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Trump to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Administration Will Announce Friday

Taxpayer money to fund abortions should have never happened in the first place.
You'd REALLY flip your lid if you lived in Maine. The State is being sued for not allowing abortions to be paid for with Medicaid funds. LOL

Taxpayer dollars have been funding Canadian abortions since abortions were legalized. Employer taxes paid by the Catholic Church and other anti abortion groups also go to pay for birth control and to fund abortions and there are no complaints.

Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, as it should be. And despite all of these, there are half the abortions compared to the US.
Yeah, Good thing the innocent child can't object, huh.
Taxpayer money to fund abortions should have never happened in the first place.
You'd REALLY flip your lid if you lived in Maine. The State is being sued for not allowing abortions to be paid for with Medicaid funds. LOL

Taxpayer dollars have been funding Canadian abortions since abortions were legalized. Employer taxes paid by the Catholic Church and other anti abortion groups also go to pay for birth control and to fund abortions and there are no complaints.

Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, as it should be. And despite all of these, there are half the abortions compared to the US.

If it's a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, why do others have to help pay for it?
Taxpayer money to fund abortions should have never happened in the first place.
You'd REALLY flip your lid if you lived in Maine. The State is being sued for not allowing abortions to be paid for with Medicaid funds. LOL

Taxpayer dollars have been funding Canadian abortions since abortions were legalized. Employer taxes paid by the Catholic Church and other anti abortion groups also go to pay for birth control and to fund abortions and there are no complaints.

Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, as it should be. And despite all of these, there are half the abortions compared to the US.
I agree. In my caseworker days, I met welfare moms who had -- oops -- gotten pregnant and the $650 (then--probably more now) might as well have been six million. At least one of those kids is now in state custody because mom was a mentally unstable drug addict. She tried to raise the money not to go through with the pregnancy, but she couldn't. I WISH Maine's suit would prevail, but it won't. It has been tried before.
Are you worried they will?

The way funding works is that Title X is made available to the States. The States decide who gets the funding. It is closely regulated. PP happens to be very efficient at taking the monies and distributing preventative care to that population. The public health institutions are also stakeholders in that Title X grants. They do largely the same thing. The difference is that the public health nurses are on the public payroll, they get pensions, benefits, etc... that are paid for by the taxpayers of the County. The PP nurses who discharge the same services (and abortions) are paid for by PP.

Folks think they are saving money by screwing planned parenthood. You're actually losing money. First in payroll and benefits to the health care providers. Secondly, by cutting the arteries that supply oral contraceptives, shields, and IUDs...you're just going to have more abortions; that you're not paying for anyway. And lastly, those that don't have abortions are going to be on the public dole (most likely) consuming dollars of aid.

It basically goes back to the reason Trump was elected...just to "stick it" to someone whether it makes sense or not. Stupidity has a name and it is "trump supporter"
Do you think it's okay that PP spends 50 MIllion of our tax dollars on campaigns?


Where are you getting that statistic from?
I'll look for it. Meanwhile, read this.
Planned Parenthood Spends Almost 10X More Money Buying Political Influence Than the NRA | LifeNews.com

As long as it's not grant money from the government....no I do not really care.
Where do you think PP gets their money from?

Donations, grants, they do charge some fees, etc..
Do you think it's okay that PP spends 50 MIllion of our tax dollars on campaigns?


Where are you getting that statistic from?
I'll look for it. Meanwhile, read this.
Planned Parenthood Spends Almost 10X More Money Buying Political Influence Than the NRA | LifeNews.com

As long as it's not grant money from the government....no I do not really care.
Where do you think PP gets their money from?

Donations, grants, they do charge some fees, etc..
Be honest. Where does most of the money come from?
this is great news and an excellent move!

Planned parenthood killed more black babies last month than the KKK has in the entirety of their existence

Trump to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Administration Will Announce Friday

The executive action is based on a 1988 Reagan regulation, but can't eliminate most of Planned Parenthood's federal funding.

On Friday, the Trump administration will announce a proposed rule to cut taxpayer funding to abortionists like Planned Parenthood under Title X, a program that provides $260 million annually in federal funding for contraception and other “family planning” initiatives.

“The proposal would require a bright line of physical as well as financial separation between Title X programs and any program (or facility) where abortion is performed, supported, or referred for as a method of family planning,” a Trump administration official tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email.

The 1970 law establishing Title X states: “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” But in the 1970s and 1980s, the law was interpreted to allow Title X programs to refer patients for abortions, be co-located with abortion clinics, and lobby for pro-abortion policies—so long as federal dollars did not directly fund abortions. In 1988, President Reagan's secretary of Health and Human Services issued regulations to end these practices that blurred the line between funding contraception and promoting abortion.

Why do rifhtwingnuts hate women?
In related news, Cecile Richards received a human rights award for her tireless work in making it possible for there to be fewer humans born!


Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards Given 'Human Rights' Award
..that's all Moonglow has to say. :sleeping-smiley-015:
this is great news and an excellent move!

Planned parenthood killed more black babies last month than the KKK has in the entirety of their existence

Trump to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Administration Will Announce Friday

The executive action is based on a 1988 Reagan regulation, but can't eliminate most of Planned Parenthood's federal funding.

