Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.
Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

That is nature's way. Next you'll be shooting gnus so they won't get eaten by lions.
elephants are there to be harvested
You harvest grain, not thinking creatures.

If we weren't taking 10s of thousands of deer in this country per year they will starve and you will have a lot more people killed in accidents with them on the highways.

People=Viruses. Spread and spread and spread until nothing else is alive.
Elephants=good. Pure spirits.
You ever see male elephants raised w/o fathers? Nasty creatures.

They really aren't so different from us.

This sort of thinking is what is getting us into trouble. When folks can't see us in them, then it becomes okay to kill them. Stop that.

They ARE us, and we are them. We are no worse or better then any other creature, everything in nature has it's place, it is all about balance.

Unfortunately, yes, things right now, are quite out of balance.

(I noticed you also disparaged Viruses there too eh?)

Mother nature decided long ago what mammals were intended to be hunter and which the prey. Eyes in front hunter, on the side prey. It's just that simple, herding and your imagined social structure are about survival, nothing more.


So confident are you that you know the the will of mother nature grasshopper?

Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

That is nature's way. Next you'll be shooting gnus so they won't get eaten by lions.

Nice attempt at a response, but fail.

"Nature's" way would be to allow the apex predator on the planet (humans) to have their way with the prey of the planet (everything else). By trying to preserve these populations we are already messing with "nature".

Allowing some richi idiots to kill older non breeding animals of a threatened population for hundreds of thousands of dollars provides funds to actually preserve these species, provides funds for the locals to have some stake in keeping them alive and protected. Both of these reduce poaching and killing of animals by locals that are nuisances.
Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

little davie thinks that is cool
Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.

Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

Sent from my iPhone using

yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

That is nature's way. Next you'll be shooting gnus so they won't get eaten by lions.

That is nature's way.

so is shooting them
The sad reality is the only places that have healthy elephant populations are those that allow hunts. Eco hunters don't pay even one tenth what a real hunter will pay for an elephant. In the long run it helps far more elephants than it harms.
The problem is that elephants live in intergenerational family units. They are long lived, slow to msture and highly intelligent. Older ones teach younger ones and knowledge gets passed down through generations.

We have no business killing such creatures for sport. If there were no market for dead elephant parts there would be no value in poaching. Now we are opening the market again to poorly regulated indistry. :(
I view it this way. Hunting in the US is under enough threat. Why hand the anti's another bullet in their gun so to speak with something as odious as this?
Is there a challenge to 'hunting' and shooting an elephant? Try hunting deer with a recurve bow without sights. That's what hunting is. btw, I got 5 that way. lol
The sad reality is the only places that have healthy elephant populations are those that allow hunts. Eco hunters don't pay even one tenth what a real hunter will pay for an elephant. In the long run it helps far more elephants than it harms.
The problem is that elephants live in intergenerational family units. They are long lived, slow to msture and highly intelligent. Older ones teach younger ones and knowledge gets passed down through generations.

We have no business killing such creatures for sport. If there were no market for dead elephant parts there would be no value in poaching. Now we are opening the market again to poorly regulated indistry. :(
Now Trump has opened the door to allow elephant heads to be brought here as trophies Disgusting, even for a low life like him
If America just sent Trump's son a few elephants every year, would that make it OK?
We could even send a card with the elephant.
If America just sent Trump's son a few elephants every year, would that make it OK?
We could even send a card with the elephant.
I'd like to see trump and his son buried in elephant dung Is that off topic?
Is there a challenge to 'hunting' and shooting an elephant? Try hunting deer with a recurve bow without sights. That's what hunting is. btw, I got 5 that way. lol

21 inch 8 point - 9 yards - 52# Wing Recurve Hunter

20 1/2 inch 10 point - 13 yards - Bear WhiteTail Hunter

18 inch 9 point - 12 yards - Bear WTH

16 inch 9 point - close enough to touch with my toe when he walked by too close, killed him 3 steps later - Bear WTH

4 more all 15 inches or better ..

Easton XX75's - Savora fixed 5 blade broad heads

7 gobblers, 6 hogs, 1 Javalina

every kill under 20 yards - South Texas Brush Country - no blind - no feeder- no high fence.

elephant killers - meh.
Maybe because he is a grown up.

These hunters pay ridiculous amounts of money to big game hunt. It keeps populations under control and actually funds the conservation activities.

While I disagree will killing these beautiful animals for sport, THEY DO MORE FOR CONSERVATION THEN USELESS LIBERALS LIKE YOURSELF

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yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

That is nature's way. Next you'll be shooting gnus so they won't get eaten by lions.

Nice attempt at a response, but fail.

