Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

He's more like Kim Jong Un every fucking day.

Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade
President Trump’s vision of soldiers marching and tanks rolling down the boulevards of Washington is moving closer to reality in the Pentagon and White House, where officials say they have begun to plan a grand military parade later this year showcasing the might of America’s armed forces.

Trump has long mused publicly and privately about wanting such a parade, but a Jan. 18 meeting between Trump and top generals in the Pentagon’s tank — a room reserved for top-secret discussions — marked a tipping point, according to two officials briefed on the planning.

Surrounded by the military’s highest-ranking officials, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Trump’s seemingly abstract desire for a parade was suddenly heard as a presidential directive, the officials said.

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And here is the explanation as to why Trump, correctly, endorses this sort of thing.....

....and why America-haters are appalled:

" Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican…
"The left detests all forms of patriotism, if you instill a love of America in a child it’s extremely unlikely they will identify with the Democratic party when they grow up.

(US News)— Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades. A new Harvard University studyfinds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans,turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. "
Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican… | Weasel Zippers

"Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats."

No doubt.
Of course Trump supporters would be ok with something like this. They would literally excuse ANYTHING Trump says or does.
Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?

So we can honor the Men and Women in our Armed Forces.
I figure they are worth it,but thats just me.

I am all for honoring them. How about spending millions for veterans affairs? How about actually doing something for those who are serving?

If we are going to spend millions for something, why not spend it on something solid. This is honoring the men & women of our Armed Services like the political photo ops are. It is all show.
As a vet, seeing my fellow vets in distress getting the help they need is much more patriotic than a fleeting parade.


Or to paraphrase what some are fond of saying: As long as veterans are homeless, we shouldn't be spending millions on military parades.

Yet it's perfectly fine to spend billions on illegals.

No, it is not. As I have said, wasteful spending is never a good thing.
Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?

So we can honor the Men and Women in our Armed Forces.
I figure they are worth it,but thats just me.

I am all for honoring them. How about spending millions for veterans affairs? How about actually doing something for those who are serving?

If we are going to spend millions for something, why not spend it on something solid. This is honoring the men & women of our Armed Services like the political photo ops are. It is all show.
As a vet, seeing my fellow vets in distress getting the help they need is much more patriotic than a fleeting parade.
Luckily it's not a choice between one or the other. My patriotism wants to get them the help they need and honor them with a parade.

The millions spent on this parade could help a lot of veterans.
Like those marching in the parade.
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.

I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.
I thought communism collapses on its own?
Trump got the idea from Macron when he was in France. If France can have a military parade why can't we? There is no rule that all of our parades have to be men butt fucking each other and fat women in vagina suits.
I'm a fan of many Trump policies. I don't get this. Maybe NK related, but really? Everyone knows we are the bad asses when it comes to projecting military power when needed (except for Benghazi). A parade? Sigh....
Could be he is covertly sucking up to the deep state, pentagon and the neocons. He knows he could get his head blown off in broad daylight, if they are not appeased.
How about we have a ticker tape parade thanking the units, all branches, who just kicked the shit out of ISIS? These guys stomped a force more diabolical and evil than Saddam's looters in Kuwait didn't they?


We don't goose-step or menace anybody when we march. There are drill units who are nothing short of spectacular when they do their stuff. I like the parade idea.....let's have a look at the boys and some of the gear who went back to the sandbox after already winning that war once before Barry ran away and we had to do it again. Let's thank them for what they did....I'm sure they'd appreciate it. Yes? :thup:

Would be cool to see the drill units and all the bands. They are indeed pretty badass.

Here's a democrat trying to sign up other Democrats to lay down in front of tanks during the parade.


Hope they get enough to line the entire parade route.
Plus it would alleviate the damage to the roads that the libs are so worried about by providing cushion.

BUT, that whit would get allover the place. It would be stinky and gross.
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.

So, killing is better than sex?


What a third grade level attempt. You're serious with that stupid shit?