On Friday, the Trump administration will announce a proposed rule to cut taxpayer funding to abortionists like Planned Parenthood under Title X, a program that provides $260 million annually in federal funding for contraception and other “family planning” initiatives.

“The proposal would require a bright line of physical as well as financial separation between Title X programs and any program (or facility) where abortion is performed, supported, or referred for as a method of family planning,” a Trump administration official tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email.

The 1970 law establishing Title X states: “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” But in the 1970s and 1980s, the law was interpreted to allow Title X programs to refer patients for abortions, be co-located with abortion clinics, and lobby for pro-abortion policies—so long as federal dollars did not directly fund abortions. In 1988, President Reagan's secretary of Health and Human Services issued regulations to end these practices that blurred the line between funding contraception and promoting abortion.

Why do rifhtwingnuts hate women?
Why do leftist fascists murder innocent defenseless human beings?
Do you think it's okay that PP spends 50 MIllion of our tax dollars on campaigns?


Where are you getting that statistic from?
I'll look for it. Meanwhile, read this.
Planned Parenthood Spends Almost 10X More Money Buying Political Influence Than the NRA | LifeNews.com

As long as it's not grant money from the government....no I do not really care.
Where do you think PP gets their money from?
Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law

Why are repubs so stupid and ignorant?

PP receives donations, charges fees and has grants.
Most of the funding they receive is reimbursement for women’s health services
Taxpayer money to fund abortions should have never happened in the first place.
You'd REALLY flip your lid if you lived in Maine. The State is being sued for not allowing abortions to be paid for with Medicaid funds. LOL

Taxpayer dollars have been funding Canadian abortions since abortions were legalized. Employer taxes paid by the Catholic Church and other anti abortion groups also go to pay for birth control and to fund abortions and there are no complaints.

Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, as it should be. And despite all of these, there are half the abortions compared to the US.
Yeah, Good thing the innocent child can't object, huh.

It’s a clump of cells with the potential to become a life. 1 in 3 pregnancies ends in miscarriage. If these cell clumps are “innocent children”, why do we not name them when they are miscarried? Why don’t we have funerals for miscarriages? Why is it that the ONLY time anyone speaks about early pregnancy as an “innocent child” is when the subject of abortion comes up.

God gave us the right to choose because there are lots of reasons for not carrying through a pregnancy. War, famine, disease made child bearing risky at best. If every zygote was that precious, they wouldn’t be so fragile.
In related news, Cecile Richards received a human rights award for her tireless work in making it possible for there to be fewer humans born!

Um, yeah..

the difference between rich and poor countries is birth control... sorry you don't understand that.
Uh yeah. The only way poor people in poor countries could possibly avoid pregnancy is for Cecile and Co. to step in and help! You have a deep understanding for the value of all people. Thanks for sharing.
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So naturally, this will result in more babies being born to unfit, unwilling, and unprepared mothers. I’m sure Trump will increase funding for Head Start, WIC, CHIP (oh wait, he already cut that)….right?

Pennies for birth control pills now or dollars for aid later on. It takes a devoted dumbass like Trump to really not see the benefit of preventative medicine.

Republican are such pigs. They lay awake at night fantasizing about cutting food stamps and health insurance for kids, then they start this wailing about abortion. F'n hypocrites.

Yeah let's not blame the parents for getting pregnant in the first place.

Blame the parents all you want. No problem there.

But the people who are getting punished are kids who are not at fault in any way; agreed?

There is always adoption. There is no reason for the kids not to have room and board.

So you agree. Now that you cut planned parent hood and their programs (part of which are adoption services genius), I guess we should start a federal program to do what Planned Parenthood was already doing????

Pregnancy Testing & Health Services

Not that it matters, now that PP has been cut, when the newly formed Federal Adoption Program gets a kid that has birth defects due to the mother not having pre-natal care (something else PP offers), I’m sure there will be parents lined up around the corner to take the child who has these defects and their associated costs. Obamacare will pay for the care of the child after all.

Oh wait, the ACA was cut too and replaced by nothing.

Good thing we still have CHIP…oh wait; that was cut too by the pervert (aka your messiah).

4 Takeaways From Trump’s Plan To Rescind CHIP Funding

Seems many of the PP locations didn't get the memo.

According to the LifeSite News report, Live Action called and visited 97 Planned Parenthood locations that are part of all 41 regional Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country. Shockingly, 92 out of the 97 facilities turned away women who asked for prenatal care.

WATCH What Happens When Girl Asks For Prenatal Care At Planned Parenthood

this is great news and an excellent move!

Planned parenthood killed more black babies last month than the KKK has in the entirety of their existence

Trump to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Administration Will Announce Friday

The executive action is based on a 1988 Reagan regulation, but can't eliminate most of Planned Parenthood's federal funding.

On Friday, the Trump administration will announce a proposed rule to cut taxpayer funding to abortionists like Planned Parenthood under Title X, a program that provides $260 million annually in federal funding for contraception and other “family planning” initiatives.

