Trump will NOT approve release of DEM memo

Too Funny;

The democrat memo will not be released because it reveals sources and methods, something the republican memo did not do..

The left wing sycophants are pissed because they are being held to the same standard as republicans were....

NOW that's Funny..

Total bullshit - memo was UNANIMOUSLY approved for release by the intelligence committee and reviewed by FBI and DOJ.

Unanimously! That's great!

Trump, who has the next say, says no.

Still staring?

And you don't care WHY he did that? WHY does he does not want those facts known to the public, while all the Republicans on the intelligence committee think it's appropriate to be known? While DOJ and FBI do not object to it's release?

Apparently we are working from different stories. Trump simply won't allow Schiff to release classified information.

His call, and he called his bluff. Schiff's move.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
PLEASE dear God take that SOB soon

More proof liberals are Nazis......
anyone thinking the asshole in our WH would let dem memo out has holes in their heads ,,,, and believed the moron would show his taxes ,,have mexico pay for a wall , hire only the best,,clean out all the vermin,put his hand anywhere's near a bible etc etc

You are a Nazi..
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
PLEASE dear God take that SOB soon

More proof liberals are Nazis......
and more proof you are a white supremist scumbag

You're wishing for someone's death.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
PLEASE dear God take that SOB soon

More proof liberals are Nazis......
and more proof you are a white supremist scumbag

You're wishing for someone's death.
Don't sweat it lord only half my wishes come true BUT if it did it would benefit all mankind
Trump has weaponized or defense intelligence agencies. We are slowly/quickly Turing into East Germany

It’s the left that used the IRS, DOJ and the FBI

against the Right….

Face the facts, you on the left are the Nazis…

We will defeat you….
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
PLEASE dear God take that SOB soon

More proof liberals are Nazis......
and more proof you are a white supremist scumbag

You're wishing for someone's death.
Don't sweat it lord only half my wishes come true BUT if it did it would benefit all mankind

Wrong, you're just delusional. Im not surprised.
Trump has weaponized or defense intelligence agencies. We are slowly/quickly Turing into East Germany

It’s the left that used the IRS, DOJ and the FBI

against the Right….

Face the facts, you on the left are the Nazis…

We will defeat you….

I have heard that is the first step to recovery...

I'm glad you have admitted you are a Nazi...

Walk towards the light if you can...
Dictator deciding what information the public can see

When the FBI told him the Nunes memo contained possible harmful information, he released it anyway
And again for the slow stupid and purposefully obtuse, the Nunes memo had no real classified information in it, the Democratic one does and was purposefully put there by the dems to get this exact result.

The Truth to a liberal is like a cross to a vampire...........
Dictator deciding what information the public can see

When the FBI told him the Nunes memo contained possible harmful information, he released it anyway
And again for the slow stupid and purposefully obtuse, the Nunes memo had no real classified information in it, the Democratic one does and was purposefully put there by the dems to get this exact result.

The Truth to a liberal is like a cross to a vampire...........
lol the biggest liar ever ,a man afraid to put his hand on a bible because he'd lie himself out of the WH and you speak of truth??
The Comittee unanimously approved its release

Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?

There was ZERO redacted from the Majority Memo other than blackinking the classification at the top of the pages. That's how I was taught to write UNclassified summaries of classified material. First one was done right.

And you can dispute original sourcing WITHOUT divulging secrets. Minority just didn't want to..

Their memo was full of references to material that was missing the original info that was classified. It was all a bunch of bullshit that can only be refuted if the classified source material is made public. You think they didn't know what they were doing?

GTFO.... Not to mention it was so poorly written that some parts were debunked within minutes. Nunes said the FBI lied about the dossier being mentioned, then just a couple days later admitted it was put into footnotes.

bottom line... Obama Administration/Clinton/Democrats/Fake lefty News used the dossier to spy and leak on the Trump campaign.

The simple truth.
Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?

There was ZERO redacted from the Majority Memo other than blackinking the classification at the top of the pages. That's how I was taught to write UNclassified summaries of classified material. First one was done right.

And you can dispute original sourcing WITHOUT divulging secrets. Minority just didn't want to..

Their memo was full of references to material that was missing the original info that was classified. It was all a bunch of bullshit that can only be refuted if the classified source material is made public. You think they didn't know what they were doing?

GTFO.... Not to mention it was so poorly written that some parts were debunked within minutes. Nunes said the FBI lied about the dossier being mentioned, then just a couple days later admitted it was put into footnotes.

bottom line... Obama/Clinton used the dossier to spy on the Trump campaign.

No. How many times do you have toe be told Carter Page was recruited by Russian spies back in 2013 long before he started working for the Trump campaign?

If Obama's administration had done 10% of the things done in the Trump campaign he'd have been impeached.

Put down the crack pipe.....
The evidence against Hillary, Obama, Mueller, Obama's DOJ, and Obama's FBI like a flood over Niagra Falls...

No meed to release the Dem Spin attempt.
The best part is President Trump was given the DEM memo they KNEW was full of highly classified information. They didn't think through the fact that now President Trump has the original DEM memo.
All his lawyers will need to say is if Shit for brains Schiff wants to go down that road it could happen that the original memo somehow gets 'leaked' to the public thereby PROVING the DEMs were trying to lay a PR trap for President Trump that didn't work.
Stupid fucking DEMs! They NEVER learn!
Dictator deciding what information the public can see

When the FBI told him the Nunes memo contained possible harmful information, he released it anyway
And again for the slow stupid and purposefully obtuse, the Nunes memo had no real classified information in it, the Democratic one does and was purposefully put there by the dems to get this exact result.
FBI said it did
Trump said it didn't

Who is lying?
You ARE!

Both the FBI and the NSA said to much sensitive info was included on purpose by Schiff and Finestine. Pure Political stunt...
He called Schiff's bluff.


No. He's trying to weasel out of doing what is right. Seems to be a life long pattern with that pig.

Very easy to resolve. Just task the FBI to REDACT the ACTUAL classified content. I personally doubt that much is REAL classified material.. It's just classified to HIDE the facts from the media and the public..

And Schiff KNEW this. Didn't compose a summary without the "so-called" classified shit like the original one did. Instead piled it high to set up the White House for this event..

The Comittee unanimously approved its release

Of course.. Because Nunes is smarter than Trump.. And because BOTH sides want the silly business of classifying stuff SOLELY to hide facts from the Media and public gone.. All Trump needs to do is to task FBI to do the redactions. If they allow most of the crap --- it signals Nunes and the other side that it's OK to open the floodgates. Which is what needs to happen here.

Everyone KNOWs the sources are the NSA Big Brother collection system. And I DOUBT there are any human assets to protect. ONLY reason for classification is to protect the FISA court and FBI conspirators at this point. We'll see how much the FBI MANAGEMENT under fire wants to cough up...

So you're saying it is ok for one party to use their position as the majority to put out a misleading memo that references classified information they know can't/shouldn't be released to the public as part of a propaganda campaign, but it isn't ok for the other party in the same committee to try and refute/prove the other memo was bullshit?
Why should the government have the right to keep the truth from the public

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