Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.


Laura Ingraham who is a Trump sycophant ripped Trump on this and she explained why it is a bad idea.

"I don't understand how this move by @realDonaldTrump Admin will not INCREASE the gruesome poaching of elephants. Stay tuned."

Even Trump Loyalist Laura Ingraham Doesn't Understand Ending the Ban on Elephant Trophies

She's entitled to her opinion, just like you or I.

here's a novel concept;

Trump keep his sorry ass politics all to himself and let conservationists, and Professional Hunters in their own country decide what's best for them on every level.
elephants are there to be harvested
You harvest grain, not thinking creatures.

If we weren't taking 10s of thousands of deer in this country per year they will starve and you will have a lot more people killed in accidents with them on the highways.


We are talking endangered species here.

No we're not.


Yes we are. Deer are not a endangered species.
I just want to know, what part of killing an elephant is "hunting"? It's not like you have to track them, stalk them. It is not like they are hard to find. And how can you miss them when you shoot? How can you have a "trophy" from an elephant? What can you possibly be celebrating? Your hunting skills? Your shooting skills? I mean normally, I am opposed to capital punishment, but in the case of shooting an elephant, I can be persuaded otherwise.
You don't know a damn thing about hunting, do you. (That's not a question.)

Also note: the place you need to hit to take down an elephant is about the size of a salad plate.
Relax snowflakes. . . Its not like anyone is trying to market bumpstocks with ivory inlay.
My uncle's H&H rifle actually has an ivory inlay...the front sight has a piece of ivory on it, about the size of a grain of rice. (I don't think that was unusual on big game rifles of the era.)
The sad reality is the only places that have healthy elephant populations are those that allow hunts. Eco hunters don't pay even one tenth what a real hunter will pay for an elephant. In the long run it helps far more elephants than it harms.
The problem is that elephants live in intergenerational family units. They are long lived, slow to msture and highly intelligent. Older ones teach younger ones and knowledge gets passed down through generations.

We have no business killing such creatures for sport. If there were no market for dead elephant parts there would be no value in poaching. Now we are opening the market again to poorly regulated indistry. :(

All of that is true, but as a person who has lived and worked in Africa for years at a time, I can tell you that in areas where hunting is allowed the elephant population is doing OK. Not great mind you, but OK. Where hunting is outlawed they are nearing extinction. It's as simple as that.
I understand their conservation is a complicated matter....but perhaps we could stop short of allowing their severed heads to be brought back :(
The hunts people buy boast of near 100% success rates, so what's the accomplishment here? It's more elephant shooting than elephant hunting.
The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.

Part of the problem is determine whether or not what is coming in is “legal”. Corruption is rife. Once you start allowing animal parts in you encourage illegal killing and poaching and marketing of animals, most of whom are endangered. The Chinese are among the worst because they believe animal parts have medicinal or sexual enhancement property.

People who get their thrills killing these magnificent members of another nation should be satisfied with photographs and memories. We don’t need dismembered body parts brought back to encourage trade in those parts.
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I like elephants more than I like people.
I can't say I have ever met one.

There are a few people I like though.

I knew a couple when I was young.

Wonderful beings. Poop a lot.
I've had this discussion with an anarcho-capitalist friend of mine. Personally I love nature and I am disgusted with trophy hunting, but this friend of mine showed me the facts, and, I am afraid to say that. . . the post by OKTexas is correct, as much as it is distasteful.

The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.


If we want endangered and threatened animals to survive, the best places to keep them safe in an increasingly poor and desperate world for money and resources, against something known as the "tragedy of the commons," the profit motive is the best way to guarantee their biological diversity on private game reserves, these are self-funding. To help encourage this, the US should probably work WITH these poor nations, not against them, to promote the type of tourism that sportsmen and the market are demanding, not just the type the feel good left would like to see.

Andre Walker - Liberal Hypocrisy Over Mandela Game Hunting

I empathize and understand your feelings, I really do, trust me on this, for I share them. Elephants truly are amazing creatures. Someday humanity will evolve to fully understand their consciousness, to a point, where EVERYONE will understand their type of consciousness and relationship with the planet and universe. When that day comes, hopefully the species will still exist and humanity can begin to collectively atone for our past transgressions against them.

Thank you.
Good post.
The sad reality is the only places that have healthy elephant populations are those that allow hunts. Eco hunters don't pay even one tenth what a real hunter will pay for an elephant. In the long run it helps far more elephants than it harms.

Not to mention the money they bring into some very poor communities.
The hunts people buy boast of near 100% success rates, so what's the accomplishment here? It's more elephant shooting than elephant hunting.

As a hunter I am surprised you would ask that. You ever see any Government or corporate entity deal with elephants ? they shoot them from helicopters regardless of sex if its with a calf or not. The buzzards get the meat and the ivory gets stacked in a warehouse. You also neglect to mention the meat. ALL of it gos to the Tribe who "sold the tag" so to speak. The ivory? Well that stays as its illegal for the tribe to sell it (but they do anyway). In essence, you are banning the a means for Africans to profit and make a living on anything other then a handout.

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