Trump will NOT approve release of DEM memo

Guys I live under a dictatorship. Trump has a dictator caracterstics.

Where do you live?

Of course, he does not.
Lived I meant. Trump is acting like a wannabe dictator.

No more than Obama did.

How was President Obama a "dictator"?

With his pen and his phone. You gotta be kidding me, Trump is doing the same thing Obama did when he was in office.
Guys I live under a dictatorship. Trump has a dictator caracterstics.

Where do you live?

Of course, he does not.
Lived I meant. Trump is acting like a wannabe dictator.

No more than Obama did.

How was President Obama a "dictator"?

With his pen and his phone. You gotta be kidding me, Trump is doing the same thing Obama did when he was in office.

Not true. You sound like an old Texan.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...

Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.
Yes, he respected the separation of powers. Obama demanded updates on a FBI investigation based on Russian intelligence funded by the DNC. Sigh...
Fine...the GOP memo was a total dud anyway. Let it LIE there all dud-like.
Captn' Shady strikes again !

release the phony Repuke memo - block the Dem memo before anyone can see it.

the other shoe is going to fall on that worthless bastard sooner or later.
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

Pennsylvania Avenue is an old street with sewers underneath and will not support the weight of tanks. President Grant got a speeding ticket for racing his horse and buggy on Pennsylvania Avenue by a black cop no less. When the black cop saw who he was said I will not write you a speeding ticket. President Grant insisted he got a speeding ticket.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
Trump Blocks Release Of Democrats’ Rebuttal To GOP FISA Memo

The House Intelligence Committee voted to release the Democrats’ memo on Monday.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign.

In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, White House counsel Don McGahn said that while the president is “inclined” to declassify the memo, he will not “at this time” due to it containing “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.”

McGahn said Trump has directed the Justice Department to offer assistance to the House committee to revise the memo.

“The Executive Branch stands ready to review any subsequent draft ... for declassification at the earliest opportunity,” McGahn said.

I first heard it on CNN. Sounds like a snow job to me! We'll see...
Pennsylvania Avenue will not support the weight of tanks. I've done a lot of thinking why he wants to do this. When a tank crashes through the road bed and ends up in a sewer. This will prove his need for improved infrastructure.
He called Schiff's bluff.


Trump is a genius. As I said on another thread a few days ago this would be Schiffs plan. To load his “memo” with classified info and hope Trump blocked it. This way he can wail that Trump is a meanie for not letting his “memo” out. Planned outrage.
We know that Schiff is famous for leaking so the memo would be out if he wanted it out.
Release it. It’s on them. They wrote it.
And maybe Trump ultimately plans to do so through the full House. That’s where it goes next in this case.
So we get to watch the spectacle of Democrats now fighting like hell to NOT release the memo when it goes to a House vote.
:) :)
Trump is still kicking their ass. Buy popcorn and watch democrats in the house explain why we please please shouldn’t release the Schiff “memo”
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!

First, I'm far from leftwing. If you think I'm leftwing, then you've never left your house and saw REAL people out in public.

Trump continues to dig his own grave. NO administration has EVER had this much happen before. Can you imagine how fast Obama would have been thrown out of office if it had been proven he paid off a porn star? Had Obama been caught on a hot mic telling someone he grabbed women by the pussy and was able to because of being rich and famous? Had it been proven he had a person working for him in the White House that was handling the HIGHEST classified information in the U.S. without being cleared by the FBI to do so? I could spend hours listing all the things...

I think the partisan BS will get worse before it ever gets better.

Had the security issue happened with Obama it would have been just as much BS on both sides and those right would make statement about Obama “being toast” and nothing will happen until the next partisan BS that gets stirred up.

It is all predictable and moronic.
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?

It’s all pretty dumb, no matter who does it.
Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.

Toast...again? You know how many times the left has made this claim in the last three years and have been wrong every time? Seriously, quit making stupid comments.

I thought the right wing nuts were crazy stupid, but you left wing nuts are closing at a blinding rate. Lol!
Endangering Methods and sources is only bad if a Republican does it... Democrats can do it at the drop of a hat.... Fienstine is that You?

It’s all pretty dumb, no matter who does it.

I am dumb and got in a discussion with a black gate guard in Atlanta about nuclear waste. I said use rockets and send the nuclear waste to the Sun. He said what are we going to do now? Pollute the Sun!
Dems: President Trump will not release our memo? :huddle: :102::206:

Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.
Yes, he respected the separation of powers. Obama demanded updates on a FBI investigation based on Russian intelligence funded by the DNC. Sigh...