A military parade isn't a show of or representing killing. A great many people in this country have pride and respect for those that fight for us. You'd do well to remember that. Maybe you wouldn't come off as such a simpering hater.
Those assholes in those sickening parades those here are referencing are in no way representative of the everyday, average gay. They don't go about making a mockery of themselves with foolishness and disgusting behavior like sticking dicks in mufflers and anything else that doesn't run away. All on national TV. They are pigs.
You're getting way off track with this gay thing. This is about Mr. Trump wanting to compete with North Korea for the biggest show of military toys. If he could do it while the Olympics was going, he would. Probably can't pull one off that fast, though.

I've watched plenty of parades with the National Guard units and the Veterans of Foreign Wars marching and that's fine and lovely. I do NOT want to see tanks and what-all creeping down our streets. That's showing off our killing potential. We like to do our killing without a lot of advertising.
That's how I feel about it.

I took my cue about the gay thing from dean in post four, so I ain't quite off track.
This is about President Trump wanting to have a military parade.
And you lunatics are all sharting your britches with screamy whines about Nazis and north Koreans and Freddy fucking Kruger because of it.
I doubt you know much about anything Trump would do, would want to do or thinks about doing because you are too damn busy hating at the first twitch to give it any real thought.
And what's your little kicker about us doing our killing with no advertisement supposed to mean? Just another hate America crack?
He's more like Kim Jong Un every fucking day.

Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade
President Trump’s vision of soldiers marching and tanks rolling down the boulevards of Washington is moving closer to reality in the Pentagon and White House, where officials say they have begun to plan a grand military parade later this year showcasing the might of America’s armed forces.

Trump has long mused publicly and privately about wanting such a parade, but a Jan. 18 meeting between Trump and top generals in the Pentagon’s tank — a room reserved for top-secret discussions — marked a tipping point, according to two officials briefed on the planning.

Surrounded by the military’s highest-ranking officials, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Trump’s seemingly abstract desire for a parade was suddenly heard as a presidential directive, the officials said.

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Only $22 mil? I bet it’ll end up being a lot more. $22 mil barely covers the weekly Mar-a-Lago vacation
With news that President Trump has submitted a request to the Pentagon to conduct a military parade after witnessing Bastille Day in France, CNN completely freaked out and declared that the US is now an authoritarian regime, much like North Korea.

Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr noted during a report “what are we really talking about here? There has not been a military parade typically by the U.S. military in many years. The last one really after Desert Storm in the 1990s.”


Videos: CNN Freaks Out Over Trump Military Parade Plan
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.

I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.
BO did not defeat ISIS and that doddering senile POS Reagan had nothing to do with ending the Cold War.
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.
Maybe neither would be best.

Bullshit. There's nothing wrong with a military parade. It's good for many countries all over the world, not just the two crummy ones you hatey hens keep clucking about.
Y'all are just pissed because Trump wants it.
Any of you says you'd object also if Obama wanted it is a liar.
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.

I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.
No, we thank Bush Sr. for that. Reagan was already deep into his dementia.
Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?

So we can honor the Men and Women in our Armed Forces.
I figure they are worth it,but thats just me.

I am all for honoring them. How about spending millions for veterans affairs? How about actually doing something for those who are serving?

If we are going to spend millions for something, why not spend it on something solid. This is honoring the men & women of our Armed Services like the political photo ops are. It is all show.
As a vet, seeing my fellow vets in distress getting the help they need is much more patriotic than a fleeting parade.


Or to paraphrase what some are fond of saying: As long as veterans are homeless, we shouldn't be spending millions on military parades.

Yet it's perfectly fine to spend billions on illegals.
No...that isn't fine either.
How about we have a ticker tape parade thanking the units, all branches, who just kicked the shit out of ISIS? These guys stomped a force more diabolical and evil than Saddam's looters in Kuwait didn't they?


We don't goose-step or menace anybody when we march. There are drill units who are nothing short of spectacular when they do their stuff. I like the parade idea.....let's have a look at the boys and some of the gear who went back to the sandbox after already winning that war once before Barry ran away and we had to do it again. Let's thank them for what they did....I'm sure they'd appreciate it. Yes? :thup:
"Barry" ran away? Would that be Manilow or Goldwater and what did they run away from?

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