Trump to cut $2.7t from domestic programs...Is the FSA pissing themselves?

This is why we have 22 trillion dollars in debt, fuckers like you give your party a free pass. The GOP controlled the House, the Senate and the White House and yet you cannot bring yourself to blame them for a single fucking dime.

And stupid sheep on the other side do the same thing for their party.
Big talk for someone who claims not to have voted.

Who the fuck ever said I have not voted? Is this all you have left, stupid lies? I vote every election.
That's not what you have been saying. You claim you didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and those were the only two candidates who had a chance of winning, so you didn't vote in any meaningful way, you just pouted.

The morons are the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. In Utah approximately a quarter of voters voted for someone other than Trump or Clinton.
So you are saying 1/4 of the people in Utah played no part in choosing the next president.

What idiots these Russians be. People have the right to vote for whomever they please. First you complained he didn't vote. Now you complain he didn't vote in a "meaingful way".

Go fuck yourself.
Bullshit. Taking voting seriously means voting for the best candidate who has a chance of winning. Adults make choices all the time between things that do not match up to all their preferences. That's what behaving responsible means.

What was the chance that Trump was going to win California?

What was Hillary's chance of winning Wyoming?

Neither Trump nor Hillary had any chance of winning those states, and yet people still voted for them knowing they would not win the state.

in our system, all that matters is who wins the state.
That's not what you have been saying. You claim you didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and those were the only two candidates who had a chance of winning, so you didn't vote in any meaningful way, you just pouted.

The morons are the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. In Utah approximately a quarter of voters voted for someone other than Trump or Clinton.
So you are saying 1/4 of the people in Utah played no part in choosing the next president.

Actually, in the last election 54.5% of the people of Utah played no part in choosing the current president.
Not true. Losing an election does not mean you intentionally when you voted for some one who might have won is not the same as throwing your vote away on a private pout.

They choose to vote for someone that had no chances to win the state, and winning the state is all that matters in our system. Hillary had no more chance of winning Utah than Johnson my state.

The people that live in Cali and voted for Trump knew he had zero chance of winning the state, but they did it anyhow. That is no different than what I do.
It's very different. Even if they knew Hillary couldn't win, a large percentage of voters vote a straight ticket, so they might be electing other Democrats, and a lot of voters hope against hope that their candidate will win.
Big talk for someone who claims not to have voted.

Who the fuck ever said I have not voted? Is this all you have left, stupid lies? I vote every election.
That's not what you have been saying. You claim you didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and those were the only two candidates who had a chance of winning, so you didn't vote in any meaningful way, you just pouted.

The morons are the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. In Utah approximately a quarter of voters voted for someone other than Trump or Clinton.
So you are saying 1/4 of the people in Utah played no part in choosing the next president.

What idiots these Russians be. People have the right to vote for whomever they please. First you complained he didn't vote. Now you complain he didn't vote in a "meaingful way".

Go fuck yourself.
As with most of your posts, "go fuck yourself" makes no sense.
You gave zero fucks about the deficit when Barack Hussein was in office, what changed?

fuck, you people are so boring. I have cared about the deficit since GH Bush was in office, in fact it was his lies and spending that drove me from the Repub party. Tried the Dems once and have never gone back to the duopoly.

As for you though, you gave a million fucks about the deficit when Barack Hussein was in office and now you do not care at all, what changed?
"It drove you from the Republican party?" I remember a previous post where you admitted you used to be a Democrat. You still defend them.

I was never a Dem, I voted for a Dem for POTUS once, that was in 1992. I was a Repub for the 10 years prior to that.

That was the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.

I do not defend the Dems, that is a lie. I am willing to bet you cannot find a single post of me doing so.
I only see you attacking Pubs. I've also caught you taking the Dim's side on numerous issues.

I agree with the Dems on some issues, I agree with the Repubs on some issues. That is what is known as not being a sheep and thinking for myself.

I get called a Trumpian/righty on a regular basis by the folks on the left.
You always attack Repubs and never attack Dims. That's known is being a sheep and thinking what you're told to think.
The morons are the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. In Utah approximately a quarter of voters voted for someone other than Trump or Clinton.
So you are saying 1/4 of the people in Utah played no part in choosing the next president.

Actually, in the last election 54.5% of the people of Utah played no part in choosing the current president.
Not true. Losing an election does not mean you intentionally when you voted for some one who might have won is not the same as throwing your vote away on a private pout.

They choose to vote for someone that had no chances to win the state, and winning the state is all that matters in our system. Hillary had no more chance of winning Utah than Johnson my state.

