Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

How does the Military leadership feel about it? I could see it as being a good moral builder for the military, much needed after the 8 year beat down under Obama. We would also get to see all the cool hardware we taxpayers have paid for.
Why do you guys always complain about Obama.

Besides taking us out of Iraq.

Bringing back our economy.

Helping millions get healthcare for the first time.

Pass equal pay for equal work.

Pass credit card reform.

and fight Republicans who showed us what they can do under Bush and under Trump,

What did he do that's so bad? Lie us into Iraq? Give billionaires tax cuts? Work for Putin? What?
I'm just stunned that white wingers on the USMB would not only defend Nazi stuff, but there are so many that outright support it.

Is that what Trump has led them to? He truly is a cult leader. And one thing all cult leaders have in common is they always come to a sad and sticky end. They are always found out to be awful people and those that supported them end up turning their backs on their cult leader.

Even Jim Jones and Charles Manson.
Absolutely ridiculous. Agent Orange keeps talking about funding for his unnecessary wall but we have money for communist style military parade?

Is this what our country has become?

What Republicans have turned it into?

They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

Keep your pants on boi, it’s not as if the US has never had a military parade.

Show me pictures.

JFK’s inauguration :eusa_think:




Nothing wrong with national pride unless you're a fuckwitt like rtarddean

How can you have pride in a nation where the majority is against everything you stand for? Unless, do you actually live in Russia? If you don't, you might consider relocation to a place that is filled with hate, division and racism. I think it's right up your alley. Seriously, I think you would be much happier there if you aren't already there.

Is this what our country has become?

What Republicans have turned it into?

They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

Keep your pants on boi, it’s not as if the US has never had a military parade.

Show me pictures.

JFK’s inauguration :eusa_think:




Nothing wrong with national pride unless you're a fuckwitt like rtarddean

How can you have pride in a nation that is against everything you stand for? Unless, do you actually live in Russia? If you don't, you might consider relocation to a place that is filled with hate, division and racism. I think it's right up your alley. Seriously, I think you would be much happier there if you aren't already there.

Do I live in Russia?

Do you live in reality?

Everyone knows we are the bad asses when it comes to projecting military power when needed..

Database that allows one to compare the objectively measurable military might of any two nations --> Comparisons of World Military Strengths
Not a fan of the man, but like many, I am results oriented. Some interesting things have taken place the last couple of years.
Like what? Name a few.
One of the most interesting things we discovered was Hillary and the DNC paid for a document that was sourced from Russian intelligence. It was then used in the FISA court as evidence resulting in surveillance of the opposition party. Crooked as hell. Heads must roll.
The missing man formation always makes me appreciate how America was great back in the day and how it be great again under our President, The Donald!

We need more of this...


And a whole lot less of this...


Make America GROPE Again.
I have always been fond of the West African proverb: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
-- Teddy Roosevelt​

Good lord! Now Trump wants the U.S. military to trot out its men and materiel in a public display of strength that is a military parade.

Ever the horse's ass, whatever flies over your head that you do not get, you simply ridicule.

Trump is right again. His biggest problem is that his head ISN'T stuck up his ass like most others and he sees things free and clear of political correctness.

This is JUST what this country really needs! What it USED to have which UNIFIED people and made them all proud to be an American and brought them together. Everything else was secondary. Look at the throngs of people in those pictures. The lack of sense of patriotism and national pride is the very thing hurting this country and tearing it apart. Our problem is that we've simply had peace too long, people have been too soft and cushy and comfortable in their lives and take it for granted. They don't know what real war is like. The importance of vigilance. And I knew enough people who grew up in the WWII era to know that if they saw and heard how some of you POS worthless fruity gas bags now sniff your nose at the idea of loyalty, patriotism and nationalism, they would take you around back for the beating of your life. Maybe make a man out of you.

That's it, isn't it: all you commie, socialist, Leftie creeps never got the shit beat out of you enough as kids to realize what a PRIVILEGE it is to live in this country. You're part of the spoiled rotten whiny cry-baby generation.
Not really sure why a military parade would have any influence on a persons genitals but how exactly will this be different than the parades the military joins in every memorial day or independence day?

Is this what our country has become?

