Trump to women: If you're harassed, quit.

Why would a woman continue working for a company that allowed her to be harassed Gary?

No one should, they should quit, and sue on the way out the door.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
whats your point?
Trump, in context, apparently implied that the woman shouldn't sue for harassment, just leave.
It looks like you guys/gals already hit the bottom but desire to go beyond that level.
Do not be so f'ing desperate to praise a sexist to get ahead and then years later call them out for being one.
Call out the truth to begin with. Get a lawyer and go after them if you get harassed. Don't go along with it for years and then says oops I was mistreated!
As allegations against his old friend piled up, Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd on July 24 that, “Some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them…And when they write books….and say wonderful things about him….[N]ow, all of a sudden, they're saying these horrible things about him.”[quote/]
I didn't bring this up. It's stupid and not really news. And certainly no shocker that Trump would advocate a solution that carries no repercussions for the harasser. Up and leaving in a huff isn't all that easy sometimes, or worth it. These other women came forward to support whats-her-name, who, per usual, wasn't being believed.
The lefties are making it an issue. I was blacklisted for complaining about harassment thirty-five years ago. It wasn't just a job as I was the contractor and it was state contracts I held. It wasn't easy but I would never have said the guy was a nice guy in a book and then years later claim I was sexually harassed by that guy I wrote was a nice guy.

Believe me I know its not easy. Some women are as shitty as the men. Another incident years later a state employee cornered me and I literally had no place to go as he had me blocked in. His superior a woman was shitty with me for filing a verbal complaint about the guy because if I was not safe on that job I questioned would my female employees be safe there.
whats your point?
Trump, in context, apparently implied that the woman shouldn't sue for harassment, just leave.
lol please elaborate
You take your dumb pills this morning, or what?
I'm the dummy, yet, you can't elaborate? Lol ok
Read the posts, TN. I've said my piece.
lol ok. using your logic, if one says "I hate bananas" that would automatically mean he liked oranges? Do I have that correct?
Why would a woman continue working for a company that allowed her to be harassed Gary?

No one should, they should quit, and sue on the way out the door.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
You are so full of shit you must have some really dark eyes.
Trump, in context, apparently implied that the woman shouldn't sue for harassment, just leave.
lol please elaborate
You take your dumb pills this morning, or what?
I'm the dummy, yet, you can't elaborate? Lol ok
Read the posts, TN. I've said my piece.
lol ok. using your logic, if one says "I hate bananas" that would automatically mean he liked oranges? Do I have that correct?
Okay. As I said to F&B, If you say so.
lol please elaborate
You take your dumb pills this morning, or what?
I'm the dummy, yet, you can't elaborate? Lol ok
Read the posts, TN. I've said my piece.
lol ok. using your logic, if one says "I hate bananas" that would automatically mean he liked oranges? Do I have that correct?
Okay. As I said to F&B, If you say so.
I was asking you a question, silly.
You not reading explains why you think trump said women shouldn't sue over harassment.. so I guess you kinda did elaborate... :lol:
Toxic environments should be avoided. I was patted on the ass by a boss and had him stand over me while I was sitting at a computer so he could try to look down my blouse. First incident, I jumped back and said, "Whoah!" Second incident I called him a perv. Third time, I quit. I did not sue. I have no desire to get tangled in an expensive, drawn out legal battle just to teach a lecher a lesson. I've got better things to do with my life than be dragged through the mud and have my wilder days relived publicly. When I was 19, I slept with a boss. Throughout my 20's we socialized with 2 of our bosses, drinking heavily, traveling in a party bus to races in Talladega, visiting each others' homes weekly, weekends in Grand Isle, etc. I doubt a sexual harassment suit would have done me any good, and could have harmed me and my family. No thanks.

Whether one sues or not is a personal choice. Leaving that toxic workplace is the first step in saving one's sanity. It was enough for me.

You say you're a slutty employee?

want a job?

I kid I kid.

Seriously, call me.

HAHA! I was one of those who had to learn many lessons the hard way. When I hit 27, I grew up. That is when I began to nip this kind of crap in the bud because I'd found out where it always leads. Pre-27, I did sleep with a boss, cheated on a serious long-term live-in partner for revenge, had mostly male BFF's (lets face it, men are often easier to get along with), partied in shady areas of New Orleans because (dammit) I should not have to be cautious just because I'm a girl and so on.

Now, I am mature and live in reality. I just do not put myself in those situations anymore. I do not let inappropriate contact pass without comment (or giggle it off) because it encourages bolder contact. I do not go out without my spouse unless it is with family because a drunk girls' night out or evening out with a guy friend gets too comfortable and lines seem less clear. I do not go to shady areas even though I have every right to do so because shady things happen in shady areas. I do not socialize with bosses or coworkers because that leads to favoritism and cliques which ostricize other coworkers. I avoid the appearance of impropriety because people gossip. I don't like drama, so I avoid situations likely to lead to drama.