The people that live in Cali and voted for Trump knew he had zero chance of winning the state, but they did it anyhow. That is no different than what I do.
It's very different. Even if they knew Hillary couldn't win, a large percentage of voters vote a straight ticket, so they might be electing other Democrats, and a lot of voters hope against hope that their candidate will win.

So, what you are saying is that if one is a partisan sheep like you and votes straight ticket, it is ok to vote for someone that has no chance to win. But if you refuse to be a slave to the two parties and vote with a brain instead of who I am told to vote for, then it is not ok to vote for someone that has no chance to win.

what ever helps you sleep at night.
fuck, you people are so boring. I have cared about the deficit since GH Bush was in office, in fact it was his lies and spending that drove me from the Repub party. Tried the Dems once and have never gone back to the duopoly.

As for you though, you gave a million fucks about the deficit when Barack Hussein was in office and now you do not care at all, what changed?
"It drove you from the Republican party?" I remember a previous post where you admitted you used to be a Democrat. You still defend them.

I was never a Dem, I voted for a Dem for POTUS once, that was in 1992. I was a Repub for the 10 years prior to that.

That was the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.

I do not defend the Dems, that is a lie. I am willing to bet you cannot find a single post of me doing so.
I only see you attacking Pubs. I've also caught you taking the Dim's side on numerous issues.

I agree with the Dems on some issues, I agree with the Repubs on some issues. That is what is known as not being a sheep and thinking for myself.

I get called a Trumpian/righty on a regular basis by the folks on the left.

Post 1 instance of that happening.
I have certainly never seen anyone call him a righty. All the libertarians in the forum denounce as a fake.
fuck, you people are so boring. I have cared about the deficit since GH Bush was in office, in fact it was his lies and spending that drove me from the Repub party. Tried the Dems once and have never gone back to the duopoly.

As for you though, you gave a million fucks about the deficit when Barack Hussein was in office and now you do not care at all, what changed?
"It drove you from the Republican party?" I remember a previous post where you admitted you used to be a Democrat. You still defend them.

I was never a Dem, I voted for a Dem for POTUS once, that was in 1992. I was a Repub for the 10 years prior to that.

That was the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.

I do not defend the Dems, that is a lie. I am willing to bet you cannot find a single post of me doing so.
I only see you attacking Pubs. I've also caught you taking the Dim's side on numerous issues.

I agree with the Dems on some issues, I agree with the Repubs on some issues. That is what is known as not being a sheep and thinking for myself.

I get called a Trumpian/righty on a regular basis by the folks on the left.
You always attack Repubs and never attack Dims. That's known is being a sheep and thinking what you're told to think.

poor little man. So confused. I attack everyone, I attack the Dems for being hypocrites just as much as I do you.

this forum is about 70/30 Repubs to Dem so I interact with the Repubs more due to their sheer numbers. Plus until 2 months ago, your chosen party held all the power in DC, thus they were the focus.
"It drove you from the Republican party?" I remember a previous post where you admitted you used to be a Democrat. You still defend them.

I was never a Dem, I voted for a Dem for POTUS once, that was in 1992. I was a Repub for the 10 years prior to that.

That was the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.

I do not defend the Dems, that is a lie. I am willing to bet you cannot find a single post of me doing so.
I only see you attacking Pubs. I've also caught you taking the Dim's side on numerous issues.

I agree with the Dems on some issues, I agree with the Repubs on some issues. That is what is known as not being a sheep and thinking for myself.

I get called a Trumpian/righty on a regular basis by the folks on the left.

Post 1 instance of that happening.
I have certainly never seen anyone call him a righty. All the libertarians in the forum denounce as a fake.

you mean all those "libertarians" that worship Trump?

I can live with them calling me a fake.
Big talk for someone who claims not to have voted.

Who the fuck ever said I have not voted? Is this all you have left, stupid lies? I vote every election.
That's not what you have been saying. You claim you didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and those were the only two candidates who had a chance of winning, so you didn't vote in any meaningful way, you just pouted.

The morons are the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. In Utah approximately a quarter of voters voted for someone other than Trump or Clinton.
So you are saying 1/4 of the people in Utah played no part in choosing the next president.

What idiots these Russians be. People have the right to vote for whomever they please. First you complained he didn't vote. Now you complain he didn't vote in a "meaingful way".

Go fuck yourself.
That's correct. People have a right to be as stupid as they want to be.
"It drove you from the Republican party?" I remember a previous post where you admitted you used to be a Democrat. You still defend them.

I was never a Dem, I voted for a Dem for POTUS once, that was in 1992. I was a Repub for the 10 years prior to that.

That was the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.

I do not defend the Dems, that is a lie. I am willing to bet you cannot find a single post of me doing so.
I only see you attacking Pubs. I've also caught you taking the Dim's side on numerous issues.

