Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

Is there a challenge to 'hunting' and shooting an elephant? Try hunting deer with a recurve bow without sights. That's what hunting is. btw, I got 5 that way. lol

21 inch 8 point - 9 yards - 52# Wing Recurve Hunter

20 1/2 inch 10 point - 13 yards - Bear WhiteTail Hunter

18 inch 9 point - 12 yards - Bear WTH

16 inch 9 point - close enough to touch with my toe when he walked by too close, killed him 3 steps later - Bear WTH

4 more all 15 inches or better ..

Easton XX75's - Savora fixed 5 blade broad heads

7 gobblers, 6 hogs, 1 Javalina

every kill under 20 yards - South Texas Brush Country - no blind - no feeder- no high fence.

elephant killers - meh.

And taking deer with bow and arrow is far more painful to the deer. A hunter using a rifle, who places their shot properly, will instantly, to near instantly kill the deer. Even the best bow shot consigns the deer to a lingering death due to bleeding out. It is not a pleasant way to go.

that's the classic anti-hunter line.

It is also factual. I don't hunt anymore. I used to, but all of my kills were instant. I simply can't abide an animal suffering.

lol, all of your kills were instant. No real hunter would make that claim.

I can say I did it one time. Was deer season 1999, it was COLD. That’s how I spotted this little spike creeping around. I zapped that thing at maybe 200 yards with a 25/06. There was a red poof from the nostrils and down it went.
All of that is true, but as a person who has lived and worked in Africa for years at a time, I can tell you that in areas where hunting is allowed the elephant population is doing OK. Not great mind you, but OK. Where hunting is outlawed they are nearing extinction. It's as simple as that.
My question is why allow any to be killed and mutilated ?Are they causing problems ? To make wanton killing of them a sport is imo disguesting

Because where they are allowed to be hunted they are valuable so the locals (who depend on the hunters for their livelihood) prevent poachers from killing them in their thousands. They control the number of elephant that can be killed every year. It's as simple as that. Like I said, I can't stand that they are killed, but the alternative is so much worse.
I can understand if they were like deer and over run where folks live ,, destroy gardens,.. and there are just too damn many , but are elephants like the deer and is elephant meat edible?

That’s exactly how it is, but alittle more complicated. In lots of places in Africa , the tribes own the land similar to how Indian reservations work so they get to sell the animals to be hunted. Boom, cash profit for the natives who own the land, then there is the meat. I’m thinking an elephant has allot. Then there is the ivorey. Here is the myth, the ivory is still the property of the tribe or landowners,not the hunter. So there is yet another cash book for the land owners, so they can now take the money from those elephants that typically get culled. Basically the government flys over a herd, shoots a given number of adults Or they poison them. Trump was actually HELPING here.

Trump helping - the mother fucker needs to help you learn how to spell 3rd grade words.

Trump helping --- :lmao::lmao::lmao:

yeah, go with that one ..

Bad spellings beats ignorant fuck any day. See what I did there ? You can at least admit this was nothing more then another hard on for trump thread instead of going through all the trouble of being ignorant. Just saying.
Is there a challenge to 'hunting' and shooting an elephant? Try hunting deer with a recurve bow without sights. That's what hunting is. btw, I got 5 that way. lol

21 inch 8 point - 9 yards - 52# Wing Recurve Hunter

20 1/2 inch 10 point - 13 yards - Bear WhiteTail Hunter

18 inch 9 point - 12 yards - Bear WTH

16 inch 9 point - close enough to touch with my toe when he walked by too close, killed him 3 steps later - Bear WTH

4 more all 15 inches or better ..

Easton XX75's - Savora fixed 5 blade broad heads

7 gobblers, 6 hogs, 1 Javalina

every kill under 20 yards - South Texas Brush Country - no blind - no feeder- no high fence.

elephant killers - meh.

And taking deer with bow and arrow is far more painful to the deer. A hunter using a rifle, who places their shot properly, will instantly, to near instantly kill the deer. Even the best bow shot consigns the deer to a lingering death due to bleeding out. It is not a pleasant way to go.

that's the classic anti-hunter line.

It is also factual. I don't hunt anymore. I used to, but all of my kills were instant. I simply can't abide an animal suffering.

lol, all of your kills were instant. No real hunter would make that claim.

Sure they do. I made SURE they would be. I never took a shot where there was even a possibility of a miss. I let plenty of critters get away because of it too.
81 and didn't know that elephant is edible, well , you learned something new i guess . Anyway , i think that dried elephant meat is called BILTONG and is similar to beef jerky at least in making and storing it Eddie . Plus . think it was 'mugabe' that has had elephant slaughtered a few times to feed starving villagers . Also , i have read that 'zimbabwe' has explored the possibility of selling elephant meat on a commercial basis Eddie .

dirt poor natives eat anything and everything - they call it "bush meat", there's a big market for bush meat too.


Can't remember the island I visited years ago but I had lion steak Not so good

a friend of mine has been to Africa twice on photo safari's .. he tried to get me to go both times .. I told him I would go as long as I could bring a sack lunch with my own food..

I didn't lose anything in ZuLu land so I'll keep my Texas ass right here - thank you.

