Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Well his son is a big game hunter after all. Fucking scumbags.

Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa

The Trump administration plans to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants they killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing a ban put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official confirmed to ABC News today.

Anything Obama did--he undo's regardless of the importance. He's a total JACKASS.
The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.


Laura Ingraham who is a Trump sycophant ripped Trump on this and she explained why it is a bad idea.

"I don't understand how this move by @realDonaldTrump Admin will not INCREASE the gruesome poaching of elephants. Stay tuned."

Even Trump Loyalist Laura Ingraham Doesn't Understand Ending the Ban on Elephant Trophies
I like elephants more than I like people.
I can't say I have ever met one.

There are a few people I like though.

I knew a couple when I was young.

Wonderful beings. Poop a lot.
I've had this discussion with an anarcho-capitalist friend of mine. Personally I love nature and I am disgusted with trophy hunting, but this friend of mine showed me the facts, and, I am afraid to say that. . . the post by OKTexas is correct, as much as it is distasteful.

The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.


If we want endangered and threatened animals to survive, the best places to keep them safe in an increasingly poor and desperate world for money and resources, against something known as the "tragedy of the commons," the profit motive is the best way to guarantee their biological diversity on private game reserves, these are self-funding. To help encourage this, the US should probably work WITH these poor nations, not against them, to promote the type of tourism that sportsmen and the market are demanding, not just the type the feel good left would like to see.

Andre Walker - Liberal Hypocrisy Over Mandela Game Hunting

I empathize and understand your feelings, I really do, trust me on this, for I share them. Elephants truly are amazing creatures. Someday humanity will evolve to fully understand their consciousness, to a point, where EVERYONE will understand their type of consciousness and relationship with the planet and universe. When that day comes, hopefully the species will still exist and humanity can begin to collectively atone for our past transgressions against them.

Thank you.

It's not only game hunting, why block things people seem to want and will pay good money, from rouge animals that are hurting people and destroying property? Blanket bans just aren't good for anyone.


It is wrong for animals to supposedly hurt people but it is okay for people to destroy whole species. Humans are not good for anyone either.
Could we just admit that the reasons elephants are on the concern list is because of ivory poaching and loss of habitat. It has nothing to do with trophy hunting or Donald Trump.

By doing this we are giving incentives for poachers to wipe out endangered species. No part of a endangered species should be allowed in this country. Anyone who does so should be jailed for a few years. Personally I would like to see them in a cage because they are animals.
elephants are there to be harvested
You harvest grain, not thinking creatures.

If we weren't taking 10s of thousands of deer in this country per year they will starve and you will have a lot more people killed in accidents with them on the highways.

People=Viruses. Spread and spread and spread until nothing else is alive.
Elephants=good. Pure spirits.
You ever see male elephants raised w/o fathers? Nasty creatures.

They really aren't so different from us.

This sort of thinking is what is getting us into trouble. When folks can't see us in them, then it becomes okay to kill them. Stop that.

They ARE us, and we are them. We are no worse or better then any other creature, everything in nature has it's place, it is all about balance.

Unfortunately, yes, things right now, are quite out of balance.

(I noticed you also disparaged Viruses there too eh?)

Mother nature decided long ago what mammals were intended to be hunter and which the prey. Eyes in front hunter, on the side prey. It's just that simple, herding and your imagined social structure are about survival, nothing more.


God wanted us to be good stewards of this planet. That includes animals. God told Noah to take 2 of every animal in his ark. Not to destroy whole species to save a few bucks.
Humans kill people ..... Maybe humans ought to be wiped out.

So you support the death penalty for murderers in Chicago, Detroit, Philly, ect.? I didn't think so you hypocrite. :p

Fuck Elephants. They should be hunted just like back in the day. They are ugly. They are dangerous. The shit all over causing global warming. And they destroy crops. What sick fuck would compare them to dolphins?

"If all the beasts were gone, man would die from loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast, happens to the man."
--Chief Seattle

"Love animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Do not trouble their joy, don't harass them, don't deprive them of their happiness, don't work against God's intent. Man, do not pride yourself on superiority to animals; they are without sin, and you, with your greatness, defile the earth by your appearance on it, and leave the traces of your foulness after you--alas, it is true of almost every one of us!"
--Fyodor Dostoyevsky (novelist)

"Even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath, so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is Vanity."
--Ecclesiastes 3:19

"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission--to be of service to them whenever they require it... If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."
--Saint Francis of Assisi (mystic and preacher)

"If we cut up beasts simply because they cannot prevent us and because we are backing our own side in the struggle for existence, it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies, or capitalist for the same reasons."
--C. S. Lewis (novelist and essayist)

"We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form."
--William Ralph Inge (1860-1954)

"Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul."
--Pythagoras (philosopher and mathematician)

"Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man."
--Arthur Schopenhauer (philosopher)

"I have always felt that the way we treat animals is a pretty good indicator of the compassion we are capable of for the human race."
--Ali McGraw (actress)

"In studying the traits and dispositions of the so-called lower animals, and contrasting them with man's, I find the result humiliating to me."
--Mark Twain (author)

Humans kill people ..... Maybe humans ought to be wiped out.

