Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Truly the GOP has become the party of hate. We have to defeat these morons before they destroy this nation. These people are sick.

I know for sure, you will see some Republicans filled with revulsion at the thought of a Russian/Chinese/North Korean style military parade with Trump play acting Hitler.
obama and the blacks are the party of hate:
hate America:
Obama's pastor who he went to for YEARS:
"God damn America."
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

hate police:
Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas
police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "acted stupidly"
Obama had his AG comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop
the AG is supposed to be ANTI-criminal

hate whites:
BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

etc etc as I have proven many times on USMB
the blacks are the haters
the Dems are the nazis who hate
all the hate the Dems displayed/and still display toward Trump/etc
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Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?

So we can honor the Men and Women in our Armed Forces.
I figure they are worth it,but thats just me.

I am all for honoring them. How about spending millions for veterans affairs? How about actually doing something for those who are serving?

If we are going to spend millions for something, why not spend it on something solid. This is honoring the men & women of our Armed Services like the political photo ops are. It is all show.
He's more like Kim Jong Un every fucking day.

Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade
President Trump’s vision of soldiers marching and tanks rolling down the boulevards of Washington is moving closer to reality in the Pentagon and White House, where officials say they have begun to plan a grand military parade later this year showcasing the might of America’s armed forces.

Trump has long mused publicly and privately about wanting such a parade, but a Jan. 18 meeting between Trump and top generals in the Pentagon’s tank — a room reserved for top-secret discussions — marked a tipping point, according to two officials briefed on the planning.

Surrounded by the military’s highest-ranking officials, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Trump’s seemingly abstract desire for a parade was suddenly heard as a presidential directive, the officials said.

View attachment 175348
What a patriotic great idea to have our military in.a parade march so we can celebrate and appreciate them.
If people are only proud because they see a military parade, their pride isn't worth much.

The inclusion is irrelevant. I oppose spending millions of tax dollars on a parade that will accomplish nothing.
Gays can be proud and it's worth something, but the military can't.

Maybe you should rethink your position.

Maybe you should stick to the cost of the parades, as I have tried to do.

Gay pride parades are paid for by donors. The military parade will be paid for by the tax payers.

Adding millions to our debt for a parade is fiscally irresponsible.
You're talking in circles. Get back to me when it's worse than $10 trillion, or bitch about the $10 trillion.

I HAVE bitched about the $10 trillion. But the difference is, I bitch about all of the debt. You see $9.9 trillion in new debt as better than $10 trillion in debt. Your opinion of the debt is based on the political party. But everyone will have to pay BOTH debts. So I see it as not 2 separate amounts, but as $19.9 trillion in debt.
Link me to a post of yours bitching about Obama's $10 trillion debt.

You won't be able to, of course.

My posts are still in the archives. Feel free to search. I have been consistently in favor of fiscally conservative gov't.
Gays can be proud and it's worth something, but the military can't.

Maybe you should rethink your position.

Maybe you should stick to the cost of the parades, as I have tried to do.

Gay pride parades are paid for by donors. The military parade will be paid for by the tax payers.

Adding millions to our debt for a parade is fiscally irresponsible.
You're talking in circles. Get back to me when it's worse than $10 trillion, or bitch about the $10 trillion.

I HAVE bitched about the $10 trillion. But the difference is, I bitch about all of the debt. You see $9.9 trillion in new debt as better than $10 trillion in debt. Your opinion of the debt is based on the political party. But everyone will have to pay BOTH debts. So I see it as not 2 separate amounts, but as $19.9 trillion in debt.
Link me to a post of yours bitching about Obama's $10 trillion debt.

You won't be able to, of course.

My posts are still in the archives. Feel free to search. I have been consistently in favor of fiscally conservative gov't.
I searched and nothing. Nada. Zilch. Cero.

Maybe there aren't any. :)
He's more like Kim Jong Un every fucking day.

Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade
President Trump’s vision of soldiers marching and tanks rolling down the boulevards of Washington is moving closer to reality in the Pentagon and White House, where officials say they have begun to plan a grand military parade later this year showcasing the might of America’s armed forces.

Trump has long mused publicly and privately about wanting such a parade, but a Jan. 18 meeting between Trump and top generals in the Pentagon’s tank — a room reserved for top-secret discussions — marked a tipping point, according to two officials briefed on the planning.

Surrounded by the military’s highest-ranking officials, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Trump’s seemingly abstract desire for a parade was suddenly heard as a presidential directive, the officials said.

View attachment 175348
What a patriotic great idea to have our military in.a parade march so we can celebrate and appreciate them.

Cool, maybe Mexico will pay for it and the wall!
Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.

If you're against a Military Parade're a libtard.

So spending millions on a parade is a fiscally conservative ideal? WTF?

Thats a drop in the bucket.
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.
Well it was their country....
i think we need about 300 people dressed up as Nancy Pelosi without make-up with those giant 8 foot high heads as part of the show
That will scare the pants of the North Koreans, now the Ruskies I think they are used to babushka's like that...
People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.

If you're against a Military Parade're a libtard.

So spending millions on a parade is a fiscally conservative ideal? WTF?

Thats a drop in the bucket.

How much does it have to be before you consider it wasted?
Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.

If you're against a Military Parade're a libtard.

So spending millions on a parade is a fiscally conservative ideal? WTF?

Thats a drop in the bucket.

How much does it have to be before you consider it wasted?

I can ask the same thing about the war on poverty...
Aids has been pretty costly

And you think there would be significantly fewer cases of HIV if there were no "homo parades"?
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think spending millions of tax dollars on a massive military parade is wasting the hard earned pay of the American tax payer.
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think military parades have no effect on whether we have fewer or more wars.
I think this whole idolatry of Trump's with the military DOES mean we will have more wars. The guy is a fruitcake. He wanted us genuflecting to the military for the Superbowl, for Godssake. More wars. Mark my words, it means something.

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