Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

Hilarious, they care more about a fucking elephant than an unborn baby. You just can't make this shit up.

Well his son is a big game hunter after all. Fucking scumbags.

Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa

The Trump administration plans to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants they killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing a ban put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official confirmed to ABC News today.

Awesome. That will Hit the profits of the ivory poachers. Smart move.
a handful of dirt poor natives see an elephant walking around worth $5K because of its ivory and the next day theres a dead elephant on the ground minus its ivory ...

only some piece of shit Republican could find any true value in that.

Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.
I will no longer support him if he does this.
Why is everyone so clueless about big game hunting? This is GOOD for elephants. Christ almighty, do some research. Without a system of charging a small fortune for a hunting tag, they locals will just continue to slaughter ALL the elephants because, you have to kill a lot of them to earn any real money. Old elephants are dangerous to the herd, just as old lions are to their pride, which is why they give out tags to hunt them.

If you want to hate on the hunter who goes and kills elephants, have at it (i personally would never dream of killing these great animals), but dont delude yourself into thinking that its better for the animals if they DONT hunt them. Its not better; its much worse.
a handful of dirt poor natives see an elephant walking around worth $5K because of its ivory and the next day theres a dead elephant on the ground minus its ivory ...

only some piece of shit Republican could find any true value in that.


People that aren't offended by this sort of thing are human filth.
Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies


Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies
Of course he is. Clearly, we can see why.
I will no longer support him if he does this.
Why is everyone so clueless about big game hunting? This is GOOD for elephants. Christ almighty, do some research. Without a system of charging a small fortune for a hunting tag, they locals will just continue to slaughter ALL the elephants because, you have to kill a lot of them to earn any real money. Old elephants are dangerous to the herd, just as old lions are to their pride, which is why they give out tags to hunt them.

If you want to hate on the hunter who goes and kills elephants, have at it (i personally would never dream of killing these great animals), but dont delude yourself into thinking that its better for the animals if they DONT hunt them. Its not better; its much worse.

You are wasting time trying to educate these people. They don’t think, they feel. To them, an elephant is like a giant version of their toy poodle.
The left whining about killing wild animals and don't bat an eye at aborting precious human babies.


Oh shut up!! Sad that you want to stereotype people. I am pro-life and I oppose this as well. When God told Noah to build a ark, he wanted 2 of every animal brought aboard. Instead these so-called evangelicals want to destroy God's creations.
The left whining about killing wild animals and don't bat an eye at aborting precious human babies.


Oh shut up!! Sad that you want to stereotype people. I am pro-life and I oppose this as well. When God told Noah to build a ark, he wanted 2 of every animal brought aboard. Instead these so-called evangelicals want to destroy God's creations.
You're an idiot.
100 thousand estimated elephants in Zimbabwe all by itself . If getting BIBLICAL doen't the bible say that Animals will serve as food for mankind BBEE ??
The left whining about killing wild animals and don't bat an eye at aborting precious human babies.


Oh shut up!! Sad that you want to stereotype people. I am pro-life and I oppose this as well. When God told Noah to build a ark, he wanted 2 of every animal brought aboard. Instead these so-called evangelicals want to destroy God's creations.

I wasn't talking to you annoying bee.

I simply stated a generalization, leftists whine about killing an animal but generally support abortion.

So you may shut up and quickly realize there is no left loon on the planet I'll ever take direction from
I get your point, but in my mind the only thing better than a dog is an elephant:beer:

Don't get me wrong, i would never harm an elephant. In fact when i was working in Africa my company funded anti poaching patrols in our area, but, the simple reality is that where hunting of them is allowed there are elephants. Where hunting is outlawed there are few elephant, and the poachers run rampant. There is simply no money to fight them.

Tho I think the "eco-tourism" aspect CAN BE more than equal to the hunting revenues. Problem is -- SMART tourists don't GO to Zimbabwe. Even if all amenities are included. :badgrin: There's the problem.

Not even close. Eco tourists spend about 10,000 to 12,000 on a photo safari. A real hunt will bring in over 250,000 to the local economy. There is no comparison.

That's just 25 eco-tourists. Or one dead elephant. The numbers in GOOD, clean, welcoming countries can make up for it. Just NOT in Zimbabwe or Zambia. Or any number of elephant ranging countries where there's war raging now.

The hunt regulators are very careful about which animals can be killed, they will frequently have them kill the old bulls so that the younger ones can breed with the females to get a healthier strain. There is a tremendous amount of thought given to it in most areas. But i do agree it is a terrible thing to see one of them killed. They are truly magnificent creatures. When I was working there the poachers were going berserk and the government offered a bounty of 5,000 a head for them (that's for a dead poacher)
and we helped fund that program for five years.

Was ironic that I woke up this morning and saw the military in Zimbabwe take over the country. Mugabe MAY be on the way out. I can't fathom the stupidity of making "deals" with this country on much of anything right now..
As many animals march on the way to extinction, the GOP is gleefully always leading the march.
When God told man to be stewards, Republicans thought that meant kill them all.
As many animals march on the way to extinction, the GOP is gleefully always leading the march.
When God told man to be stewards, Republicans thought that meant kill them all.
If they didn't sell hunting tags, these animals would already be extinct.
yep , without the Elephants and elephant hunters the hungry villagers would all be doctors and lawyers RDave .
So, you tough guy big game hunters get to kill animals & giving away the meat makes it OK.

Find a new excuse to kill animals. It does not make you "men". It doesn't make you a tough guy. It is not even a sport.
yep , without the Elephants and elephant hunters the hungry villagers would all be doctors and lawyers RDave .
So, you tough guy big game hunters get to kill animals & giving away the meat makes it OK.

Find a new excuse to kill animals. It does not make you "men". It doesn't make you a tough guy. It is not even a sport.
------------------------------------------------------ killing animals is very LEGAL and profitable and the villagers love it when an Elephant is killed .

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