Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

Personally, I think there should a trophy competition in India. There is a certain village there that likes to set elephants on fire and laugh and watch as the elephants scream in pain and run until they drop dead. And if they drop, they toss more tar balls and firecrackers to get them up running some more with more flames burning them alive. Even baby elephants.

Kill the people. Save the elephants.
Wow, post a link for that, I have a hard time believe such a thing.
NOOOOO! Took me 3 days to almost wipe that image from my head. I am barely in THIS thread, scrolling ever so slowly so I am not hit with that image again. I will never forget that baby screaming while on fire and the smiling faces of the villagers. EVER.

So please not post pics. Post LINKS instead for those who don't mind seeing such horrible pics.
I would shoot to kill the inhuman MF that would do that to any animal
Personally, I think there should a trophy competition in India. There is a certain village there that likes to set elephants on fire and laugh and watch as the elephants scream in pain and run until they drop dead. And if they drop, they toss more tar balls and firecrackers to get them up running some more with more flames burning them alive. Even baby elephants.

Kill the people. Save the elephants.
Wow, post a link for that, I have a hard time believe such a thing.
NOOOOO! Took me 3 days to almost wipe that image from my head. I am barely in THIS thread, scrolling ever so slowly so I am not hit with that image again. I will never forget that baby screaming while on fire and the smiling faces of the villagers. EVER.

So please not post pics. Post LINKS instead for those who don't mind seeing such horrible pics.
I would shoot to kill the inhuman MF that would do that to any animal
I follow VetPaw on twitter. I tweeted them and said I knew of some 2 legged demons they could go shoot. They thanked my post.
I like elephants more than I like people.
I can't say I have ever met one.

There are a few people I like though.

I knew a couple when I was young.

Wonderful beings. Poop a lot.
I've had this discussion with an anarcho-capitalist friend of mine. Personally I love nature and I am disgusted with trophy hunting, but this friend of mine showed me the facts, and, I am afraid to say that. . . the post by OKTexas is correct, as much as it is distasteful.

The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.


If we want endangered and threatened animals to survive, the best places to keep them safe in an increasingly poor and desperate world for money and resources, against something known as the "tragedy of the commons," the profit motive is the best way to guarantee their biological diversity on private game reserves, these are self-funding. To help encourage this, the US should probably work WITH these poor nations, not against them, to promote the type of tourism that sportsmen and the market are demanding, not just the type the feel good left would like to see.

Andre Walker - Liberal Hypocrisy Over Mandela Game Hunting

I empathize and understand your feelings, I really do, trust me on this, for I share them. Elephants truly are amazing creatures. Someday humanity will evolve to fully understand their consciousness, to a point, where EVERYONE will understand their type of consciousness and relationship with the planet and universe. When that day comes, hopefully the species will still exist and humanity can begin to collectively atone for our past transgressions against them.

Thank you.

Millions around the world reacted with shock when it was revealed an American hunter paying tens of thousands of dollars had killed Zimbabwe's most famous lion, Cecil.

While the way Cecil was lured out of Hwange National Park to be killed was truly horrendous, it does not reveal the darkest side to Africa's hunting industry.

That award goes to the canned - or 'captive' - hunting in neighbouring South Africa, where lions have been reduced to little more than 'farmyard chickens', bred in their hundreds on private reserves before being released just so that high-paying tourists can hunt them down using guns - or bows for the ultimate 'trophy' kill.

Shockingly, an undercover investigation for a new film into the trade reveals that safari companies will even send out prospective hunters a catalogue so they can choose the exact animal they want to kill - ranging in price from $5,400 (£3,500) to $48,000 (£31,000), depending on size and condition.

Read more: Canned lions bred in South Africa to be shot by hunters for £31k | Daily Mail Online
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Canned lions bred in South Africa to be shot by hunters for £31k | Daily Mail Online

So. . . what you are saying is we need never worry about whether the lion will go extinct or be endangered under this program?

Yeah, that was all I was saying. Thanks for just reaffirming what I was saying.

I already said, it was disgusting, but yeah, there it is.

If it isn't legal, it will be driven underground, out on the veld, until the lions, zebra, and giraffe meet the same fate as the black rhino, is that what you really want?

Breeding them in captivity for shooting isn't preserving the species.
They're inbred and the genetic diversity is reducing.

And charging 10s of thousands of dollars to shoot them won't stop illegal hunting.
Most of that is done by poachers to make money...not 'sport'.
elephants are there to be harvested
You harvest grain, not thinking creatures.

