Trump vs. Cuomo

cuomo gives facts & figures & human relatable anecdotes.

donny goes on hunches, flys off the handle at serious questions, attacking the reporters & has no human emotion except self gratification & how he can achieve that at all costs.
I’ve noticed the same thing. Almost all of Trumps responses are generic messages about how great a job they are doing. Very defensive and non specific.

Cuomo seems to stick to facts and when asked political questions he shuts down the politics and sticks to the substance.

They both love to hear themselves talk and go off on tangents but there is such a stark difference. I can’t get over the constant bragging that Trump does, it seems to be all he has.... wish he would take some notes from Cuomo

^ 'They both love to hear themselves talk and go off on tangents but there is such a stark difference.'

i listened to cuomo's presser yesterday & i may be biased - 'cause i'm italian - but he went on for awhile about how they would together for sunday dinner which italians do... alot... & he talked about the food & more food... i really loved listening to that - i could so relate & it was comforting. that is what a good leader does besides being truthful about facts.. obama was like that too, but i digress.

donny is simply incapable of doing any of that.

Cuomo is being set up to replace Biden as the nominee. When this was first mentioned I didn't think much about it but after watching Cuomo's presidential campaign press briefings I have no doubt about it. Cuomo using personal stories to introduce himself to the general public outside of NY.

i think he has more than enough to be concerned about - that being NY.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
When this first broke Trump closed air travel from China. New York officials told people to go out and enjoy themselves. Mix and mingle. Take the subway! Bla bla bla. Where does Cuomo get the hospital ship? How about the ventilators? How about the field hospitals?
Don't be racist enjoy the Chinese new year.
A question for those who consider themselves objective thinkers. That means you are capable of critiquing the political figures that you support.

For those of you who have been watching both Cuomos pressers and then Trumps pressers... have you noticed a difference in how the two handle announcements and questions? If so what are the main differences?

I watch Cuomo's pressers in the morning. They are very informative.

I have tried to watch trump in the afternoon with his pressers but I got tired of listening to him lie and misinform. I don't watch his pressers anymore.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
No outrage from me! I am a retired Nurse though and they are really brave to go to work. A few have died from this and I expect many more will do so but they still show up.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
No outrage from me! I am a retired Nurse though and they are really brave to go to work. A few have died from this and I expect many more will do so but they still show up.
I have no problem with Nurses.........Doctors......I have the utmost respect for them.......I have ZERO RESPECT for this other poster..........NONE......NADDA.........ZILCH.....

He is a WHINER FROM HELL.............And he is worse than the dang disease.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
You think WE are destroying the worlds economy? How exactly are we doing that? By saving hundreds of thousands of lives? Do you even know what your saying?! We have the ability to save the economy if we are smart about it. That’s just a money issue. We don’t have the ability to save lives if we let this virus run rampant. Use your brain man
As I am considered an essential employee I am working and have not been watching any of the pressers of either man so I can't comment about that. I have noticed in reading the post here there is very little objective thinking just the standard my guy is great your guy sucks partisan responses.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
You think WE are destroying the worlds economy? How exactly are we doing that? By saving hundreds of thousands of lives? Do you even know what your saying?! We have the ability to save the economy if we are smart about it. That’s just a money issue. We don’t have the ability to save lives if we let this virus run rampant. Use your brain man
We can't do this for long without financial destruction from hell.......that will cost will effect a hell of a lot more people.........You really don't want a depression again do you......................

That isn't a good idea............might be inevitable now.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
You think WE are destroying the worlds economy? How exactly are we doing that? By saving hundreds of thousands of lives? Do you even know what your saying?! We have the ability to save the economy if we are smart about it. That’s just a money issue. We don’t have the ability to save lives if we let this virus run rampant. Use your brain man
We can't do this for long without financial destruction from hell.......that will cost will effect a hell of a lot more people.........You really don't want a depression again do you......................

That isn't a good idea............might be inevitable now.
Why couldn’t world governments avoid destruction from hell? It’s just money we are talking about.
military here.........If you go to War you must fight with what you have.....
Which is exactly what they are doing. A fat fuck sitting at home on his couch downplaying the virus and thus their efforts -- that's you, numbnuts-- is in no position to lecture them about anything.
Up yours.............Your bitching and moaning don't change the dang equation..........There is x amount of supplies.....and y needed................PERIOD.........until the supplies catch up.............that is the way it is.......

Now I'm sitting home because the whole fucking world is shut down ...NOT BY CHOICE BITCH.........We are destroying the entire Worlds ECONOMY............In the end that shit may kill more than the virus as a third of the planet loses everything.

Saying in the military............Choose your rate.........choose your fate .......I respect what the Medical community is doing........It's HONORABLE.......but THEY CHOSE THIS PROFESSION......So spare me your dang outrage.
You think WE are destroying the worlds economy? How exactly are we doing that? By saving hundreds of thousands of lives? Do you even know what your saying?! We have the ability to save the economy if we are smart about it. That’s just a money issue. We don’t have the ability to save lives if we let this virus run rampant. Use your brain man
We can't do this for long without financial destruction from hell.......that will cost will effect a hell of a lot more people.........You really don't want a depression again do you......................

That isn't a good idea............might be inevitable now.
Why couldn’t world governments avoid destruction from hell? It’s just money we are talking about.
where did you go? Can you explain why the world governments can’t avoid economic destruction from hell?
Cuomo was governor for 9 years before the chinese virus struck and new york was unprepared
A question for those who consider themselves objective thinkers. That means you are capable of critiquing the political figures that you support.

For those of you who have been watching both Cuomos pressers and then Trumps pressers... have you noticed a difference in how the two handle announcements and questions? If so what are the main differences?
Unfair because Trump is flanked by experts. Cuomo sits behind a desk with a sign language interpreter. Plus people see what they want to see. I am more interested in hearing what Fauci, Birx and other medical experts have to say than politicians.
On March 26 during a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, Trump said, "a lot of equipment's being asked for that I don't think they'll need" specifically in reference to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and following a tirade against Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Trump later said he felt Cuomo was requesting an unnecessary number of ventilators "I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they are going to be," Trump said. "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators."
And he was right because NY was found to be hoarding them.

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