So you support the death penalty for murderers in Chicago, Detroit, Philly, ect.? I didn't think so you hypocrite. :p

Fuck Elephants. They should be hunted just like back in the day. They are ugly. They are dangerous. The shit all over causing global warming. And they destroy crops. What sick fuck would compare them to dolphins?

And fuck you too. I thought you were honorable. My bad.
The sad reality is the only places that have healthy elephant populations are those that allow hunts. Eco hunters don't pay even one tenth what a real hunter will pay for an elephant. In the long run it helps far more elephants than it harms.

I get your point, but in my mind the only thing better than a dog is an elephant:beer:

Don't get me wrong, i would never harm an elephant. In fact when i was working in Africa my company funded anti poaching patrols in our area, but, the simple reality is that where hunting of them is allowed there are elephants. Where hunting is outlawed there are few elephant, and the poachers run rampant. There is simply no money to fight them.


Well his son is a big game hunter after all. Fucking scumbags.

Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa

The Trump administration plans to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants they killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing a ban put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official confirmed to ABC News today.

Final straw, I signed the petition to impeach Trump.

Oh, I doubt that. You would have been first in line the second that petition appeared. Claiming that this drove you to sign is laughable.
And fuck you too. I thought you were honorable. My bad.

Sorry if I hold humans (only those with IQ above 105 which I think you are) above fucking pre-historic leftover dinosaurs!

I love domesticated farm animals though since they provide us with food.
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Run rhino run, extinction is forever.
would love seeing the trumps extinct

And the hatred of the far left comes out in full force once again, showing why the far left religion is very dangerous.

Although this from the far left slate Hack site will shed light on your hatred:

Lifting the Ban on Elephant Trophies Will Probably Help Save Elephants
Right wingernuts always come up with this sh!t.
Cut off healthcare and it will force people to stay healthy.
Cut taxes for the rich and they will create jobs.
Kill the animals and it will save them.
Give everyone guns to stop shootings.

and ad naseum.
As many animals march on the way to extinction, the GOP is gleefully always leading the march.
When God told man to be stewards, Republicans thought that meant kill them all.
If they didn't sell hunting tags, these animals would already be extinct.
More tough guy hunter bullshit.
Im no hunter. I would NEVER kill an animal. I don't like trophy hunters, but my dislike of them doesn't change the fact that they are the ONLY reason a lot of these animals aren't extinct.

The "last white rhino" is protected 24/7 by men with guns. Who do you think pays for that? Who do you think pays for all wildlife conservationists in these African nations? Who pays the men who hunt poachers? If your answer is "the tax paying citizens of those nations" you are terribly uninformed. They dont have money in the budget for that shit. The money comes from big game hunters who pay $250,000 for a single tag.

Do you think they pay that money to kill a random elephant? No! They get the tag for a specific elephant that is old and troublesome. Older animals are sometimes very troublesome. Old lions, for example, will kill all the new borns in the pride. Killing him can save several lions lives.

You need to educate yourself and quit seeing everything through an emotional lense.

Found the solution to Congress.

"Do you think they pay that money to kill a random elephant? No! They get the tag for a specific elephant that is old and troublesome. Older animals are sometimes very troublesome. Old lions, for example, will kill all the new borns in the pride. Killing him can save several lions lives."

More excvuses.

These countries get a lot of money from tourism & donations.

Anyone going there to shoot an elephant in that manner is mentally ill. Especially if they cut off the tail as a trophy. My God.
Excellent decision by President Donald Trump. The NRA is a great organization
So the NRA wants to kill more animals & pretend it is sport. Much how they treat our children.

The NRA is the most disgusting organization in this country. Never vote for any candidate that the NRA supports.
You sound like a pussy
You are a pussy. You think it makes you a tough guy to shoot a defenseless animal.
Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?
Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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So, if the dumbass spoiled little brats donated that the cost of their slaughter vacation money, it wouldn't help?

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