Trump trials won't even begin before 2024 election, yet another Dem fail

If the Deep State controls the court system -- to the point they can indict people with no evidence at all (as yall claim) -- then why can't they just force his trial to start before the election?

Unless, all of this Deep State talk is bullshit
Welp. I guess it's all for naught.

And the Dems really, truly thought they had him this time.

They were so excruciatingly close to incarcerating their Orange Boogie man, they could practically taste it.

Instead, all they've managed to do is fire up his base with a defiant Robin Hood like mugshot that reveals Joe Piss Pants Biden and the Dem Establishment to be one big fat collective Sheriff of Rottingham.

I hate to say we told ya so....but...well....

We told ya so. ;)

The Dems' election "rigging" tactics will be the final boss battle, not their pathetic attempt to defeat Trump before he can even enter the ring.

Now on to 2024, happy MAGA warriors.
If the Deep State controls the court system -- to the point they can indict people with no evidence at all (as yall claim) -- then why can't they just force his trial to start before the election?

Unless, all of this Deep State talk is bullshit

You may not understand what indictments are.
You may not understand what indictments are.
Yes, indictments are charges brought against defendants that were voted on (IN THIS CASE) by 2 separate grand juries, a total of 42 everyday citizens..and they all returned a true bill and 19 people were charged..

So if you are saying that "the deep state" can make 42 people indict someone with no evidence, why can't they dictate when the trial dates start?
Welp. I guess it's all for naught.

And the Dems really, truly thought they had him this time.

They were so excruciatingly close to incarcerating their Orange Boogie man, they could practically taste it.

Instead, all they've managed to do is fire up his base with a defiant Robin Hood like mugshot that reveals Joe Piss Pants Biden and the Dem Establishment to be one big fat collective Sheriff of Rottingham.

I hate to say we told ya so....but...well....

We told ya so. ;)

The Dems' election "rigging" tactics will be the final boss battle, not their pathetic attempt to defeat Trump before he can even enter the ring.

Now on to 2024, happy MAGA warriors.

It's a Dem win if Trump wins the Republican primaries. I doubt he will because Republicans are heavily divided on Trump.
Almost 70 percent support Trump -- how is that heavily divided?
Do you actually believe 70% of Republicans are going to vote for Trump, knowing he might get convicted and go to prison for the rest of his life? Do you actually believe most people in this country who can vote are going to vote for Trump if he makes it to the general election?

Trump's support among Republicans must be close to 100% if he is to have any chance of winning. Which he doesn't and won't.

Believing that these charges are ALL political and ALL bullshit, is not the same as supporting Trump politically, but if he is the nominee, I will vote early and often for him come November next year.
Any trial should be delayed until after the 2024 election to ensure there is no election interference. I think all reasonable minds can agree with this.
These investigations-trials are all colossal wastes time and money. They are an insult to the taxpayers of NY, DC, Georgia and Florida.
Do you actually believe 70% of Republicans are going to vote for Trump, knowing he might get convicted and go to prison for the rest of his life? Do you actually believe most people in this country who can vote are going to vote for Trump if he makes it to the general election?

Yes, if not more by the time election roll around -- if for no other reason than to "trigger the libs"

Stop pretending Republican voters are motivated by policies that benefit a majority of Americans -- they are motivated by grievances, revenge and just straight up juvenile trolling

I know of plenty of Republicans who will vote for Trump just to see what will happen, just out of a strange sense of macabre entertainment
Any trial should be delayed until after the 2024 election to ensure there is no election interference. I think all reasonable minds can agree with this.
That's insane.
If a president stands accused, the voter needs to know the outcome before they cast a vote.
That's insane.
If a president stands accused, the voter needs to know the outcome before they cast a vote.
Also, if Trumpers are so certain that Trump is innocent and has proof that this whole election fraud thing is true -- wouldn't they want that exposed to the rest of the voters before the election?

Trump will win in landslide once he shows the rest of us how the election was stolen and how he is totally innocent
Some might not, but certainly not all. Since he won’t be president, he’ll have plenty of free time anyway.
The problem here is the trials are damn near irrelevant. Yes, if he broke the law, he needs to pay the price, no matter how it fires up his cult. Period. We have no choice.

However, the results of the trials aren't going to fix what we have learned about this country over the last seven years. About 30% to 35% of the electorate has fallen head over heels for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen, and it's intensified into damn near a religion around him.

That's where this country is, and that's the real problem we're facing.
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Also, if Trumpers are so certain that Trump is innocent and has proof that this whole election fraud thing is true -- wouldn't they want that exposed to the rest of the voters before the election?

Trump will win in landslide once he shows the rest of us how the election was stolen and how he is totally innocent

If Trump can clear his name, and Biden and the Biden crime family still stands accused, the country would swing Trumps way. It would be a clear choice. The one who proved he was innocent, or the one just claiming to be innocent.
The problem here is the trials are damn near irrelevant. Yes, if he broke the law, he needs to pay the price, no matter how it fires up his cult. Period.

However, the results of the trials aren't going to fix what we have learned about this country over the last seven years. About 30% to 35% of the electorate has fallen head over heels for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen, and it's intensified into damn near a religion around him.

That's where this country is, and that's the real problem we're facing.
Yup, you can't feed Republican voters bullshit for the past 40 years; get them addicted to that bullshit -- and then expect them to go cold turkey in the span of a couple of years...

That is why every iteration of presidential candidate has been more extreme than the last....

Bush Jr......the same people who worshiped him at one time, hates him now.....and not because he wasn't conservative enough and not because he invaded Iraq -- because he didn't call that black guy running for office after him, A nggr

McCain.....the same people who voted for him, now hate him....even celebrated his death...not because he wasn't conservative enough...but because he lost to that nggr

Romney.....the same people who voted for him, now hate him...for the same reasons as above....

So when Trump comes along and tells them the shit they want to hear about that nggr like, he wasn't born here, he is really dumb and his college transcripts are fake, and calling most Mexicans rapists and murderers was just the cherry on top.....funny part is, Trump is probably more liberal than the other 3 combined....since he was campaigning on universal healthcare, LGBTQ rights, etc....

Republican voters don't care about policies, they will vote for Medicare for All today - as long as you tell them "those darkies won't benefit from it"
Yeah, just like the Salem Witch Trials!!!!!
GTFOH :eusa_hand: :rolleyes:
In Florida Trump faces a judge that he put on the bench, in a district that voted for him. So Trump has the judge and the jury on his side in Florida. So how would this equate to the Salem witch trials?

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