Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

and i am not even CONSERVATIONIST minded but in todays world everything is regulated so that being the case Elephant hunting is legal RDave .
Find a new excuse to kill animals. It does not make you "men". It doesn't make you a tough guy. It is not even a sport.

This is a sport ...

yep , without the Elephants and elephant hunters the hungry villagers would all be doctors and lawyers RDave .
So, you tough guy big game hunters get to kill animals & giving away the meat makes it OK.

Find a new excuse to kill animals. It does not make you "men". It doesn't make you a tough guy. It is not even a sport.
You're such a fag, you're an embarrassment to the name Dave.
Excellent decision by President Donald Trump. The NRA is a great organization
The NRA has become a danger to all Americans. It is very close to a terrorist organization in that it enables the perpetrators of the ever increasing atrocities to get the weapons that they use. Mass shootings with these weapons are a weekly occurrence now, and when they become a daily occurrence, they will simply state that we need more guns.

Why should we have to go armed to every function outside of our home? When I was a young man, nobody carried a gun to church, or even thought they needed to. Is that the nation that we want? One where you go in fear everywhere outside of our homes?
Well now, I really think that it should be illegal to bring in animal trophies into this nation, period. Sad little asses that have to prove their manhood by killing an animal for sport are the real pussies. And, yes, I have hunted for the table much of my life. Not for a trophy, but for food.
Theodore Roosevelt, often called "the conservation president," impacted the National Park System well beyond his term in office. He doubled the number of sites within the National Park system.

And like the coolest kind of conservationist ... he hunted in all of them.

He would have disliked the "canned" hunts that many do.

The Story of the Teddy Bear - Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Did you know that the Teddy Bear was invented in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt? It all began when Theodore Roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip near Onward, Mississippi on November 14, 1902. He had been invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino, and unlike other hunters in the group, had not located a single bear.

Roosevelt's assistants, led by Holt Collier, a born slave and former Confederate cavalryman, cornered and tied a black bear to a willow tree. They summoned Roosevelt and suggested that he shoot it. Viewing this as extremely unsportsmanlike, Roosevelt refused to shoot the bear. The news of this event spread quickly through newspaper articles across the country. The articles recounted the story of the president who refused to shoot a bear. However, it was not just any president, it was Theodore Roosevelt the big game hunter!

I knew, repeat knew, just a couple of the canned "trophy" hunters. These individuals seemed oblivious to the reality. They were given a show, and a trophy. Hunting or posing, the nations that allow the hunts charge large sums, and export is watched closely.
I would NEVER import an African game trophy ....

... I go over and get my own.

A republican, too.

And coolest President, evah...

Teddy Roosevelt was famous as an environmentalist.

Theodore Roosevelt, often called "the conservation president," impacted the National Park System well beyond his term in office. He doubled the number of sites within the National Park system.

Theodore Roosevelt and the National Park System - Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)
He was basically a dictator. Shit for brains
As many animals march on the way to extinction, the GOP is gleefully always leading the march.
When God told man to be stewards, Republicans thought that meant kill them all.
If they didn't sell hunting tags, these animals would already be extinct.
More tough guy hunter bullshit.
Im no hunter. I would NEVER kill an animal. I don't like trophy hunters, but my dislike of them doesn't change the fact that they are the ONLY reason a lot of these animals aren't extinct.

The "last white rhino" is protected 24/7 by men with guns. Who do you think pays for that? Who do you think pays for all wildlife conservationists in these African nations? Who pays the men who hunt poachers? If your answer is "the tax paying citizens of those nations" you are terribly uninformed. They dont have money in the budget for that shit. The money comes from big game hunters who pay $250,000 for a single tag.

Do you think they pay that money to kill a random elephant? No! They get the tag for a specific elephant that is old and troublesome. Older animals are sometimes very troublesome. Old lions, for example, will kill all the new borns in the pride. Killing him can save several lions lives.

You need to educate yourself and quit seeing everything through an emotional lense.
Excellent decision by President Donald Trump. The NRA is a great organization
So the NRA wants to kill more animals & pretend it is sport. Much how they treat our children.

The NRA is the most disgusting organization in this country. Never vote for any candidate that the NRA supports.
------------------------------------------------------------ i think these elephants come from some third world area in Africa . The Countries like the revenue money brought in by the hunts and the villagers like the meat from the carcass . Elephant kill means that the country makes money , the buzzards eat and the hunter gets his trophy , the Ivory is sold for money and the third world villagers have a big party and elephant meat feast RDave .

I get it.

Jr dresses up in safari gear, pays a lot of money for a guide to point our an elephant, Jr kills it. takes a piece to be hid trophy, they give the meat to the locals, and all is fine in lala land.

But hey, they are a third world country & it is OK for us to rape their land. Typical Trumpette view.
Elephants are there to hunt… End of story
The left whining about killing wild animals and don't bat an eye at aborting precious human babies.


Oh shut up!! Sad that you want to stereotype people. I am pro-life and I oppose this as well. When God told Noah to build a ark, he wanted 2 of every animal brought aboard. Instead these so-called evangelicals want to destroy God's creations.
Anti-hunting people need to mind their own business, You guys sound like a bunch of whinny fucks
As many animals march on the way to extinction, the GOP is gleefully always leading the march.
When God told man to be stewards, Republicans thought that meant kill them all.
Your safe space is waiting...
Well now, I really think that it should be illegal to bring in animal trophies into this nation, period. Sad little asses that have to prove their manhood by killing an animal for sport are the real pussies. And, yes, I have hunted for the table much of my life. Not for a trophy, but for food.

And I know those who hunt to supplement family food supply. Same with fishing, my grandfather was a 'sports fisherman' and we were served the catch, and helped clean, etc. That was the only way to get my father's favorite, "snook". My grandfather helped get the family through the Great Depression by fishing, and back then, hunting.
yep , without the Elephants and elephant hunters the hungry villagers would all be doctors and lawyers RDave .
So, you tough guy big game hunters get to kill animals & giving away the meat makes it OK.

Find a new excuse to kill animals. It does not make you "men". It doesn't make you a tough guy. It is not even a sport.
It is far more than any sport... lol

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