Trump trials won't even begin before 2024 election, yet another Dem fail

In Florida Trump faces a judge that he put on the bench, in a district that voted for him. So Trump has the judge and the jury on his side in Florida. So how would this equate to the Salem witch trials?
The fucking accusations ARE BULLSHIT!!!!!
In Florida Trump faces a judge that he put on the bench, in a district that voted for him. So Trump has the judge and the jury on his side in Florida. So how would this equate to the Salem witch trials?
When folks have to constantly resort to hyperbole to try to prove how everything is unfair to Trump -- it is because they don't have any facts on their side to make that claim
Yes, if not more by the time election roll around -- if for no other reason than to "trigger the libs"

Stop pretending Republican voters are motivated by policies that benefit a majority of Americans -- they are motivated by grievances, revenge and just straight up juvenile trolling

I know of plenty of Republicans who will vote for Trump just to see what will happen, just out of a strange sense of macabre entertainment

I agree with much of what you said, but I just don't see how Trump, in view of his possible criminal conviction, can get reelected. I don't believe these Republicans will have enough votes in the general election to pull it off, BUT, maybe I'm wrong. We would have a president who governs from prison. Can he pardon himself as president?
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What success?

I love how they all use 'our' and 'we', like they had anything to do with any of it. It just further reveals the mindset of those on the left, they have to feel as if they're part of a group or movement of some kind, they're uncomfortable with independence. It explains why they think the way they think and how they end up on the Dem plantation.
The fucking accusations ARE BULLSHIT!!!!!
Anyone who says that, hasn't read the book.

As they say, don't judge a book by it's cover, and you obviously haven't read the indictments. They "speak" for themselves.
We would have a president who governs from prison. Can he pardon himself as president?
I believe the courts will sustain the idea that a sovereign can't sit as his own judge. And thus would not be able to pardon himself.

As to running the country from prison. I don't think so.
Either the VP will invoke the 25th amendment, or congress would impeach Trump over his criminal conviction. After all, impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors. And a jury of his peers already proved he was guilty of "misdemeanors"
I love how they all use 'our' and 'we', like they had anything to do with any of it. It just further reveals the mindset of those on the left, they have to feel as if they're part of a group or movement of some kind, they're uncomfortable with independence. It explains why they think the way they think and how they end up on the Dem plantation.

What do you mean by "uncomfortable with independence"?
Republicans do the same shit.

Not to the extent the dems do.... even their federal level pols never sway from the group, ever. Joe Manchin might be the only exception. Republicans at least pretend to disagree with each other, and because they do, they always somehow end up letting the dems win. Imagine that. If you want to label something as a cult, the dem party far more fits the bill than the rep party. They only have group think.
Well, I dunno about the OP Rhody's assertion about trial's commencements.
To wit" "
Trump trials won't even begin before 2024 election, yet another Dem fail"

Here's the thing as I see it (as a non-lawyer)
A couple of the defendants have asked to have 'speedy trials'......Chesboro (sp?), and Powell.
Chesboro's was granted.
I believe his is around October 25'sh.

So, if Chesboro goes to trial in about 6 or 7 weeks......won't we see a lot of the evidence compiled against all of the defendants?
(even those defendants who have asked to be severed from Trump's trial and who are blaming Trump and his lawyers for dragging them into the mess?)

In other words, all of the damning....and we are told, voluminous.....evidence will be hung out on the line for all to see in October/November 2023. Evidence that will apply to all of the defendants, most especially of the RICO charges.
In RICO ain't it sort of one-for-all, all-for-one?

Meaning, the racketeering charge applies to Don Trump and Mark Meadows as equally as it would for Chesboro and the 16 others.

In short, we get a trial....maybe in 6 weeks....that is a test-drive of the trial against all others.

And the risk, I think as a non-lawyer, is what if Chesboro's verdict comes back as guilty?
That would, again I will speculate, motivate more of the remaining 18 to turn state's-evidence against their co-conspirators.
After all, they saw what happened when a jury heard it all....and then convicted.