“The proposal would require a bright line of physical as well as financial separation between Title X programs and any program (or facility) where abortion is performed, supported, or referred for as a method of family planning,” a Trump administration official tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email.

The 1970 law establishing Title X states: “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” But in the 1970s and 1980s, the law was interpreted to allow Title X programs to refer patients for abortions, be co-located with abortion clinics, and lobby for pro-abortion policies—so long as federal dollars did not directly fund abortions. In 1988, President Reagan's secretary of Health and Human Services issued regulations to end these practices that blurred the line between funding contraception and promoting abortion.

Why do rifhtwingnuts hate women?
Why do leftist fascists murder innocent defenseless human beings?

no one murders anyone, loon.

and the federal government already doesn't pay for abortions, so again, why do you hate women being able to access health care? and why do you hate women? you feel like we steal your jobs? don't let you tell us what to do? can get out of bad marriages because we can support ourselves?

feel free to answer all of those questions because they are rightwingnut policy

how about changing your nic to BS "artist"./
In related news, Cecile Richards received a human rights award for her tireless work in making it possible for there to be fewer humans born!

Um, yeah..

the difference between rich and poor countries is birth control... sorry you don't understand that.
Uh yeah. The only way poor people in poor countries could possibly avoid pregnancy is for Cecile and Co. to step in and help! You have a deep understanding for the value of all people. Thanks for sharing.

funny, the pregnancy rate drops when people are taught sex ed and have access to birth control

funny how mistress Cecile is suddenly all about "the value of people"
In related news, Cecile Richards received a human rights award for her tireless work in making it possible for there to be fewer humans born!

Um, yeah..

the difference between rich and poor countries is birth control... sorry you don't understand that.
Uh yeah. The only way poor people in poor countries could possibly avoid pregnancy is for Cecile and Co. to step in and help! You have a deep understanding for the value of all people. Thanks for sharing.

funny, the pregnancy rate drops when people are taught sex ed and have access to birth control

funny how mistress Cecile is suddenly all about "the value of people"
Funnier still, if you don't have sex willy nilly you don't have a bunch of cells that need aborting. Does Cecile teach that, or is common sense not part of her bailiwick?
Taxpayer money to fund abortions should have never happened in the first place.

Good thing it doesn't.

No it just pays for staff, facilities and utilities for abortion clinics. Trump is saying no more. They can staff and pay for the abortion mills apart for other services. You might want to stop pretending PP is the only game in town.

Taxpayer money to fund abortions should have never happened in the first place.
You'd REALLY flip your lid if you lived in Maine. The State is being sued for not allowing abortions to be paid for with Medicaid funds. LOL

Taxpayer dollars have been funding Canadian abortions since abortions were legalized. Employer taxes paid by the Catholic Church and other anti abortion groups also go to pay for birth control and to fund abortions and there are no complaints.

Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, as it should be. And despite all of these, there are half the abortions compared to the US.
Yeah, Good thing the innocent child can't object, huh.

It’s a clump of cells with the potential to become a life. 1 in 3 pregnancies ends in miscarriage. If these cell clumps are “innocent children”, why do we not name them when they are miscarried? Why don’t we have funerals for miscarriages? Why is it that the ONLY time anyone speaks about early pregnancy as an “innocent child” is when the subject of abortion comes up.

God gave us the right to choose because there are lots of reasons for not carrying through a pregnancy. War, famine, disease made child bearing risky at best. If every zygote was that precious, they wouldn’t be so fragile.
It's a human being that is alive. There's a clump of cells inside your head. If scientists discovered a clump of living cells on another planet, the headlines would read "Life discovered in outer space" and everyone would marvel.
Last edited:
this is great news and an excellent move!

Planned parenthood killed more black babies last month than the KKK has in the entirety of their existence

Trump to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Administration Will Announce Friday

The executive action is based on a 1988 Reagan regulation, but can't eliminate most of Planned Parenthood's federal funding.

On Friday, the Trump administration will announce a proposed rule to cut taxpayer funding to abortionists like Planned Parenthood under Title X, a program that provides $260 million annually in federal funding for contraception and other “family planning” initiatives.

“The proposal would require a bright line of physical as well as financial separation between Title X programs and any program (or facility) where abortion is performed, supported, or referred for as a method of family planning,” a Trump administration official tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email.

The 1970 law establishing Title X states: “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” But in the 1970s and 1980s, the law was interpreted to allow Title X programs to refer patients for abortions, be co-located with abortion clinics, and lobby for pro-abortion policies—so long as federal dollars did not directly fund abortions. In 1988, President Reagan's secretary of Health and Human Services issued regulations to end these practices that blurred the line between funding contraception and promoting abortion.

Why do rifhtwingnuts hate women?
Why do leftist fascists murder innocent defenseless human beings?

no one murders anyone, loon.

and the federal government already doesn't pay for abortions, so again, why do you hate women being able to access health care? and why do you hate women? you feel like we steal your jobs? don't let you tell us what to do? can get out of bad marriages because we can support ourselves?

feel free to answer all of those questions because they are rightwingnut policy

how about changing your nic to BS "artist"./
Abortion is murder. You can lie to yourself. PP is government funded. Play your games with some naïve college kids.

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