I agree with the Dems on some issues, I agree with the Repubs on some issues. That is what is known as not being a sheep and thinking for myself.

I get called a Trumpian/righty on a regular basis by the folks on the left.
You always attack Repubs and never attack Dims. That's known is being a sheep and thinking what you're told to think.

poor little man. So confused. I attack everyone, I attack the Dems for being hypocrites just as much as I do you.

this forum is about 70/30 Repubs to Dem so I interact with the Repubs more due to their sheer numbers. Plus until 2 months ago, your chosen party held all the power in DC, thus they were the focus.
I sure as hell haven't noticed it, and neither has anyone else on the right.
Who the fuck ever said I have not voted? Is this all you have left, stupid lies? I vote every election.
That's not what you have been saying. You claim you didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and those were the only two candidates who had a chance of winning, so you didn't vote in any meaningful way, you just pouted.

The morons are the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. In Utah approximately a quarter of voters voted for someone other than Trump or Clinton.
So you are saying 1/4 of the people in Utah played no part in choosing the next president.

What idiots these Russians be. People have the right to vote for whomever they please. First you complained he didn't vote. Now you complain he didn't vote in a "meaingful way".

Go fuck yourself.
That's correct. People have a right to be as stupid as they want to be.

and boy howdy, do you take advantage of that right!
Social security and Medicare won't be touched as it's political suicide. Make cuts to Dept of commerce and others like that.
I was never a Dem, I voted for a Dem for POTUS once, that was in 1992. I was a Repub for the 10 years prior to that.

That was the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.

I do not defend the Dems, that is a lie. I am willing to bet you cannot find a single post of me doing so.
I only see you attacking Pubs. I've also caught you taking the Dim's side on numerous issues.

I agree with the Dems on some issues, I agree with the Repubs on some issues. That is what is known as not being a sheep and thinking for myself.

I get called a Trumpian/righty on a regular basis by the folks on the left.
You always attack Repubs and never attack Dims. That's known is being a sheep and thinking what you're told to think.

poor little man. So confused. I attack everyone, I attack the Dems for being hypocrites just as much as I do you.

this forum is about 70/30 Repubs to Dem so I interact with the Repubs more due to their sheer numbers. Plus until 2 months ago, your chosen party held all the power in DC, thus they were the focus.
I sure as hell haven't noticed it, and neither has anyone else on the right.

That is because anyone that does not agree with every single things Trump does is attacked as a lefty. The fact that I not only supported but cheered Trump's two SCOTUS picks mean nothing because I said mean things about his stupid trade war.

All you you see is two sides, you lack the basic intelligence to see anything other than black and white. You little mind cannot grasp someone that agrees with both sides sometimes and neither side much of the time.
Social security and Medicare won't be touched as it's political suicide. Make cuts to Dept of commerce and others like that.

the problem there is they are so tiny that cutting 10 to 20 percent from them will make very little difference.

it will take more than that to start getting things under control.

not saying we should not cut them all by 10%, but it will take more.
Social security and Medicare won't be touched as it's political suicide. Make cuts to Dept of commerce and others like that.

the problem there is they are so tiny that cutting 10 to 20 percent from them will make very little difference.

it will take more than that to start getting things under control.

not saying we should not cut them all by 10%, but it will take more.
Just funding them at their current level would eliminate the debt in a decade.
Cutting them all by 10 percent leaves some high and dry....

I do not believe that. It is the government, there is waste and there is duplication. Let each Dept Sec choose how to do it and do it over the course of 3 years so that there is not a negative impact on the country.

But if we do not do it to the DOD also it is a waste of time.
Social security and Medicare won't be touched as it's political suicide. Make cuts to Dept of commerce and others like that.

the problem there is they are so tiny that cutting 10 to 20 percent from them will make very little difference.

it will take more than that to start getting things under control.

not saying we should not cut them all by 10%, but it will take more.
Just funding them at their current level would eliminate the debt in a decade.

I much prefer G5000s idea of getting rid of all tax expenditures. Quit using the tax code for social engineering. If we make the same amount of money you should not pay less than me just because you have a mortgage and I do not or just because you have kids and I do not.
Social security and Medicare won't be touched as it's political suicide. Make cuts to Dept of commerce and others like that.

the problem there is they are so tiny that cutting 10 to 20 percent from them will make very little difference.

it will take more than that to start getting things under control.

not saying we should not cut them all by 10%, but it will take more.
Just funding them at their current level would eliminate the debt in a decade.

I much prefer G5000s idea of getting rid of all tax expenditures. Quit using the tax code for social engineering. If we make the same amount of money you should not pay less than me just because you have a mortgage and I do not or just because you have kids and I do not.
In other words, you support increasing taxes.

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