If we weren't taking 10s of thousands of deer in this country per year they will starve and you will have a lot more people killed in accidents with them on the highways.

People=Viruses. Spread and spread and spread until nothing else is alive.
Elephants=good. Pure spirits.
You ever see male elephants raised w/o fathers? Nasty creatures.

They really aren't so different from us.

This sort of thinking is what is getting us into trouble. When folks can't see us in them, then it becomes okay to kill them. Stop that.

They ARE us, and we are them. We are no worse or better then any other creature, everything in nature has it's place, it is all about balance.

Unfortunately, yes, things right now, are quite out of balance.

(I noticed you also disparaged Viruses there too eh?)

Mother nature decided long ago what mammals were intended to be hunter and which the prey. Eyes in front hunter, on the side prey. It's just that simple, herding and your imagined social structure are about survival, nothing more.

The absolutely stupid part of this is TRUSTING the countries that are now "cleared" to import trophy parts from are backwater chaos pits run by filthy bastards. We should NOT be taking their word for all their "excellent" wildlife mgt practices that are CITED in this decision.

Folks should oppose it on the grounds that these 2 countries in PARTICULAR --- Zambia and Zimbabwe -- are not doing ENOUGH to move "wildlife management" towards a more "local ownership" model. Where the RESIDENTS see these assets as valuable to them and NOT as pests.

IN FACT -- there was a military COUPE in Zimbabwe this morning to DUMP that POS Marxist Mugabe. Call your Reps and tell them to PUSH for INDEPENDENT corroboration of the wildlife practices in place and STALL this decision until there IS clarity and a plan.. I'm not opposed to hunting. I PREFER that it benefits MORE of the local populace thru eco-tourism and research and arts and such. But these 2 countries can't be trusted to CERTIFY their desire to actually MANAGE that wildlife asset.
We need a culling of humans. There are too many.

I live in a rural hunting county. I am not a hunter myself mostly because I don’t want to kill anything I am not going to eat, but I have no problem with most hunters. Did you know that more deer are killed by automobiles in Pennsylvania than by hunters. And the deer population in Georgia in some spots is so large the deer are actually starving to death. But I am sure we could portray all deer as Bambi and how could we shoot them.

I like elephants too. Just like I like porpoises and dolphins. I don’t like to see these wonderful animals in captivity but if they were t in captivity millions of people would never get to see what wonderful animals they are. So some people think a solution to protecting elephants is to allow trophy hunting. What is your solution? Just say no. You don’t live in the real world. It’s the reason we no longer have a circus for families and children to go to and see these animals. If you have a better plan for preserving elephants by all means let us know.

In Namibia, elephant numbers have been increasing, and the nation’s conservancy approach is applauded as a factor in this success.

Established by the Namibian government in 1996, the program grants communities the power to manage wildlife on communal land and to work with private companies to develop their own tourism markets.

The latest government statistics indicate that the estimated contributions from trophy hunting exceeded $70 million. The vast majority of this income is returned to operators and spin-off beneficiaries such as airlines, hotels, tourism facilities, but there is a trickle-down effect.

In 2000, the total income to communal conservancies from all forms of wildlife use, including trophy hunting, amounted to $165,000. Six years later, this had increased almost tenfold to $1,330,000. Though small compared to the overall income from trophy hunting, it does provide one in seven Namibians with $75 a month.

Conservancy lands given over to trophy hunting have the added benefit of keeping the wild, wild. If these areas were farmed, for instance, the incentives for conservation would undoubtedly wane, and habitat loss would reduce wildlife numbers. The ecological footprint of trophy hunting—even of a safari lodge catering for groups of wildlife watching tourists—is far lighter than that of commercial farming.
The sad reality is the only places that have healthy elephant populations are those that allow hunts. Eco hunters don't pay even one tenth what a real hunter will pay for an elephant. In the long run it helps far more elephants than it harms.

I get your point, but in my mind the only thing better than a dog is an elephant:beer:

Don't get me wrong, i would never harm an elephant. In fact when i was working in Africa my company funded anti poaching patrols in our area, but, the simple reality is that where hunting of them is allowed there are elephants. Where hunting is outlawed there are few elephant, and the poachers run rampant. There is simply no money to fight them.


Well his son is a big game hunter after all. Fucking scumbags.

Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa

The Trump administration plans to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants they killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing a ban put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official confirmed to ABC News today.

Final straw, I signed the petition to impeach Trump.

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