Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

LIE. There was never a “bipartisan committee”. Pisslosi was always going to make up the rules as they went along. FACT.
It gets very tiring addressing the constant barrage of uninformed Fox news watchers.

Pelosi bi partisan, outside of congress, 9/11 type investigation, gave McCarthy every thing McCarthy wanted that he negotiated for, McCarthy was given equal committee seats, 1/2 Republicans, 1/2 democrats, Republicans were also given equal subpoena power which Leader McCarthy requested, and two other equal power things that McCarthy wanted.

Pelosi, gave in and gave McCarthy EVERY SINGLE REQUEST HE HAD for setting up the Investigative Commission......McCarthy's republican negotiator with McCarthy's go ahead, accepted the deal. And in the House it was both republicans and Dems that passed the legislation for the Commission to investigate! YIPEE! It went to the Senate to pass.....

OH NO, but then mccarthy, went to Mara Lago to visit the Emperor with no clothes to kiss his Ring, came back to DC, and lobbied every Republican Senator to vote against the commission investigation bill all of the House Republicans helped pass.....he flip flopped after seeing Trump, and was now against the investigation, and lobbied senators to filibuster it, and not pass it.

That was a left hook to Pelosi.

So, she recovered from the blow and requested that there be a House Select Committee investigation, the house members voted to have the select committee investigation and it passed. Then, McCarthy sabotaged this investigation of 1/6 too, by picking radicals to be on it, that were known to just be antagonizers trying to change this 1/6 investigation in to a circus investigating the BLM riots and not for 1/6, and the joker Jordon, was a material witness for 1/6, and by protocol and rule of law so to say, for every investigation, is.... You can't be an investigator of an action you were a party can't be both a material witness, and the investigator of the material witness.

She rejected out of the 5 members McCarthy picked, Jordon and Banks, both vocal that they planned to sidetrack the committee to BLM riots, and accepted the other three of McCarthy's picks and gave McCarthy the opportunity to replace the two conflicts she rejected.....which McCarthy knew before he picked Jordon, that he would be rejected by her..... So McCarthy could then, pull ALL OF THE ACCEPTED repubs that he picked, off the committee too so he could SET UP the situation we are in right now..... So he Could get all if you, claiming the committee is unfair, a hoax, a witch hunt BLAH BLAH BLAH BULLSHIT.....

SO, you ignorant pawns complaining about not having say, can kiss my grits!!!
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Magaturds had a chance to participate. They fucked it up. No sympathy.
You can take your kangaroo committee and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.




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It gets very tiring addressing the constant barrage of uninformed Fox news watchers.

Pelosi bi partisan, outside of congress, 9/11 type investigation, gave McCarthy every thing McCarthy wanted that he negotiated for, McCarthy was given equal committee seats, 1/2 Republicans, 1/2 democrats, Republicans were also given equal subpoena power which Leader McCarthy requested, and two other equal power things that McCarthy wanted.

Pelosi, gave in and gave McCarthy EVERY SINGLE REQUEST HE HAD for setting up the Investigative Commission......McCarthy's republican negotiator with McCarthy's go ahead, accepted the deal. And in the House it was both republicans and Dems that passed the legislation for the Commission to investigate! YIPEE! It went to the Senate to pass.....

OH NO, but then mccarthy, went to Mara Lago to visit the Emperor with no clothes to kiss his Ring, came back to DC, and lobbied every Republican Senator to vote against the commission investigation bill all of the House Republicans helped pass.....he flip flopped after seeing Trump, and was now against the investigation, and lobbied senators to filibuster it, and not pass it.
Take your bullshit and hit the bricks you TDS sufferings proven lying idiot. People are tired of listening to you uneducated, CNN and MSNBC parroting sheep. Cry harder.
Take your bullshit and hit the bricks you TDS sufferings proven lying idiot. People are tired of listening to you uneducated, CNN and MSNBC parroting sheep. Cry harder.
Try harder! We are on to your ilk! Enough is enough from you lying, ignorant, cop beating, thugs!

Cheers! :beer:

The accused has the right to face his accusers.
And he will... in a court of law... Criminal Division.

You can thank Kevin McCarthy for (a) nominating two entirely culpable and objectionable committee member-candidates and then (b) petulantly withdrawing the other three surviving nominees and (c) failing to nominate a new fourth and fifth, so that your Orange Baboon had a few more friendly faces on the panel.

Even your traitorous modern-day Benedict Arnold said so...