Guys I live under a dictatorship. Trump has a dictator caracterstics.

Where do you live?

Of course, he does not.
Lived I meant. Trump is acting like a wannabe dictator.

No more than Obama did.
A lot worse.

Interesting, since Trump was willing to release the Nunes memo sight unseen.

Sight unseen? He helped write it...

Now the House is going to be forced to over-ride the President's decision. Trump will be toast soon.
The house CANT override the decision!

He called Schiff's bluff.


Trump is a genius. As I said on another thread a few days ago this would be Schiffs plan. To load his “memo” with classified info and hope Trump blocked it. This way he can wail that Trump is a meanie for not letting his “memo” out. Planned outrage.
We know that Schiff is famous for leaking so the memo would be out if he wanted it out.
Release it. It’s on them. They wrote it.
And maybe Trump ultimately plans to do so through the full House. That’s where it goes next in this case.
So we get to watch the spectacle of Democrats now fighting like hell to NOT release the memo when it goes to a House vote.
:) :)
Trump is still kicking their ass. Buy popcorn and watch democrats in the house explain why we please please shouldn’t release the Schiff “memo”

We know what the Democrats did, a rearguard action, and it will work for a news cycle or two as this thread shows. Problem for the Dems is not the release of their memo, but the soon to be released IG report, and the release of the actual FISA application.

All of these Leftists on here along with the Democrats are using "look squirrel" moments for distraction. They can "Carter Paige" all they want, but that doesn't explain unmaskings of US citizens WITHOUT a FISA warrant to "surveil." That is really the nuts and bolts of this whole fiasco. To release names or surveil, separate FISA warrants have to be issued if it involves American citizens.

SHOW us the FISA warrants for ANYONE besides Paige-)

Sorry Leftists, but those are the rules of FISA. Names and identities have to be blocked of Americans until a FISA is approved for that particular person. It is the LAW!

And may I ask everyone on here a few questions, that the Left tries to gloss over----------->

QUESTION: When was the last FISA for Carter Paige issued?

QUESTION: When was Carter Paige done with the Trump campaign?

So did you answer those 2 questions?

Then answer the last two---------->

QUESTION: Was there any other FISA warrant besides Paige's, or any other warrant of ANY kind against another Trump team member?

Last question.

QUESTION: Then why did Admiral Rogers have to go to Trump Tower 10 days after the election, and WARN the PRESIDENT ELECT that the Tower was under electronic surveillance, forcing team Trump to evacuate Trump Tower the very next day, and move its operation to a Trump golf resort?

Didn't happen you say? Didn't happen the way I say?

Well then 3 things------->

1. Then why did the whole Obama Administration want Rogers FIRED the day after? (and to Obama's credit, he refused)

2. Wasn't Rogers the guy who initially started (although was NOT the person who created the memorandum to the court) the inquiry into FISA court abuses by the FBI, for which the government lawyers were dressed down in public by the FISA court judge?

3. And finally, the IG report coming-) This is where the Dems are going to lose their lunch from one end, and lose it from the other end over the release of FISA court documents! This is exactly where the whole collusion/delusion will crash down on their heads, no doubt about it.

Once HOW they were legally/illegally able to surveil the Trump team comes into evidence, then it will go to what did Obama know, and when did he know it........along with every player on high in that administration, and trust me, ALL OF THIS is already known by the Trump Administration. They got it from Obama's Presidential briefings, the FBI and DOJs records of the briefings, and the FISA records that Coats can have access to, any time he wants in the sciff.

Why is it taking so long you say?

Because the American people need a trail of proof that will conclusively prove what happened, and who exactly knew what was going on. You just can't dump something like this, and expect people to be aware of WHY it happened.

Add to that the politics of the midterms, and it is plainly obvious why such an evidence trail with smaller bits of proof would be the way to go, IF you want to crush the Democrats with the large crescendo closer to November.

At the very least............they have the Democrats in a terrible position, the Leftist posters on here acting with bravado aside, lol. At the worst, a Democratic Administration will be shown to use the police powers of the state to surveil on American citizens illegally.

In either case...........most everyone in the former Administration will be outted, and since they are almost all Democrats, it ain't looking good for them!

Looking for an arrest are you?

Well, that could happen within the next 60 days, but don't expect anyone on high from the former Administration.................yet! If that is coming, expect it around early, to mid October, and the timing is self explanatory, wouldn't you say-)

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