And you also gotta lie. I bet all the skinnies called you “Bowana” and asked you to explain everything to them the American way.
As usual the hysterical leftists cry babies only report a portion of the facts.

FWS currently allows elephant heads that were killed in LEGAL HUNTS to be imported from every other African country- this simply adds Zimbabwe and Zambia back on the list.

Sorry LWNJ's. You're a bunch of cry babies. Tissue?

When elephant heard dissapear your going to see the further dying off of Africas eco system. they actually form a pretty important part of it all. I'm not anti- hunting at all, but I am anti slaughter of species and if you look at the numbers you can follow the trajectory. Elephants do some very important things such as fertilization and spreading of plants as well as digging watering holes for other animals who would otherwise die in drought conditions. Its still all of our planet, voicing some concern here is not being a cry baby.
As usual the hysterical leftists cry babies only report a portion of the facts.

FWS currently allows elephant heads that were killed in LEGAL HUNTS to be imported from every other African country- this simply adds Zimbabwe and Zambia back on the list.

Sorry LWNJ's. You're a bunch of cry babies. Tissue?

When elephant heard dissapear your going to see the further dying off of Africas eco system. they actually form a pretty important part of it all. I'm not anti- hunting at all, but I am anti slaughter of species and if you look at the numbers you can follow the trajectory. Elephants do some very important things such as fertilization and spreading of plants as well as digging watering holes for other animals who would otherwise die in drought conditions. Its still all of our planet, voicing some concern here is not being a cry baby.

You don't have all the facts. Sorry.

Well his son is a big game hunter after all. Fucking scumbags.

Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa

The Trump administration plans to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants they killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing a ban put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official confirmed to ABC News today.

Well, no one really believed that the audience of the United States of Entertain Me gave a fuck about anything as boring as wildlife preservation anyway.

Well his son is a big game hunter after all. Fucking scumbags.

Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa

The Trump administration plans to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants they killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing a ban put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official confirmed to ABC News today.

Well, no one really believed that the audience of the United States of Entertain Me gave a fuck about anything as boring as wildlife preservation anyway.
As usual the hysterical leftists cry babies only report a portion of the facts.

FWS currently allows elephant heads that were killed in LEGAL HUNTS to be imported from every other African country- this simply adds Zimbabwe and Zambia back on the list.

Sorry LWNJ's. You're a bunch of cry babies. Tissue?

When elephant heard dissapear your going to see the further dying off of Africas eco system. they actually form a pretty important part of it all. I'm not anti- hunting at all, but I am anti slaughter of species and if you look at the numbers you can follow the trajectory. Elephants do some very important things such as fertilization and spreading of plants as well as digging watering holes for other animals who would otherwise die in drought conditions. Its still all of our planet, voicing some concern here is not being a cry baby.

You don't have all the facts. Sorry.
African Elephant Population Dropped 30 Percent in 7 Years

African elephant numbers plummet during 'worst decline in 25 years’

Funny, the elephant is a symbol of the GOP and the GOP wants them dead. And defends killing them as saving them.

It's like Republicans saying they want to kill gays to save them.
As usual the hysterical leftists cry babies only report a portion of the facts.

FWS currently allows elephant heads that were killed in LEGAL HUNTS to be imported from every other African country- this simply adds Zimbabwe and Zambia back on the list.

Sorry LWNJ's. You're a bunch of cry babies. Tissue?

When elephant heard dissapear your going to see the further dying off of Africas eco system. they actually form a pretty important part of it all. I'm not anti- hunting at all, but I am anti slaughter of species and if you look at the numbers you can follow the trajectory. Elephants do some very important things such as fertilization and spreading of plants as well as digging watering holes for other animals who would otherwise die in drought conditions. Its still all of our planet, voicing some concern here is not being a cry baby.

You don't have all the facts. Sorry.
African Elephant Population Dropped 30 Percent in 7 Years

African elephant numbers plummet during 'worst decline in 25 years’

Funny, the elephant is a symbol of the GOP and the GOP wants them dead. And defends killing them as saving them.

It's like Republicans saying they want to kill gays to save them.

The current elephant population in Africa is roughly 700,000 elephants.

The problem is not legal hunts- there are only about 1000 of those per year. The money paid for permits from those hunts is being used to stop the real problem - poachers.
Humans kill people ..... Maybe humans ought to be wiped out.

So you support the death penalty for murderers in Chicago, Detroit, Philly, ect.? I didn't think so you hypocrite. :p

Fuck Elephants. They should be hunted just like back in the day. They are ugly. They are dangerous. The shit all over causing global warming. And they destroy crops. What sick fuck would compare them to dolphins?

I actually do support the death penalty in certain cases. You don't know a goddamned thing about me. Elephants have more class than you. Maybe you need to be killed for polluting the planet. You are the sick fucking asshole.
Trump unites the parties against him.

"Two other lawmakers, Reps. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., and Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., co-chairs of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, assailed the administration's decision.

"We should not encourage the hunting and slaughter of these magnificent creatures," Buchanan said. "We don't get a second chance once a species becomes extinct."

Trump delays new policy on importing elephant parts

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