Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

The claim that Russia "hacked" the election is the most recent major media lie. They have spent months trying to pull that crap over everyone's eyes.
How do you know that Russia didn't hack the election?
Do you have a single shred of evidence that they did?
Its not up to me. douchbag. You said it was a lie, now prove it or STFU
I'm not required to prove a negative, moron. Either you have some evidence or your claim that Russia did it is totally groundless. That's what you're admitting: there are no grounds for claiming Russia "hacked" the election.
Thanks for proving you aint got a clue to anything. WTF do you think our intelligence community is investigating right now.

They're investigating fake news.
How do you know that Russia didn't hack the election?
Do you have a single shred of evidence that they did?
Its not up to me. douchbag. You said it was a lie, now prove it or STFU
I'm not required to prove a negative, moron. Either you have some evidence or your claim that Russia did it is totally groundless. That's what you're admitting: there are no grounds for claiming Russia "hacked" the election.
Thanks for proving you aint got a clue to anything. WTF do you think our intelligence community is investigating right now.

They're investigating fake news.
You wouldn't know fake news if your life depended on it
The white house has a responsibility to our press and the first amendment.

No they don't... where's that in the First Amendment? :dunno:
Freedom of the press in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This clause is generally understood as a means to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions.

Unless the White House is going to make claims of defamation they go down a slippery slope when they flex their muscles while picking and choosing which news outlets they engage with. Don't pretend you wouldn't be having a cow if Obama was going to this extreme against the Breitbarts and Foxs News organizations when he was prez

What "slippery slope" is that? There is no law that even requires the president to hold press briefings.
Do you have a single shred of evidence that they did?
Its not up to me. douchbag. You said it was a lie, now prove it or STFU
I'm not required to prove a negative, moron. Either you have some evidence or your claim that Russia did it is totally groundless. That's what you're admitting: there are no grounds for claiming Russia "hacked" the election.
Thanks for proving you aint got a clue to anything. WTF do you think our intelligence community is investigating right now.

They're investigating fake news.
You wouldn't know fake news if your life depended on it
It's all the stuff you post on this forum, snowflake.

I already posted an irrefutable example of fake news.
It's about time we have a leader that calls out the dishonest media and guess what? The dishonest media doesn't like it.
I am personally LMFAO! He's not obligated to deal with hostile douchebags. Only to give a State of the Union address every so often. I know they're pooping their pants and I quite enjoy it.


CNN, NY Times, LA Times and Politico barred from WH news briefing
Where does it say that, Einstein?

U.S. Constitution - Article 2 Section 3 - The U.S. Constitution Online - It says nothing about network press briefings.
True story. I love it.
Hey genius, this has nothing to do with Congress. Man are you pathetic

If any anti Trump story that CNN has reported were true he would have been impeached weeks ago. CNN lies, they always have. I still watch for the fun of it. The angry faces on those morning bitches are just too good.
Tell us specific CNN lies, homer. I can wait

It's about time we have a leader that calls out the dishonest media and guess what? The dishonest media doesn't like it.

They can wail and gnash their teeth all they want. They made their bed, now they can lay in it.

A bed of silence.
What facts of yours have the media reported incorrectly?

I'm not going to sit here and list out the volumes of shit the left-wing media hacks have churned out on Trump. You got to be outta your fucking mind. I've got better shit to do man. If you want to think they've covered him objectively and fairly, that's your business.
You aren't going to list them, because they don't exist. Thanks for playing

The claim that Russia "hacked" the election is the most recent major media lie. They have spent months trying to pull that crap over everyone's eyes.
Post a CNN link that says that has falsehoods about Russia hacking the election. I'd like to see specifically what lies you are talking about. If they are doing it every day it should be easy for you to find a bunch.
Adviser contradicts Trump: Russians hacked the US -
James Woosley was an advisor to Trump and CNN interviewed him about the Russia situation... So where is the fake news? You do understand what Fake News is right? Commentary and opinion from pundits and interviewees doesn't count as fake news... we are talking about reporting. Care to try again or explain where the fake news is in the story you linked to?
i like it when the mask slips off. otoh, what mask. he is every bit the fucking whiny bitch as advertized and expected. and you elected this horror show. LOL
He's not "trashing the 1st amendment" any more than convicting James Holmes trashed the 2nd amendment.

The propagandists are finally being treated like the frauds that they are. Boo-hoo.

Give em HELL Trump. You know you and your supporters are more powerful than the press, and you will soon have the press subdued and you can allow only good stuff to be said about you. What could go wrong?

Said no sane person, ever.
Jake Tapper said it's "un-American" for Trump to ban CNN.

No Jake, it's un-American for CNN to promote child abuse, like Cuomo did!

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