Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

I mean seriously, can we all just agree that this is not something that is a big concern for people? Or do we have to wait until the elephants are facing being wiped before looking at how this helps anyone?
For the trump boys.
Relax snowflakes. . . Its not like anyone is trying to market bumpstocks with ivory inlay.
elephants aren't being faced with extinction . In Zimbabwe alone estimates are that there are 100 thousand elephants roaming about .
ENDANGERED ANIMAL killing them for ivory deserves trumps to get stomped by one

The Trump kids saw a herd of elephants and said they see only one problem.

The elephants aren't dead.
Does it make lefties feel better if legally taken elephants are left to rot in Africa? Take it up with the freaking Tanzenia government. Barry Hussein could probably pull a few strings.
I like elephants more than I like people.
I can't say I have ever met one.

There are a few people I like though.

I knew a couple when I was young.

Wonderful beings. Poop a lot.
I've had this discussion with an anarcho-capitalist friend of mine. Personally I love nature and I am disgusted with trophy hunting, but this friend of mine showed me the facts, and, I am afraid to say that. . . the post by OKTexas is correct, as much as it is distasteful.

The better question is why would we block big game trophies that are taken legally? Fees and licenses paid by hunters help preserve wild game.


If we want endangered and threatened animals to survive, the best places to keep them safe in an increasingly poor and desperate world for money and resources, against something known as the "tragedy of the commons," the profit motive is the best way to guarantee their biological diversity on private game reserves, these are self-funding. To help encourage this, the US should probably work WITH these poor nations, not against them, to promote the type of tourism that sportsmen and the market are demanding, not just the type the feel good left would like to see.

Andre Walker - Liberal Hypocrisy Over Mandela Game Hunting

I empathize and understand your feelings, I really do, trust me on this, for I share them. Elephants truly are amazing creatures. Someday humanity will evolve to fully understand their consciousness, to a point, where EVERYONE will understand their type of consciousness and relationship with the planet and universe. When that day comes, hopefully the species will still exist and humanity can begin to collectively atone for our past transgressions against them.

Thank you.
Does it make lefties feel better if legally taken elephants are left to rot in Africa? Take it up with the freaking Tanzenia government. Barry Hussein could probably pull a few strings.
I read an article about these hunts, the elephants are given to tribes.
Does it make lefties feel better if legally taken elephants are left to rot in Africa? Take it up with the freaking Tanzenia government. Barry Hussein could probably pull a few strings.
It was Obama that signed a bill keeping protected species "trophies" from coming into this country you filthy POS. Why does your kind always try to drag that man into the evil done by the GOP?

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