Trump will NOT approve release of DEM memo

Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
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But Lew, that's pretty much what both sides are doing anyway, refuting as much as they can on what the other side is saying. I don't think we need to put classified information out there to discern the truth, but if so then I can't see releasing anything that risks natl security. I want the truth as much as you or anyone else, but we ought to be able to determine what happened without revealing sources and methods. I don't see why we can't get enough information on the FISA court documents to figure out who's being truthful and who isn't, plus the transcripts of what was said by McCabe and others in their testimony before Congress. And we've got a report coming out from the Senate and the IG and who knows what else will surface or get leaked.

As far s the Russian hacking is concerned, that wasn't the point was it? I thought this whole thing was about collusion, right? Now, how much interference the Russian had is another matter, and whether it made any difference to the outcome is pure conjecture at this point. But to date nd after all this time there has been nothing whatsoever to ie Trump to any wrongdoing as far as collusion with the Russians and that hacking.

You think that just a few parts of the FISA information is going to be a threat to national security? If that's true than the Republican memo should have never been released in the first place like the Democrats in the committee said. That's the point.

As far as collusion? There has been plenty of information out there about that, but none that Trumpbots want to believe.

With respect, this is nonsense. From the 1st word to the last, that Nunes memo has absolutely NOTHING in it that remotely threatens natl security. Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer and those guys lied their asses off about that, and in no uncertain terms. You tell me, ONE thing in that memo that you think comes close.

To date there is also NOTHING at all that indicates any collusion. NOTHING. I think it's you and your side that refuses to believe the truth.

You think it is convenient that Trump made $40 million dollars off the sale of a mansion to a Russian that had no intent to live in it, and that was bought for over $10 million more than any property in that area? That's just ONE example.

The Nunes' memo cherry picks and makes assumptive remarks based on the info THEY can see, but can not provide to the public, and can ONLY be refuted by showing the info that they are referring to.

For example (Purely hypothetical) I could say you told me you like peanut butter and banana sandwiches in private messages. That's against the rules, but some people might believe me... and the only way for you to prove me wrong would be to show our private messages which is also against the rules.

So what we have here, is the Republican memo that should have never been released, and now it's not ok to release the counter memo to show the first one is full of shit. Sorry, I'm not buying it. As a judge would say, "sorry you opened that door."

Aw c'mon now Lew, are we talking about a real estate deal that was done 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO? And THAT indicates to you that there was collusion going on between Trump and the Russians in the 2016 election? Jesus H. Christ, you don't see what a reach that is? Straws, man, grasping at straws, that is so lame.

I get what you're saying about the Nunes memo, fair enough if they say this and your side says that and there's no proof either way. We'll have to see what ultimately gets released, maybe we'l get to see something from the FISA court documents. Seems like we ought to be able to see SOMETHING that helps us decide what the truth is about the Nunes memo.

I cannot see Trump allowing the Dems to release their memo if the FBI/DOJ says they included stuff in there that shouldn't be released for security reasons. Yes, I know they had 'grave concerns' over the release of the Nunes memo and that turned out to be bogus so maybe it's the same deal with the Dems memo. In which case I suspect that memo will either get redacted or rewritten or the Dems will leak it as is. If it does have stuff that shouldn't have been made public then they'd have to take the responsibility for that if they do leak it. I gotta say though that unless they release names and details that really are damaging, I wanna know WTF is going on. I don't want one side, I want the effing truth whatever it is. I want to see the transcript for what McCabe actually said, I want to see as much of the FISA application as I can regarding the Steele dossier and what else was included in that document.

Just because something happened 10 years ago doesn't mean that it disappears. If Trump has helped Russians launder money, that's a blackmialable offense, and you the Russians are going to want someone in the White House they can use info to manipulate.

IF can sometimes be a pretty big word. Some people say the Russians might've had some leverage on Clinton had she been elected president.
Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
Intelligent people see a highly partisan memo released and the opposition squashed. You can’t spin that.
Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
Intelligent people see a highly partisan memo released and the opposition squashed. You can’t spin that.
WE see the partisan ploy for what it is.. That is how we stop your spin.. Funny how the physical evidence the attorneys looked at violated the law to release endangering our intelligence agencies.. but go ahead release it.. pull a Fienstine and let it out... Lets see how that works out for ya..
Was anyone thinking otherwise? So now it goes back to the Orange Panther Little Devin who will sit on it til the cows come home. Gonna have to leak it.
Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
Intelligent people see a highly partisan memo released and the opposition squashed. You can’t spin that.
WE see the partisan ploy for what it is.. That is how we stop your spin.. Funny how the physical evidence the attorneys looked at violated the law to release endangering our intelligence agencies.. but go ahead release it.. pull a Fienstine and let it out... Lets see how that works out for ya..
If the situation were reversed you would be screaming and you know it.
DoJ makes the same complaint about this memo that they did about the Nunes memo.
Trump has weaponized or defense intelligence agencies. We are slowly/quickly Turing into East Germany

What a load of partisan hyperbole.. Loved the Nazi reference even though any student of history can tell you you're full of shit.

There are mountains of evidence showing the Obama Admin weaponized the whole of the federal government against WE THE PEOPLE. That will be that son of a bitch's legacy.. DEAL WITH IT.. Pull your head from you're ass..
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?

It’s all pretty dumb, no matter who does it.

