Trump will NOT approve release of DEM memo

The Dem attempt to save face and spin should not be released.

The evidence coming out almost daily now against Obama's DOJ, his FBI, his CIA, his Cabinet, and against he and Hillary are revealing everything we need to know!

Criminal Negligence
Illegal Mishandling of Classified
30k violations of the FOIA / FRA
Campaign Law
Campaign Finance Law
Election Fraud
Collusion w/foriegn spies / Russia
Trump is once again engaging in obstruction

Doesn't make his case look too good
Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
Intelligent people see a highly partisan memo released and the opposition squashed. You can’t spin that.

You do know it will be released when it's been cleaned up right?
So where does that leave your narrative?
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Could be interesting, but not a bit surprising. The orange pig doesn't want the truth to be released.
Since none of us has seen the democrat memo, let's play the game.

You say Trump doesn't want the truth to come out, so he canned the memo.
I'll say the democrats are bluffing and don't have a good response, so they deliberately put classified information in the memo so Trump wouldn't release it.

Your turn.

Of course you say that. It's what fox told you to say.
The Dem memo obviously disproves the Nunes memo. Trump can't handle the truth.
Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?

There was ZERO redacted from the Majority Memo other than blackinking the classification at the top of the pages. That's how I was taught to write UNclassified summaries of classified material. First one was done right.

And you can dispute original sourcing WITHOUT divulging secrets. Minority just didn't want to..
According to who?

The Trump Admin? Or the FBI?

No. It is partisan censoring and it is dispicable to anyone genuinely interested in the truth.

Don't get your comment.. I stated facts.. There was NOT A WORD redacted from the majority report other than the Classification stamp at the top of pages.. Now the GRASSLEY memo had PLENTY redacted from it. So the system for declassification is WORKING.

The way it works is that there has to be agreement from the classifying agency and ANY agency who's sources were used. So it's NOT as you suggested Trump OR the FBI that decides. It's BOTH.. In fact the FISA court might even have been consulted --- since they are the CENTER of this..

Not partisan censoring. It's either TRULY classified or it's not. Although a LOT of this is ONLY classified to keep it from the people and press in the 1st place. Not because undercover agents are gonna die or collection systems compromised..
Trump is once again engaging in obstruction

Doesn't make his case look too good

Not releasing documents to the public is now obstruction?

That is quite a stretch.

Trump is pathetically trying to appeal to public opinion is a colossal failure

Nobody cares about the Nunes is a joke

That Trump is still trying to obstruct Dems releasing the full story shows hoe low his Presidency has sunk
The Comittee unanimously approved its release

Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?

There was ZERO redacted from the Majority Memo other than blackinking the classification at the top of the pages. That's how I was taught to write UNclassified summaries of classified material. First one was done right.

And you can dispute original sourcing WITHOUT divulging secrets. Minority just didn't want to..
According to who?

The Trump Admin? Or the FBI?

No. It is partisan censoring and it is dispicable to anyone genuinely interested in the truth.

Don't get your comment.. I stated facts.. There was NOT A WORD redacted from the majority report other than the Classification stamp at the top of pages.. Now the GRASSLEY memo had PLENTY redacted from it. So the system for declassification is WORKING.

The way it works is that there has to be agreement from the classifying agency and ANY agency who's sources were used. So it's NOT as you suggested Trump OR the FBI that decides. It's BOTH.. In fact the FISA court might even have been consulted --- since they are the CENTER of this..

Not partisan censoring. It's either TRULY classified or it's not. Although a LOT of this is ONLY classified to keep it from the people and press in the 1st place. Not because undercover agents are gonna die or collection systems compromised..

Yeah except the FBI said the Republican memo shouldn't be released and Trump did it anyway. So how is that considered the system working? Seems to me everything is ok to be released by Trump as long as it helps him out.
Trump is once again engaging in obstruction

Doesn't make his case look too good

Not releasing documents to the public is now obstruction?

That is quite a stretch.

Trump is pathetically trying to appeal to public opinion is a colossal failure

Nobody cares about the Nunes is a joke

That Trump is still trying to obstruct Dems releasing the full story shows hoe low his Presidency has sunk

If you think so, then that is your reality, I really don’t care about Nunes memo nor do I give a flip about the Democrats worthless memo, it seems the partisans thrive on gossip and rumors. Give me truth and facts, not what your party’s spew.

As far as the colossal failure? That is really funny because the left has been saying that for over two years and are wrong at every turn.
No spin required from the Left.

The evidence coming out against them is all that is needed.

The DOJ should be hirung additional investigators, grand juries, etc necause there are so many Democrats to prosecute
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
We were tipped off to this early last week even before the House decided to let the Dems publish a rebuttal.

The Dems intentionally placed classified information in their memo knowing that a responsible president like Trump would block it's release.......then turn around and accuse Trump of hiding it from the public.

He instead sent it back to them to rewrite it without all of the classified stuff in it.

And you guys accused Dick Cheney of blowing the cover of CIA agent Valerie Plame.
Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?

There was ZERO redacted from the Majority Memo other than blackinking the classification at the top of the pages. That's how I was taught to write UNclassified summaries of classified material. First one was done right.

And you can dispute original sourcing WITHOUT divulging secrets. Minority just didn't want to..
According to who?

The Trump Admin? Or the FBI?

No. It is partisan censoring and it is dispicable to anyone genuinely interested in the truth.

Don't get your comment.. I stated facts.. There was NOT A WORD redacted from the majority report other than the Classification stamp at the top of pages.. Now the GRASSLEY memo had PLENTY redacted from it. So the system for declassification is WORKING.

The way it works is that there has to be agreement from the classifying agency and ANY agency who's sources were used. So it's NOT as you suggested Trump OR the FBI that decides. It's BOTH.. In fact the FISA court might even have been consulted --- since they are the CENTER of this..

Not partisan censoring. It's either TRULY classified or it's not. Although a LOT of this is ONLY classified to keep it from the people and press in the 1st place. Not because undercover agents are gonna die or collection systems compromised..

Yeah except the FBI said the Republican memo shouldn't be released and Trump did it anyway. So how is that considered the system working? Seems to me everything is ok to be released by Trump as long as it helps him out.

OF COURSE the FBI wouldn't want all this out in public... Lemme rephrase that --- THe LEADERSHIP of the FBI would make outrageous claims about it being "harmful to national security" to prevent the INTITIAL release... They were clearly bluffing..

The rank\file are CHEERING on the necessary investigation and cleansing.

Anyways -- Here's the test. We've got your leftist buds squealing that the COMMITTEE voted unanimously to release the Minority Report.. That's true -- BUT -- It's subject to FBI/DOJ/Whitehouse redaction and approval..

ANY of those 3 --- PLUS about 3 or 4 possible OTHER agencies can read and comment. It's NOT up to just ONE of any of them.

What's keeping them honest is that the public is watching. And if claims are made that stuff REMAINS classified simply because it's embarrassing or damaging to EITHER the FBI or the WHouse -- that -- won't -- stand.. Enough folks have now read it to prevent "classification abuse"... Which is the ONLY grounds on which Trump can act alone...

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