"Nature's" way would be to allow the apex predator on the planet (humans) to have their way with the prey of the planet (everything else). By trying to preserve these populations we are already messing with "nature".

Allowing some richi idiots to kill older non breeding animals of a threatened population for hundreds of thousands of dollars provides funds to actually preserve these species, provides funds for the locals to have some stake in keeping them alive and protected. Both of these reduce poaching and killing of animals by locals that are nuisances.

No fail at all. If your argument is shooting defenseless elephants so they don't die a natural death, then why not kill the natural prey of lions so they get your humane death instead of death by lion.

The fact is you can't really come up with a real argument to defend these tough hunters from going to Africa, paying big money to have an elephant pointed out for them to shoot. That is not sport. That is disgusting behavior. Behavior you support.

Man is supposed to be intelligent. It is supposed to find a way to exist without running around killing everything he sees. But, as we know, there are a lot pf dumbass cowardly people out there, The Trump brats as an example.

Your buddy's plan to permit importation of ivory will just boost poaching.
yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

That is nature's way. Next you'll be shooting gnus so they won't get eaten by lions.

Nice attempt at a response, but fail.

"Nature's" way would be to allow the apex predator on the planet (humans) to have their way with the prey of the planet (everything else). By trying to preserve these populations we are already messing with "nature".

Allowing some richi idiots to kill older non breeding animals of a threatened population for hundreds of thousands of dollars provides funds to actually preserve these species, provides funds for the locals to have some stake in keeping them alive and protected. Both of these reduce poaching and killing of animals by locals that are nuisances.

No fail at all. If your argument is shooting defenseless elephants so they don't die a natural death, then why not kill the natural prey of lions so they get your humane death instead of death by lion.

The fact is you can't really come up with a real argument to defend these tough hunters from going to Africa, paying big money to have an elephant pointed out for them to shoot. That is not sport. That is disgusting behavior. Behavior you support.

Man is supposed to be intelligent. It is supposed to find a way to exist without running around killing everything he sees. But, as we know, there are a lot pf dumbass cowardly people out there, The Trump brats as an example.

Your buddy's plan to permit importation of ivory will just boost poaching.

I'm sure after the viable meat is given to villagers the scraps are left for the hyenas to get their share.

As for lion's natural prey, most of the prey in question seems to not need wildlife management, so the natural cycle can be left to run.

Elephants are in decline, the $$ from these hunts provides a chance to stop poachers, and make the locals feel like preserving the herds so future hunters can come around and spend $$

And considering how miserable the current ivory ban is doing with regards to ending poaching, maybe something new needs to be tried.

How about selling "new" ivory, from naturally dead animals and the legally hunted ones, and registering it with micro-imprinting or something like it? Even let people with old ivory register their items. Then, if you catch someone WITHOUT registered ivory you can prosecute their asses.

This would allow new ivory to enter the market, which would lessen the black market demand, and also give the locals some stake in stopping the poaching, as legal ivory would probably fetch a large amount of $$ just like trophy hunting.

Is you feeling good about yourself more important that preserving these animals in the wild?
yes leftards would rather see the animals die a horrible diseased death

or from starvation

such compassionate people

Great excuse. You kill therm to save them because they will get old & die a natural death.

Maybe you should take that approach with your own life?

Most people don't die of starvation, dehydration, or predators ripping them to shreds when they are unable to move anymore.

For animals in the wild, that is the grim reality.

That is nature's way. Next you'll be shooting gnus so they won't get eaten by lions.

Nice attempt at a response, but fail.

"Nature's" way would be to allow the apex predator on the planet (humans) to have their way with the prey of the planet (everything else). By trying to preserve these populations we are already messing with "nature".

Allowing some richi idiots to kill older non breeding animals of a threatened population for hundreds of thousands of dollars provides funds to actually preserve these species, provides funds for the locals to have some stake in keeping them alive and protected. Both of these reduce poaching and killing of animals by locals that are nuisances.

No fail at all. If your argument is shooting defenseless elephants so they don't die a natural death, then why not kill the natural prey of lions so they get your humane death instead of death by lion.

The fact is you can't really come up with a real argument to defend these tough hunters from going to Africa, paying big money to have an elephant pointed out for them to shoot. That is not sport. That is disgusting behavior. Behavior you support.

Man is supposed to be intelligent. It is supposed to find a way to exist without running around killing everything he sees. But, as we know, there are a lot pf dumbass cowardly people out there, The Trump brats as an example.

Your buddy's plan to permit importation of ivory will just boost poaching.
So you have no argument based on reality; just more emotional nonsense. Ignoring the facts isn't an effective platform in a debate.

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