I am dumb and got in a discussion with a black gate guard in Atlanta about nuclear waste. I said use rockets and send the nuclear waste to the Sun. He said what are we going to do now? Pollute the Sun!

Lol! Partisans don’t have to think. They let their party do it for them.
Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
Intelligent people see a highly partisan memo released and the opposition squashed. You can’t spin that.

This is how Trump and Nunes planned the lies from Nunes would take precedence . And discredit the FBI.

Nunes is up for re-election in Nov.. he is getting trashed in Fresno..

I think the Dems memo will get released or leaked, as it suits them politically. One way or another, it's all political just like the Nunes memo was. Will the Dems rewrite their memo to take out some parts of it, and how long will they string this out? Or maybe they decide to leak it as is, again after milking it for all it's worth. Right now this is all about playing to their base; is there anyone out there who really thinks their memo will never see the light of day? Please. It's all political theater, mostly on their part. I would like to know what was in the original memo, if it gets scrubbed and/or redacted. Did the Dems put stuff in there that they knew wouldn't be acceptable to the FBI/DOJ? From Reuters:

White House Counsel Don McGahn said the Justice Department had identified portions of the 10-page memo written by Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee that “would create especially significant concerns for the national security and law enforcement interests” of the country.

The White House also released a letter from the FBI director and the department’s No. 2 official voicing concern about its release in relation to protecting U.S. intelligence sources and methods.

They pretty much said the same thing about the Nunes memo, which we now know wasn't true. It's getting so you can't rust anybody these days. But it's going to come out, I'm 100% certain of that. Either Trump allows it to be released or it gets leaked. And the Dems will say "see, the Nuns memo is BS", and the Repubs will say "see, the Dems memo is a crock of shit", and on it will go. Until maybe corroborating evidence appears one way or another. Watch and see who tries to deny the release of that kind of information, that's who you'll know is lying.
the dem memo contains classified data. If Trump released it with the classified stuff, the media and dems would scream, if he released it heavily redacted the dems and media would scream. this was all planned by the dems, wake up people.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...

I hope it somehow gets leaked.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...

And you show how dumb you are....the democrats intentionally put sources and methods in the report, knowing that by doing this Trump wouldn't be able to release the memo...allowing the useful idiots like you to crow this talking point.......

The Republicans kept sources and methods out of their reports, and the democrats wailed and cried to make political they keep those sources and methods in their report to keep it from being released...

This is why you assholes can't be allowed to have political power......
Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?

It’s all pretty dumb, no matter who does it.

I am dumb and got in a discussion with a black gate guard in Atlanta about nuclear waste. I said use rockets and send the nuclear waste to the Sun. He said what are we going to do now? Pollute the Sun!

Lol! Partisans don’t have to think. They let their party do it for them.
You Trumpbots are something else. Accusing Otha of exactly what you are guilty of.

Trump's cherry picked memo was East German level corruption of the intelligence service. I guess I'll see you at the parade, huh? Don't worry, we will cheer, because if we don't it will be treason.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...

And you show how dumb you are....the democrats intentionally put sources and methods in the report, knowing that by doing this Trump wouldn't be able to release the memo...allowing the useful idiots like you to crow this talking point.......

The Republicans kept sources and methods out of their reports, and the democrats wailed and cried to make political they keep those sources and methods in their report to keep it from being released...

This is why you assholes can't be allowed to have political power......
You just repeat the lies of Trump. Trump is the worst liar we have ever had in WH and you parrot his nonsense.
Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?

It’s all pretty dumb, no matter who does it.

I am dumb and got in a discussion with a black gate guard in Atlanta about nuclear waste. I said use rockets and send the nuclear waste to the Sun. He said what are we going to do now? Pollute the Sun!

Lol! Partisans don’t have to think. They let their party do it for them.
You Trumpbots are something else. Accusing Otha of exactly what you are guilty of.

Trump's cherry picked memo was East German level corruption of the intelligence service. I guess I'll see you at the parade, huh? Don't worry, we will cheer, because if we don't it will be treason.

What am I guilty of? Where did I accuse Otha?

Why do we need to waste money on a parade? You must be one of the partisan idiots we keep talking about. Nice job.
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Could be interesting, but not a bit surprising. The orange pig doesn't want the truth to be released.
Since none of us has seen the democrat memo, let's play the game.

You say Trump doesn't want the truth to come out, so he canned the memo.
I'll say the democrats are bluffing and don't have a good response, so they deliberately put classified information in the memo so Trump wouldn't release it.

Your turn.
Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

The only pile of Bull Shit here is you'res...

Nunes stated he would not interfere with the democrats self-destructive behavior. The house intelligence committee allowed the democrats to do exactly that... Self-Destruct! They manufactured a memo that can not be released, so they could scream like the little bitches they are, in an attempt to change the narrative.. What they did not count on is the agencies lawyers saying NO GO because they reveal methods and sources and they said it out loud for all to hear.

Intelligent people see the democrat ploy for what it is..

Now be a good little snowflake, put on your pussy and go away..
Intelligent people see a highly partisan memo released and the opposition squashed. You can’t spin that.

This is how Trump and Nunes planned the lies from Nunes would take precedence . And discredit the FBI.

Nunes is up for re-election in Nov.. he is getting trashed in Fresno..


But it failed. The Nunes memo doesn't do any of the things the Trump sycophants hoped it would. The Nunes memo is a flop. Let it sit out there all alone to stink up the place.

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