What Republicans have turned it into?

They really do admire Nazi's and Soviets.

We have to stand up to them.;

The Soviets were extreme leftists, like you, jackass.
A parade? What great idea! AND, its pissing off Liberals. Even better! :abgg2q.jpg:
How does the Military leadership feel about it? I could see it as being a good moral builder for the military, much needed after the 8 year beat down under Obama. We would also get to see all the cool hardware we taxpayers have paid for.
How does the Military leadership feel about it?
I, obviously, cannot attest to what the majority of generals and admirals think of the idea. I can say that I heard a retired general on the news state that he dislikes military parades (~10:40 in the linked video) of the sort Trump wants and he asserted that most other flag officers share that sentiment. I have a close friend who's a retired "full bull" colonel and he did echo the general's remarks.

There is also the matter that logistically putting on a military parade in D.C. isn't something that happens "at the drop of a hat." Of course, it can be done, and insofar as Trump has ordered it done, it will be unless he rescinds his order.

Frankly, inasmuch as we aren't welcoming our soldiers back from a war victory -- hell, the U.S. even for Independence Day doesn't put on military parades of the type Trump wants -- I don't see there being any sound reason to have the parade Trump has ordered. Americans and military service men and women have a host of acknowledgements for their service (great and small) along with displays of prowess throughout the year. For example:
  • Holidays (I haven't listed all of them) created specifically to honor military service men and women or the accomplishments and travails of them and the branches in which they serve:
    • Memorial Day
    • Veterans' Day
    • VE Day
    • VJ Day
    • Independence Day
    • D-Day
    • Four Chaplains Day
    • Month of the Military Caregiver (March)
    • Vietnam Veterans' Day
    • Month of the Military Child (April)
    • National Military Appreciation Month (May)
    • Silver Star Service Banner Day
    • Military Spouse Appreciation Day
    • National PTSD Awareness Day
    • Armed Forces Day
    • Birthdays of the respective branches of the U.S. armed forces
    • Purple Heart Day
    • Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day
    • National Day of the Deployed
    • Pearl Harbor Day
    • Red Shirt Friday (unofficial)
  • 24/7/365(-6) honor guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
  • An excellent assortments of benefits
  • Thunderbirds air shows
  • Blue Angels air shows
  • Military exercises conducted around the world
  • Welcoming and departure events when sailors/ships embark upon and return from tours of duty
  • Preferred boarding on airplanes
  • Gun salutes and bestowal of an American flag at veterans' funerals
And now, in Trump's mind, we need a military parade too? To be sure, the military and the people in it, or who were in it, deserve all the recognitions noted above, but make no mistake, putting on a parade of the sort Trump wants takes away from one thing active service members likely most want: time with their family and friends when they are not away on a deployment.

  • What sort of military parade does Trump want? This:

    Of course, since it's Trump wanting it and he's all about excess, it'll have to be bigger and more extravagant than that. That said, when it happens, it'll be good for businesses in the D.C. area.
Let's not kid ourselves, a military parade is the very opposite of "speaking softly" and the only folks who are concerned that others know anything about their "stick," big or otherwise, are sexual predators and bullies of other sorts.
trump's major league insecurities are a national embarrassment. This stupid, corny, parade would be all about trump.

Everyone knows his need to show off at every opportunity is inextricably tied to his small...hands.
Just like Putin does! And Rocket Man!

D'ya suppose there will be billboards with Trump's picture on em lining the route? Will medals be struck and armbands issued?

Get used to the phrase "papers please!"
Let's not kid ourselves, a military parade is the very opposite of "speaking softly" and the only folks who are concerned that others know anything about their "stick," big or otherwise, are sexual predators and bullies of other sorts.
trump's major league insecurities are a national embarrassment. This stupid, corny, parade would be all about trump.

Everyone knows his need to show off at every opportunity is inextricably tied to his small...hands.
This stupid, corny, parade would be all about trump.
I, for one, suspect that's exactly what it'll be about.

Everyone knows his need to show off at every opportunity is inextricably tied to his small...hands.
LOL To be sure, one thing people don't say is "small hands, small ego." LOL
and a little light goes off ...


Not about to let that be better than mine, errrrrrr, ours.

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