Trump Told Russians That Firing Nut Job Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

one day y'all will have a named source.
He did!

"An American official!"

the sad part is that's the most they've said about ANYONE they've quoted yet. for all we know the news is that someone said it, not that it's real.

what a freaking cop out.

"well, we're not reporting on the authenticity of the statement, we're just reporting someone said he said it..."

and this is what news has fallen to.
Between the sheer volume of these kinds of reports, and the clear hatred the media has for Trump, I wouldn't argue with a theory that says they're just making shit up and faking sources.

They're trying to save the country from a mad Nazi dictator 'n stuff, so it's okay.
that's the bad part. call them evil names and suddenly what is wrong is right cause they be evil.

no. we just disagree is all.
one day y'all will have a named source.
He did!

"An American official!"

the sad part is that's the most they've said about ANYONE they've quoted yet. for all we know the news is that someone said it, not that it's real.

what a freaking cop out.

"well, we're not reporting on the authenticity of the statement, we're just reporting someone said he said it..."

and this is what news has fallen to.
Between the sheer volume of these kinds of reports, and the clear hatred the media has for Trump, I wouldn't argue with a theory that says they're just making shit up and faking sources.

They're trying to save the country from a mad Nazi dictator 'n stuff, so it's okay.
that's the bad part. call them evil names and suddenly what is wrong is right cause they be evil.

no. we just disagree is all.

Y'know, there's a small handful of things I was taught as a kid that seem to have stuck, for some reason.

One of them was, "if you have to cheat to win, then you really didn't win."

Clearly that didn't stick for many, including the media.
Trump Told Russians That Firing Nut Job Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
Source: New York Times
WASHINGTON President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved great pressure on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job", Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. "I faced great pressure because of Russia. Thats taken off. Mr. Trump added, Im not under investigation."

The conversation, during a May 10 meeting the day after he fired Mr. Comey reinforces the notion that Mr. Trump dismissed him primarily because of the bureaus investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives. Mr. Trump said as much in one televised interview, but the White House has offered changing justifications for the firing.

The White House document that contained Mr. Trumps comments was based on notes taken from inside the Oval Office and has been circulated as the official account of the meeting. One official read quotations to The Times, and a second official confirmed the broad outlines of the discussion.

Read more:

What a retard Trump is to admit to his crime.
False news via the Media or someone making up stuff
Trump Told Russians Firing Comey Relieved ‘Pressure’
May 19, 2017

President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the FBI Director James Comey had relieved “great pressure” on him, the New York Times reports.

Said Trump: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

He added: “I’m not under investigation.”

“The conversation, during a May 10 meeting — the day after he fired Mr. Comey — reinforces the notion that Mr. Trump dismissed him primarily because of the bureau’s investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives.”
Just what is the source of this information it is strange that the news outlet have not printed this. You need to contact them at ABC
When Reagan was President, it was perfectly obvious that the Democrats loved Russian communists. This is beyond love. This is absolute fantasy...


Trump did WHAT?

He "colluded" with Putin about fighting ISIS. Wow, 6 straight days of no other stories on the "news."
Not only does he make a mockery of the office on a daily basis, he does so multiple times on a daily basis.

Hillary couldn't be this embarrassingly bad even if she tried.
After that asshole Comey let rich and politically powerful Crooked Hillary off the hook for the ridiculous reason of "no intent" calling him a nutjob is being more kind than he deserves.
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The real nut job just told the RUSSIANS that he's no longer under investigation.
And you still doubt Tramp's sanity?

Where is your proof? This article by NYT that quotes "administration official"? Who was the official?
How about this quote: Trump told Russians not to read NYT,etc. as they are biased news sources!
You believe that I bet !
White House reaction cycle
1 - It never happened
2 - POTUS tweet
3 - It happened; NBD
4 - Nobody cares but you
5 - No more questions on this
there is no crime. nothing illegal. batshit libturds discussing nothing. hilarious.
You're right. Cover ups of a crime never amount to anything.
yep, and there was a crime. there ain't no crime now for the umpteenth time. The only criminal activity is from the left. so? we will watch them go down. titanic bigly.
Keep telling yourself there's no crime especially since these investigations are still in their infancy and the special counsel hasn't even started yet.

Every day there's a new scandal mostly brought on by Tramp's self inflicted wounds.
No one has to wonder why republicans are ducking reporters left and right.
John Schindler @20committee
Takes a special kind of POTUS to brag to the Russians about firing his FBI director because the "nut job" was on his ass about...Russians.

3:34 PM - 19 May 2017
takes a special kinda nut job to believe that he did that, yes.

takes a special kind of nut job to defend Trump. It is entirely believable.
That's indeed the case. There's hardly any sane people left that will defend Trumputin.. especially in public.
For someone who so adamantly claims of no wrongdoing, he sure acts rather suspicious and defensive time after time again.

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