did a potus change the meaning of the const?

See DACA....and save the hairsplitting semantics please. Thanks in advance.

Site a single EO by whatever POTUS that repealed any Constitutional Amendment.

I would like to learn something here.
Because Obama redefined eo’s as executive actions, just so you could claim what you are.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

And, which president sign a shit ton of EOs to bypass congress and thumb his nose at the people?

Did you call Barry a dictator?

The hypocricy is outlandish.


This was posted earlier, maybe you missed it.

List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.

You finally admit it. Barry was a dictator.

He wrote EO left, right and all over the place.

Glad to see you are being honest.

How many EOs did Obama sign to repeal ANY Constitutional Amendment?

Name one.

I'm waiting, bitch.

LMAO You've got the cart before the horse.

Trump hasn't signed anything yet and still glad to see you feel Barry is a dictator.

Way to go.

Oh and you can fuck off bastard.

So, did Obama repeal a single Constitutional Amendment via EO?

Can't answer the question I asked; I know. Must suck to be U.
100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.

You finally admit it. Barry was a dictator.

He wrote EO left, right and all over the place.

Glad to see you are being honest.

How many EOs did Obama sign to repeal ANY Constitutional Amendment?

Name one.

I'm waiting, bitch.

LMAO You've got the cart before the horse.

Trump hasn't signed anything yet and still glad to see you feel Barry is a dictator.

Way to go.

Oh and you can fuck off bastard.

Can't answer the question I asked; I know. Must suck to be U.

Not as much as it sucks to be you.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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Libtardos are always claiming the Constitution is a living document that needs to change with the times. That's why they want libtardo judges so they can apply their "nuance".

Of course it only applies to the things they want changed. And they don't want the living document changed when it applies to their future voting base.
You are welcome to change the Constitution at any time....they are called Amendments. We already have 27 changes to it as of today.

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