But yeah, in my 20's, you'd have loved me, LOL.
Why would a woman continue working for a company that allowed her to be harassed Gary?

No one should, they should quit, and sue on the way out the door.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
You are so full of shit you must have some really dark eyes.
Huh? But he did say get a different career.

He did say he would date her if he could.

What are you talking about? Oh, you're in denial. I get it.
Why would a woman continue working for a company that allowed her to be harassed Gary?

No one should, they should quit, and sue on the way out the door.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
You are so full of shit you must have some really dark eyes.
Huh? But he did say get a different career.

He did say he would date her if he could.

What are you talking about? Oh, you're in denial. I get it.
Just sick of you guys trying to sling shit like monkeys at the zoo that have to be caged behind glass walls.
Why would a woman continue working for a company that allowed her to be harassed Gary?

No one should, they should quit, and sue on the way out the door.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
You are so full of shit you must have some really dark eyes.
Huh? But he did say get a different career.

He did say he would date her if he could.

What are you talking about? Oh, you're in denial. I get it.
Just sick of you guys trying to sling shit like monkeys at the zoo that have to be caged behind glass walls.

You're describing EXACTLY what Trump is doing.
Trump was answering a specific question about his own daughter. Not women in general.

He implied nothing.

The OP "inferred" meaning where none exists.

Ahh yes, the OP "inferred" it....along with the rest of the rational people listening to it, and reading about it this morning.
You take your dumb pills this morning, or what?
I'm the dummy, yet, you can't elaborate? Lol ok
Read the posts, TN. I've said my piece.
lol ok. using your logic, if one says "I hate bananas" that would automatically mean he liked oranges? Do I have that correct?
Okay. As I said to F&B, If you say so.
I was asking you a question, silly.
You not reading explains why you think trump said women shouldn't sue over harassment.. so I guess you kinda did elaborate... :lol:
You and F&B both don't know how to quit when you're ahead. You keep arguing even when I said OKAY IF YOU SAY SO. Fine. He's appalled and all. I take your word for it.
I'm the dummy, yet, you can't elaborate? Lol ok
Read the posts, TN. I've said my piece.
lol ok. using your logic, if one says "I hate bananas" that would automatically mean he liked oranges? Do I have that correct?
Okay. As I said to F&B, If you say so.
I was asking you a question, silly.
You not reading explains why you think trump said women shouldn't sue over harassment.. so I guess you kinda did elaborate... :lol:
You and F&B both don't know how to quit when you're ahead. You keep arguing even when I said OKAY IF YOU SAY SO. Fine. He's appalled and all. I take your word for it.
Why would a woman continue working for a company that allowed her to be harassed Gary?

No one should, they should quit, and sue on the way out the door.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
You are so full of shit you must have some really dark eyes.
Huh? But he did say get a different career.

He did say he would date her if he could.

What are you talking about? Oh, you're in denial. I get it.
Just sick of you guys trying to sling shit like monkeys at the zoo that have to be caged behind glass walls.

You're describing EXACTLY what Trump is doing.
Nah he isn't throwing his own shit at people. I have seen him accurately describe those picking up their own shit to throw at him struggling in their own shit that they created though. Looks like you also might like playing in their nasty shit with them.
whats your point?
Trump, in context, apparently implied that the woman shouldn't sue for harassment, just leave.
It looks like you guys/gals already hit the bottom but desire to go beyond that level.
Do not be so f'ing desperate to praise a sexist to get ahead and then years later call them out for being one.
Call out the truth to begin with. Get a lawyer and go after them if you get harassed. Don't go along with it for years and then says oops I was mistreated!
As allegations against his old friend piled up, Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd on July 24 that, “Some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them…And when they write books….and say wonderful things about him….[N]ow, all of a sudden, they're saying these horrible things about him.”[quote/]
I didn't bring this up. It's stupid and not really news. And certainly no shocker that Trump would advocate a solution that carries no repercussions for the harasser. Up and leaving in a huff isn't all that easy sometimes, or worth it. These other women came forward to support whats-her-name, who, per usual, wasn't being believed.
Leaving a jerk employer doesn't do any good?

Of course it does, first it deprives said employer of a worker, second that harassed worker will probably make sure everyone she knows understands WHY she left the jerk employer.

What would YOU suggest a woman who's being harassed at work do? Because unless it's a pretty damn clear cut case of sexual harassment calling the government isn't going to help and neither is suing.

And again, you claim that Trump's statements meant that quittings is ALL a woman should do, and that certainly is you reading into things that aren't there.

