Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.

Sure. Nothing like completely botching the response to the virus, touting miracle cures, and then ultimately demanding that people who work shoulder to shoulder in some of those plants be forced back to work. All in an effort to save your worthless presidency so some Trump supporter can get their frozen chicken nuggets. WTF.

You never worked a day in your life have you?

Meat Packing Plants can not shutdown and more than Chicken Nuggets are made at these places.

I am lucky that I live in Texas and we have places to get freshly made sausages, farmed raised chicken, goat meat, lamb meat and beef but I bet you are upset at this...

Trump is doing the correct course of action and you thinking it is wrong until the minority communities have no food on their shelves then you would have been screaming he should have done something...
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.

Couldn't get past the lie in the first sentence. He's done the worst job of any leader of any nation on the planet. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I no longer believe anything posted.

I will say, he can sign all the executive orders he wants. He can't force workers to go back to work there if they know it's not safe. He can't drag those workers back into those plants against their will.

Most people aren't like you or trump. Their lives are worth much more than money. Here's a hint, you can't spend that money if you're dead.

People just can't walk off the street and do that job. It takes time to train people for it. That is IF you can find someone who is willing to take a chance with their life. Especially for such low wages and horrible benefits.

We will see what the workers do. I saw a video on the local news last night of a woman who is one of those workers who plainly said she's not returning until she knows she won't be infected with the virus and die. She was very clear, she doesn't believe that the money is worth her life.

Neither do I.

That is fine and she will not have a job.

People will take these jobs and she will be on welfare which is what those like you want.
The extra $600 a week those on unemployment are getting,

should be given each week to every essential worker, on the front line of the battlefield, as well....meat packers, grocery store clerks to nurses and Doctors etc!!!!!!

Combat Pay..... they ALL DESERVE IT!
Essential workers are still working and getting a paycheck...its like McDonalds new come on they are advertising...that essential workers can eat for free...WTF?...they are working and don't need a free meal....
Do you just play an idiot on this board, or are you one in real life too?
What was idiotic about what I posted moron....
They are risking their lives and family's lives..... they do not know what precautions other coworkers take once they leave and then return to work the next day, and all for what, minimum wage for the state they work in.....? And they should feel lucky they have their jobs???

Tell that to the grocery store clerks that have died and the Dollar store clerks that have died and the walmart employees that have died and janitors in hospitals that have died........ they should feel lucky they are working.... when those not working and on unemployment are getting paid an extra $600 bucks a week from the federal govt, to stay home and be safe?

Something is just crazy wrong with that.....
That's there job asshole.....and you want to steal from some out of work waitress or barber that can't work and give to people that are working....all so you can feel good about yourself?....and you call me an idiot?....
no, the UE people can get that $600 too.....

At this point... the money is all being printed anyway... :rolleyes:

why not give essential workers, forced to be on the front line of the virus we are supposedly at war with, the combat pay they deserve!!!!!! while the rest of us, safely stay at home, being paid to twiddle our thumbs....or paid to safely work from home?

Ive taken a 10% cut, and guess what, sitting at home and twiddling my fucking thumbs is WHAT THEY ARE ASKING ME TO FUCKING DO.

I want bars open, i want to be able to see my fucking family without them being afraid if I breathe on them they will get fucking sick. Any my tour away from everyone will be extended once my construction project is declared essential in 3 weeks so I can't go see my fucking grandfather for maybe months, and since he is 100 he can fucking die at any time.

Those people's job is to produce food. That's their part. Stop being such a fucking whiny bitch.
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.
The food supply chain is breaking and Trump said a week ago it was secure. He's a liar, and so are you. This is disgraceful. How can you be so fucking low? Covering for this sob when a few months ago he was calling it a hoax. Fuck you, you lying pos.

Folks like you are traitors. You post up gd lies for this lying scumbag Trump, to cover for his gigantic failures on a daily basis. Get the fuck out of here with your bs.

You would watch the country go down in flames if it meant Trump going down with it. You place politics above anything else. The world will be a better place when you are six feet under and room temperature.
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.

Sure. Nothing like completely botching the response to the virus, touting miracle cures, and then ultimately demanding that people who work shoulder to shoulder in some of those plants be forced back to work. All in an effort to save your worthless presidency so some Trump supporter can get their frozen chicken nuggets. WTF.
lol, cant prove anything, except you keep proving you hate Americans.
After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.
The food supply chain is breaking and Trump said a week ago it was secure. He's a liar, and so are you. This is disgraceful. How can you be so fucking low? Covering for this sob when a few months ago he was calling it a hoax. Fuck you, you lying pos.

