Trump Told Russians That Firing Nut Job Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Who's complaining I want to know what he is afraid of

I'm sure he's afraid he'll be wasting his time, time that he needs to find another job.
He's a private citizen now. We know how long winded senate hearings can get. Like the 11 hour long Hillary Clinton marathon.
Count on the ny times or wapo to invent the best stuff.

Sean Spicer: Comey was putting ‘unnecessary pressure’ on Trump’s relationship to Russia
“By grandstanding and politicizing the investigation into Russia’s actions, James Comey created unnecessary pressure on our ability to engage and negotiate with Russia,” Spicer said in a statement to the press.
By grandstanding and politicizing the investigation into Russia’s actions, James Comey created unnecessary pressure

Wow! Only Trump his team would deem "grandstanding and politicizing the investigation" noteworthy.

Any sage person would not care a whit what people say about the investigation. They'd care about the fact that exists a serious investigation into them, the people around them and their integrated affairs. They'd care that if they personally were not guilty of one or several treasonous/seditious acts, that there's a real possibility that someone in their employ might be. They'd recognize that their legal problems and risks supercede any political and image-related ones.

But sagacious is not what Trump and Spicer these days are. They think Trump's image is more important. Comey didn't politicize the investigation. The investigation's subjects are political figures. It is politicized by dint of that alone.
Telling Russia he fired Comey is not a crime, asking Comey to stop the investigation of Flynn is not a crime. What crime, site the crime you have evidence that Trump committed.

Actually asking Comey to stop a criminal investigation is obstruction of justice.

Not according to Alan Dershowitz. How long have you been practicing law, longer than Dershowitz? Site the statute in the law that was broken. Crickets.........
Dershowitz Says Special Counsel Will Help Trump: 'He's Going to Find No Crime'

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