Also, of the two candidates only one is actually related to a person who has sexually harassed women. In fact, not only did Hillary tolerate such harassment, she joined in calling the women tramps, and trash and all sorts of names.

dumb Donald is "advising" ailes on how to deal with the media.

ailes is the man who orchestrated the GOP s**tshow that got Donald trump to be the nominee and embarrass the GOP

bill Clinton didn't "harass" women... he is a dog and he cheated but he didn't harass them. his relationsthip with Jennifer flowers were long term. monica was a consenting adult who never indicated she was pressured in any way. she was clear in her statements that she went to DC to "get her presidential knee pads".

now stop deflecting....

what dumb Donald said (and you can ignore it if you'd like) was that the women who were harassed by ailes, the ones who were subjected to a hostile work environment, should suck it up because they benefitted career-wise.

that may well be the stupidest comment I've heard on this topic.
whats your point?
Trump, in context, apparently implied that the woman shouldn't sue for harassment, just leave.
It looks like you guys/gals already hit the bottom but desire to go beyond that level.
Do not be so f'ing desperate to praise a sexist to get ahead and then years later call them out for being one.
Call out the truth to begin with. Get a lawyer and go after them if you get harassed. Don't go along with it for years and then says oops I was mistreated!
As allegations against his old friend piled up, Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd on July 24 that, “Some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them…And when they write books….and say wonderful things about him….[N]ow, all of a sudden, they're saying these horrible things about him.”[quote/]
I didn't bring this up. It's stupid and not really news. And certainly no shocker that Trump would advocate a solution that carries no repercussions for the harasser. Up and leaving in a huff isn't all that easy sometimes, or worth it. These other women came forward to support whats-her-name, who, per usual, wasn't being believed.
Leaving a jerk employer doesn't do any good?

Of course it does, first it deprives said employer of a worker, second that harassed worker will probably make sure everyone she knows understands WHY she left the jerk employer.

What would YOU suggest a woman who's being harassed at work do? Because unless it's a pretty damn clear cut case of sexual harassment calling the government isn't going to help and neither is suing.

And again, you claim that Trump's statements meant that quittings is ALL a woman should do, and that certainly is you reading into things that aren't there.

Also, of the two candidates only one is actually related to a person who has sexually harassed women. In fact, not only did Hillary tolerate such harassment, she joined in calling the women tramps, and trash and all sorts of names.

dumb Donald is "advising" ailes on how to deal with the media.

ailes is the man who orchestrated the GOP s**tshow that got Donald trump to be the nominee and embarrass the GOP

bill Clinton didn't "harass" women... he is a dog and he cheated but he didn't harass them. his relationsthip with Jennifer flowers were long term. monica was a consenting adult who never indicated she was pressured in any way. she was clear in her statements that she went to DC to "get her presidential knee pads".

now stop deflecting....

what dumb Donald said (and you can ignore it if you'd like) was that the women who were harassed by ailes, the ones who were subjected to a hostile work environment, should suck it up because they benefitted career-wise.

that may well be the stupidest comment I've heard on this topic.

That isn't what he said at all you dishonest troll.

And PLENTY of woman have accused Billy of sexual wrongdoing over the years.
No one said sue. He said get a different career. Give up what you worked for.
Maybe run screaming and crying and end up under a table, curled up and sucking you thumb.

Just give up. Don't fight. Be a woman.

That's Trump's message to his daughter. The one he would date if he could.
You are so full of shit you must have some really dark eyes.
Huh? But he did say get a different career.

He did say he would date her if he could.

What are you talking about? Oh, you're in denial. I get it.
Just sick of you guys trying to sling shit like monkeys at the zoo that have to be caged behind glass walls.

You're describing EXACTLY what Trump is doing.
Nah he isn't throwing his own shit at people. I have seen him accurately describe those picking up their own shit to throw at him struggling in their own shit that they created though. Looks like you also might like playing in their nasty shit with them.

Jesus Christ, was this English? Looks like your guy is gonna lose an election because only white, male mouth-breathers back him.
Read the posts, TN. I've said my piece.
lol ok. using your logic, if one says "I hate bananas" that would automatically mean he liked oranges? Do I have that correct?
Okay. As I said to F&B, If you say so.
I was asking you a question, silly.
You not reading explains why you think trump said women shouldn't sue over harassment.. so I guess you kinda did elaborate... :lol:
You and F&B both don't know how to quit when you're ahead. You keep arguing even when I said OKAY IF YOU SAY SO. Fine. He's appalled and all. I take your word for it.
Fine. No need to shout.
"I hate bananas" does not automatically infer the speaker likes oranges. However, what Trump was asked was, "What would you advise your daughter to do?" It wasn't an either/or question. He said " “I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case.” It was a specifically what-would-you-want-your-daughter-to-do question, and it was in the middle of an interview about sexual harassment, specifically. I think it's pretty reasonable to expect the person to say exactly what they want their daughter to do, not just part of what they want their daughter to do. Trump said his daughter should leave her career or the company. Period.
But if you want to use your renowned psychic abilities to say he meant something else, OKAY IF YOU SAY SO.
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