A Republican self-inflicted wound...

Perhaps you should take this up with your own House Minority Leader, eh? :laugh:

Meanwhile, the crucial investigative and public-disclosure work of the Committee proceeds vigorously and unimpeded by Coup Sympathizers...

That is FUNDAMENTAL to the law, dumbass.
The law will be satisfied if-and-when an indictment is issued and if-and-when your Orange Führer's own Conspiracy and Fraud is tried in the law courts.
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And he will... in a court of law... Criminal Division.

The law will be satisfied if-and-when an indictment is issued and if-and-when it goes to trial.

So you admit this is nothing but a dog and pony show.

And therefore Trump can talk to whoever he wants.

I hope this Stalinist committee chokes on its own lies.

And I hope it's VERY fucking painful.
Yes, it is the truth that Trump trying to contact the witness is the very definition of witness tampering.
No it isnt. If you got a recording of him bribing the guy, thats witness tampering. Just calling someone who doesnt pick up the call, isnt tampering. This isnt even a court of law. :cuckoo:
Whether we agree with them or not, they are happening and there are laws to be followed.

Trump trying to call a witness' phone is clear tampering. You just don't do that.
Trump did it and not a thing will happen to him for it. Do you know why? Because he never bribed him or threatened him to change his testimony. The guy didnt even pick up the call.
Trump did it and not a thing will happen to him for it. Do you know why? Because he never bribed him or threatened him to change his testimony. The guy didnt even pick up the call.
Attempted witness tampering....if it didn't get acted on.

But you are right, the perpetual man of lawlessness, will never get charged....he's Teflon Don, has been his whole life.
No it isnt. If you got a recording of him bribing the guy, thats witness tampering. Just calling someone who doesnt pick up the call, isnt tampering. This isnt even a court of law. :cuckoo:
Fucksake, do you even bother to know the law...

I was figuring this out the last day...

The regular Trumper invents a law and then says what there burden of proof is... That is not how the law works..

No Bribery needed... Any thing that could be deemed in any way connected to the legal proceedings could be inferred as tampering...

I say when his lawyer contacted the FBI they would have loved to set up a sting.. Simply record the call, probably wouldn't need a warrant with the consent of the witness...
It would have been game over... Cops outside Mar-a-lago ten minutes later and him in handcuffs... Because they would have such strong case for witness tampering Judge would not grant bail...
but is stopped by the committee. No witnesses for Trump are allowed and if he tries to call his own witnesses, they will accuse him of witness tampering. Similar thing happened with Steve Bannon. He said he would only testify live during prime time so the committee shot him down. They must have total control over what Bannon says so they can edit as needed. Guess that's not called witness tampering. Coming up soon: closing arguments for the prosecution but no closing arguments to defend Trump since no Trump witnesses were allowed to testify.

Trump tried to call on the phone, dope. Not to testify.
Magaturds were given a chance to participate and they nominated the most outspoken opposition magaturds they could find to try and sabotage the whole thing. It didn't fly with the Speaker, she booted them, McConnell had a hissy, magaturds took their ball and went home.

But, Idiot-- -- -- Trump is still an innocent, free man. And the GOP are taking back the House and Senate. Trump might be the next Speaker. Plus they have the Supreme Court. And Trump's going to be our next president, again. Then the sword of Damocles will be hanging over the necks of the democrat party and everything you hold dear that you think you've accomplished will be wiped off the face of the Earth. :laughing0301:
Trump did it and not a thing will happen to him for it. Do you know why? Because he never bribed him or threatened him to change his testimony. The guy didnt even pick up the call.

I agree that nothing will happen to him. Nothing will happen to him over any of this, not even asking for a specific number of votes. that is the way it is in America.
Well, I got news for you, it seems that way to everyone.
You mean the WHOLE liberal media agrees?!?!
I believe that I do.

But first:

What might some of that evidence look like, to you?
I have no idea, because you did not specify what "damage" you imagine is occurring. Is it this vague "walls are closing in" idea?

You are making the claim, not I. It is up to you to back up your claim. I don't have time to teach you a seminar on how to present a logical argument.
Yeah, that would pretty much be witness tampering in Normal World.


This isn’t the “Normal World”. These hearings don’t follow “normal“ rules and are heavily skewed in the Democrats(TDS) favor. I guess you haven’t figured that out yet, or maybe you just don’t care as long as your deep seated hatred for Trump is pacified.

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