Folks like you are traitors. You post up gd lies for this lying scumbag Trump, to cover for his gigantic failures on a daily basis. Get the fuck out of here with your bs.

You would watch the country go down in flames if it meant Trump going down with it. You place politics above anything else. The world will be a better place when you are six feet under and room temperature.
Trump has already killed 57,000 Americans in this country who already went down because of him. We are watching the country go down as we speak because of him, right this minute. Having me dead, only relieves you of having to hear the truth, you never wanted to hear.
After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Agreed! Human life over profit is the only thing that matters to these folks.
why not give essential workers, forced to be on the front line of the virus we are supposedly at war with, the combat pay they deserve
Because they are not in combat and they are still collecting their full paycheck.....the money needs to go to people that can't work during this crisis....and businesses that are sinking because they had to libs just don't think think with your hearts and the problem with that is your feelings change from day to day...facts do not....if you so choose to reward a cashier go ahead I'll join you but do not take it from out of work folks...use your own money....
They are in combat. This is a war.
After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Hmmm..I gotta tell ya.. you're off base a bit...The JBS meat plant in Greeley did shut down after an's still shut down afaik--and there are some hard questions to ask the management..about pressuring workers to work..but that's pretty normal in that world.

But there was no cover up....and every plant worker was tested..every one....I'd welcome a link substantiating the 40% infected rate

After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Hmmm..I gotta tell ya.. you're off base a bit...The JBS meat plant in Greeley did shut down after an's still shut down afaik--and there are some hard questions to ask the management..about pressuring workers to work..but that's pretty normal in that world.

But there was no cover up....and every plant worker was tested..every one....I'd welcome a link substantiating the 40% infected rate

False. They did not test everyone. They stopped. And they will reopen this week.
After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Agreed! Human life over profit is the only thing that matters to these folks.

kinda like Planned Parenthood who slaughter unborn babies for profit...
After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Agreed! Human life over profit is the only thing that matters to these folks.

kinda like Planned Parenthood who slaughter unborn babies for profit...
planned parenthood is a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION.... guess what that means silly one?
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.

Sure. Nothing like completely botching the response to the virus, touting miracle cures, and then ultimately demanding that people who work shoulder to shoulder in some of those plants be forced back to work. All in an effort to save your worthless presidency so some Trump supporter can get their frozen chicken nuggets. WTF.

You never worked a day in your life have you?

Meat Packing Plants can not shutdown and more than Chicken Nuggets are made at these places.

I am lucky that I live in Texas and we have places to get freshly made sausages, farmed raised chicken, goat meat, lamb meat and beef but I bet you are upset at this...

Trump is doing the correct course of action and you thinking it is wrong until the minority communities have no food on their shelves then you would have been screaming he should have done something...

That's fine and dandy and all but again, we have another person who's obviously never worked at (or even seen the inside of) one of these plants. It is literally shoulder to shoulder at points on these lines and on the floor. That's about maybe 1.5 feet between you and the next person. And keep in mind, a lot of those minorities and low wage earners work at these plants. I don't suppose you'll be sympathetic if that virus starts infecting them. Nah...just bring in next one.
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.

Sure. Nothing like completely botching the response to the virus, touting miracle cures, and then ultimately demanding that people who work shoulder to shoulder in some of those plants be forced back to work. All in an effort to save your worthless presidency so some Trump supporter can get their frozen chicken nuggets. WTF.

You never worked a day in your life have you?

Meat Packing Plants can not shutdown and more than Chicken Nuggets are made at these places.

I am lucky that I live in Texas and we have places to get freshly made sausages, farmed raised chicken, goat meat, lamb meat and beef but I bet you are upset at this...

Trump is doing the correct course of action and you thinking it is wrong until the minority communities have no food on their shelves then you would have been screaming he should have done something...
I can't stand Jack!
Jack is correct in terms of working conditions and health risk.
Donald Trump has just told 500,000 blue collar workers in meat packing plants, their lives don't matter. Meat packing plants which are sites of some of the largest covid19 clusters in the country, have been ordered to stay open, so as not to disrupt the food chain.

The CDC has issued new guidelines to these plants on keeping workers safe, but rather than requiring Tyson Foods, and other big Republican donors to ensure their workers' safety, but the directive was issued as suggestions, where feasible.

Every time in this virus that Donald Trump has made a decision, it's been the wrong one.


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