And with Chesboro going to trial first, there may be less of a chance of some MAGA-juror lying about his Don Trump fanboying and forcing a hung-jury as a 'hold out'. Who is gonna be loyal to this Chesboro bloke? Most never heard of the guy.

I think these 'speedy trial' requests are fraught with risk for those defendants who go later.
And too, by Willis' being prepared, and the lawyers for Chesboro's being prepared for trial in just 6 or 7 weeks....that would, it seems to me, sorta undercut any defendant who says he/she needs 12 months or more to prepare.

Welp. I guess it's all for naught.

And the Dems really, truly thought they had him this time.

They were so excruciatingly close to incarcerating their Orange Boogie man, they could practically taste it.

Instead, all they've managed to do is fire up his base with a defiant Robin Hood like mugshot that reveals Joe Piss Pants Biden and the Dem Establishment to be one big fat collective Sheriff of Rottingham.

I hate to say we told ya so....but...well....

We told ya so. ;)

The Dems' election "rigging" tactics will be the final boss battle, not their pathetic attempt to defeat Trump before he can even enter the ring.

Now on to 2024, happy MAGA warriors.

Fani Willis is trying to schedule Trump's Georgia trial for March 2024.
The problem here is the trials are damn near irrelevant. Yes, if he broke the law, he needs to pay the price, no matter how it fires up his cult. Period. We have no choice.

However, the results of the trials aren't going to fix what we have learned about this country over the last seven years. About 30% to 35% of the electorate has fallen head over heels for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen, and it's intensified into damn near a religion around him.

That's where this country is, and that's the real problem we're facing.
You just described Mulatto Menace to a tee.
Not to the extent the dems do.... even their federal level pols never sway from the group, ever. Joe Manchin might be the only exception. Republicans at least pretend to disagree with each other, and because they do, they always somehow end up letting the dems win. Imagine that. If you want to label something as a cult, the dem party far more fits the bill than the rep party. They only have group think.
They all serve the same interests. The Dems just pretend to be more for the poor or working class, but at the end of the day, both parties are serving the same corporations, at the expense of the country, if not the world. Both parties are for sending more weapons to Ukraine, placing us at the brink of nuclear annihilation. Both parties serve the war profiteers.
Trump will have the luxury of watching other trials before his own.

The prosecutors have already proven themselves incompetent and politically motivated.

His lawyers will likely just sit back and watch them crap the bed with those other trials.

Those prosecutors will likely have trashed their own case against him by the time they get to him.

Watch and see...
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Welp. I guess it's all for naught.

And the Dems really, truly thought they had him this time.

They were so excruciatingly close to incarcerating their Orange Boogie man, they could practically taste it.

Instead, all they've managed to do is fire up his base with a defiant Robin Hood like mugshot that reveals Joe Piss Pants Biden and the Dem Establishment to be one big fat collective Sheriff of Rottingham.

I hate to say we told ya so....but...well....

We told ya so. ;)

The Dems' election "rigging" tactics will be the final boss battle, not their pathetic attempt to defeat Trump before he can even enter the ring.

Now on to 2024, happy MAGA warriors.

Dems find a way. Don't worry.

bud light team.jpeg
Actually, Trump's tax and insurance fraud trial is starting on October 2. A little over a month from now.

Sorry, rube.
So you would rather force 4 more years of Joe Potatohead who hates America than a real American. You are not a Conservative
Never voted Republican, never supported the Republican agenda
They all serve the same interests. The Dems just pretend to be more for the poor or working class, but at the end of the day, both parties are serving the same corporations, at the expense of the country, if not the world. Both parties are for sending more weapons to Ukraine, placing us at the brink of nuclear annihilation. Both parties serve the war profiteers.

They're serving anyone that will line their pockets, it doesn't matter what political affiliation or agenda. But I see a concerted effort to take the power away from the American people and to destroy COTUS, there's a reason behind that, and it's not 'capitalism'.

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