Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

Trump was not calling for witnesses to testify

He was calling witnesses to TAMPER with their testimony

He was calling on the PHONE

How else would you call? Styrofoam cup and string?

Dude - since this is not a legal proceeding, there are no witnesses.

This is not a grand jury. There is nothing to be tampered with.

OTHERWISE, we have Adam Schiffty nailed six ways from Sunday for the exact same thing. Witness coaching is witness tampering
Incorrect. She would not. It was going to be set up like the 9/11 commission. Stop lying.
I know it's hard to take an independent look at someone you respect, and who represents most of what you are led to believe, Ms. Coyote, but I hope you will review what one of the best independent Constitutional specialists has to say about the entire January 6 Hearing attempt to wipe out all other viewpoints than the same group of people who created the "Steele Dossier," which brought up salacious lies, 2 in particular that were proven false later on, and not merely by denials, either. You may not like what he has to say, but this guy slams whoever strays from the Constitution, whether Democrat or Republican. He may not sound unbiased when he hits a sore subject, but he does present a case for those this committee is presenting less than accurate narratives. I hope you do not take this personally, but at least do what you can to refute his case if you have the truth from unbiased sources. I wish it was more pleasant, but sometimes the raw truth isn't. Keep in mind that we have a President who does not take questions, not ever, and is not accountable to anybody but friends who ignore his crimes against the Constitution's distinct verbiage on accepting or extracting gifts from foreign sources receiving Congressional-approved Foreign Aid that is taken out of everyday American tax money, which is not discussed below. That said, here's a scholarly view of the procedures of January 6 Committee that intended to strike down their opposition with zero input from the official Republican Party. That failure, too, is very unconstitutional as is planning an innocent opponent with constant calumnies that repeated often sound like the truth, whilst being the worst of lies. I hate to see such smarming in charge of a free country that is under the gun of being turned into a socialist oligarchy and following the footsteps of all Marxist precepts which quickly lead to unjust murders of up to 2/3rds of any given Marxist system's history. Both the Russian bolsheviks and the Maoists of China each killed off 100 million people before becoming the warmongering putzes they are today, with Russia's top leader threatening the bordering countries in Eastern Europe with a nuclear holocaust that flattens entire metropolitan areas and leaves the land deadly to human beings for decades if not centuries.

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Pelosi had a firm lock on it all right from the beginning. It was to be a Trump witch hunt kangaroo investigation, not a fair investigation. Pelosi booted them because she refused to allow them to get to the truth. Only her truth was allowed.
That’s hilarious considering the two who were booted received subpoenas to testify but refused to show and give their “truth”. :auiqs.jpg:
Who told you that there can be no witness tampering in a Congressional hearing?

They're flat out wrong

And oh by the just admitted he did that

Maybe the Democrats are trying to Trump on some process crime, like witness tampering, since they have nothing as far as Jan. 6th. They did this throughout his presidency so I wouldn’t put it past them. All of the Congressional Democrats and many peons that vote for them have a serious case of TDS. They are all consumed.
I was trying to figure out why the Democrats are making their show so freaking boring. Between Bennie Thompson's stiff teleprompter reading, the weird shifting between live action and video, and the mind-numbing subject matter, they have to know that they are not convincing anyone who is not already 100% sure that Donald Trump is "Literally Hitler." No one else would watch. I tried watching a few minutes, mainly so I could correct the lies I knew would be told about the hearings on this board. Too boring to stick with, other than the fantasy story told by Cassidy.

Get some more reasonably attractive women who are willing to just make stuff up, and you may have something. Right now, it is a snooze-fest.

I guess it is because of two factors:

One, they know that no matter what they do - they could actually just sit in silence for five hours - the media will report that it was a day filled with bombshell witnesses presenting irrefutable proof of Orange Man's evil. Could they be deliberately making them unwatchable so that their base only sees second hand media reports, instead of watching the hearing?

Two, government hearings of any kind are destined to be boring, but they are often livened up by clashes between partisan lawmakers. No clashes for this one, so no relief from the boredom.
Maybe the Democrats are trying to Trump on some process crime, like witness tampering, since they have nothing as far as Jan. 6th. They did this throughout his presidency so I wouldn’t put it past them. All of the Congressional Democrats and many peons that vote for them have a serious case of TDS. They are all consumed.
Stop with the "process crime" nonsense.

A crime is a crime and witness tampering is a SERIOUS crime
Here is Cornell Law School's reprint of 18 U.S. Code s/s 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or informant:

Quote the part of it that you believe Trump violated.

(b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2)cause or induce any person to—
withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
Stop with the "process crime" nonsense.

A crime is a crime and witness tampering is a SERIOUS crime

If it occurred, it would be a process crime, regardless of how serious it may or may not be.

How many times are they going to use some lame excuse to throughly investigate Trump only to end up with crimes that would not have ever occurred if he would not have been falsely investigated to start with? Those of us with more than 2 brain cells have figured out their schtick. .

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