Trump to Expose the virus as a hoax! Alex Jones

Alex Jones Really sets a trigger off of emotion.. lol

This video was informative, And this is why Trump is opening up America because he knows this is a hoax

the emotion is pure amusement.
Yea losing election does that to ya lol

donny was JUST on tv saying that 'covid is worse than pearl harbor & worse than 9/11 ' so which is it, incel?

according to the tribblehead - is it a hoax or not?
Cool story.. He’s being diplomatic


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Grab an election haha .. out of reach haha

nope just you trying to reCONcile yer chosen one's flip flopping. just like he was gonna dismantle the covid task force.

now he's not.

first it was a hoax

now it's not.

or according to the freakazoid jones- it is...says donny. which is it?

it can't be both.

oh the quandary you got yerself into with this thread.
Damn he’s in your head lol poor thing haha I like results l, not words.. you keep your words and polls I’ll take success and elections

using his words against him is fun! you should try it sometime!

If I voted for words I would vote Democrat but I vote for results that’s why I vote for Trump.. thank you lol


House rat infested Baltimore doing? Lol checking on your people? Lol haha

i don't live in baltimore. nor the rodent infested trump tower.

but the deflection is duly noted, incel. btw - you need to turn 'spell check' on.

Turn your brain on first lol haha

dude - c'mon .... don't waste my time. step it up - or i bail on this b/f.

Game is on, republicans are destroying the Democrat party with results and success.. lol you step it up. Let’s try to reduce the rat infestation in black neighborhoods run by democrats.. deal? Hehe

donny should clean trump tower first.

Some of the most beautiful property in the history of America..
So when is alex jones going to show that trump exposed the virus as a hoax?
Wonder how long Trump and his supporters are going to be able to say this is a hoax? Today, one of Trump's valets tested positive for COVID 19, and Trump never wears a mask.
Still brai
Wonder how long Trump and his supporters are going to be able to say this is a hoax? Today, one of Trump's valets tested positive for COVID 19, and Trump never wears a mask.
this coming from a stupid fuck shill that thinks bin laden was killed by Obama and not bush just a month after 9/11 and bin laden did 9/11 no less :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :lmao:
Maybe you don't understand. The virus might be real, the pandemic might be real, but the hoax was the predicted"millions and millions of deaths if the lockdown wasn't imposed".

That is the hoax, the exaggerate number of potential deaths.

Of course in a pandemic a bunch of people will be infected, but that is not an issue because the great majority of infected people will survive.

Of course the virus will spread everywhere and will find hosts in other species. However, neither the goats (mentioned in the video) suffered great consequences and less it happened with papaya.

President Trump said long ago that his order to close business was a respond to the calculation of deaths given by experts. You see, the president receives advice from experts in this matter, and they are the ones who gave the wrong prediction.

After finding the error, president Trump decided to return back to normality because the number of deaths due to the virus is no more than 100,000 and such is not even near the 1% of the predicted millions of Americans losing their lives.

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