trump trial: make into reality series ?

No offense, but this whole mess is sad from anyone's perspective. Or should be. Not just the trial but everything that preceded it, going back to the riots last summer and fall and the attacks on federal buildings and the CHAZ incident. Just focusing on the trial, everything I see in the way of evidence is supposition and someone's interpretation of what Trump said and what he meant. The word "fight" in and of itself is not necessarily an incitement to violence, Trump said something about marching to the capitol building, but said nothing about breaking in, doing any damage, or harming anyone. What we have here is a political charade, an impeachment with no proof of a crime that would stand up in any court of law. The idea that he wanted an insurrection is total bullshit and unsupported. Where does he call on people to overthrow the gov't? Those who hate him can presume it, but you don't impeach somebody based on a presumption of guilt. That's not supposed to happen in this country.

Impeachment is supposed to be an extremely serious business; we are talking about invalidating the people's choice to be their president. High crimes and misdemeanors does not equate to giving a speech and telling people the election was rigged. The president is entitled to do that under his freedom of speech, and it's not like there isn't evidence to back that up. Maybe not enough evidence to support invalidating the 2020 election, but maybe enough to bitch about it. Should we not explore the many claims of election misconduct and fraud? Or should we just say it's just Trump being Trump and ignore the hundreds of sworn affidavits and court cases, some of course were in Trump's favor and some of which have yet to be determined.

Our system of justice is being perverted into a political weapon, and that is sad. The concept of a fair trial and the presumption of innocence seems to depend these days on your politics. Donald Trump is thought by many to be unworthy of the office he held. Well tough shit bitches, he got legitimately elected anyway and there is no hard evidence whatsoever that he has done anything that warrants the denial of his rights or removal from office. Some say that didn't happen, but I don't think he got the presumption of innocence that he should've. The Left has been trying to hang the guy for his entire 4 years as president.

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