Trump won the election because former democrat strongholds flipped.

So does that mean that the democrats were fooled into voting for Trump by Russia? I mean you all blame Russia so what you're essentially saying is democrats were played by Russia.

Russia attempted to influence the election. There doesn't need to be proof they directly caused the outcome.

Think of it as the difference between murder and attempted murder, if you can get your mind around that logic.
Do you mean the way WE attempt to influence elections in other nations? Poroshenko? Nazarbayev? Turn about is fair play right? Except there is no difference when we do's murder or conspiracy to commit.
So does that mean that the democrats were fooled into voting for Trump by Russia? I mean you all blame Russia so what you're essentially saying is democrats were played by Russia.

Russia attempted to influence the election. There doesn't need to be proof they directly caused the outcome.

Think of it as the difference between murder and attempted murder, if you can get your mind around that logic.
That's ridiculous. Clinton's campaign was so bad it can only be called suicidal, so if the Russians are guilty of anything it would have to be called assisted suicide.
So does that mean that the democrats were fooled into voting for Trump by Russia? I mean you all blame Russia so what you're essentially saying is democrats were played by Russia.
Correct. Many moderates stayed home because Russian and conservative propaganda somehow convinced them that Hillary was as bad a choice as Trump. And probably a lot of former Democrats there were foolish enough to buy into the lies republicans were spreading and cast their vote for Trump out of low-info anger. Nothing we can do now but try to ride this out for 4 years and do our best to stop Trump when we can.

You know you guys so full of shit. During the campaign you swore that Wikileaks was no big deal and Hildebeast was going to trounce Trump. Now that Trump won it was because of Wikileaks. Meanwhile you ignore you ignore the media conspiring with the dems. All you have is sour grapes.
No it was because of Russian interference and last minute FBI sabotage. And Hillary still got 3 million more votes than the orange dumbass.
FACT: Trump won because the election was rigged by Putin, Wikileaks, Comey - and Trump lies...

The media tried to rig the election for hildebeast. Now that is a real fact.

Really? Is that why Trump got $$$billions of free campaign coverage from the media? Funny...
Yeah. Real funny as that it was the liberal media's negative coverage that propelled him to victory.
Thank your own Rachel Madcow. That kind of irony is true funny.
So does that mean that the democrats were fooled into voting for Trump by Russia? I mean you all blame Russia so what you're essentially saying is democrats were played by Russia.

Russia attempted to influence the election. There doesn't need to be proof they directly caused the outcome.

Think of it as the difference between murder and attempted murder, if you can get your mind around that logic.

Uhm, so what if the Russians tried to influence the election? Countries are always trying to influence other countries' elections. We had the media in cahoots with the dems, so sit down and shut up.

No they don't. They may publically say they hope for a government favourable to common interests, they don't hack campaign offices and publish redacted emails from the side you wish to destroy, or plant false stories about one candidate. That's called a "propaganda campaign".

It certainly swayed the 20% of undecideds, because the core support for either candidate never waivered.
So does that mean that the democrats were fooled into voting for Trump by Russia? I mean you all blame Russia so what you're essentially saying is democrats were played by Russia.
Correct. Many moderates stayed home because Russian and conservative propaganda somehow convinced them that Hillary was as bad a choice as Trump. And probably a lot of former Democrats there were foolish enough to buy into the lies republicans were spreading and cast their vote for Trump out of low-info anger. Nothing we can do now but try to ride this out for 4 years and do our best to stop Trump when we can.

You know you guys so full of shit. During the campaign you swore that Wikileaks was no big deal and Hildebeast was going to trounce Trump. Now that Trump won it was because of Wikileaks. Meanwhile you ignore you ignore the media conspiring with the dems. All you have is sour grapes.
No it was because of Russian interference and last minute FBI sabotage. And Hillary still got 3 million more votes than the orange dumbass.
She lost because she is corrupt and incompetent. She had a huge campaign staff, she spent twice as much money as Trump, she had nearly all of the MSM on her side, she had Obama's AG, Loretta Lynch, in her pocket and Obama's CIA director, John Brennan, spinning conspiracy theories about Trump and the Russians and still she lost. It is an almost unimaginable feat of incompetence.

The fact that she had 3 million more votes than Trump and still managed to lose the election is further evidence of her spectacular incompetence. Those votes all came from California. Outside of California she lost the popular vote, and the size of her win in California had no importance in the election, but while Trump was holding huge rallies in the mid western swing states, Clinton was giving speeches to donors at dinner parties in California, an astonishing display of poor judgement, just like her display of poor judgement that got our diplomats killed in Benghazi.
Trump won!?!

I thought because Clinton got four million more vote in California meant she was elected President!?!

( Yes, I know Trump won the Electoral College )
FACT: Trump won because the election was rigged by Putin, Wikileaks, Comey - and Trump lies...

The media tried to rig the election for hildebeast. Now that is a real fact.

Really? Is that why Trump got $$$billions of free campaign coverage from the media? Funny...

And 99% of it was negative coverage. The media was in the tank for hildebeast. That's not an opinion, it's a proven fact.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
How about an admission?
Confession: Donna Brazile Admits She Used CNN Position To Pass Debate Questions To Clinton Campaign
FACT: Trump won because the election was rigged by Putin, Wikileaks, Comey - and Trump lies...

The media tried to rig the election for hildebeast. Now that is a real fact.

Really? Is that why Trump got $$$billions of free campaign coverage from the media? Funny...

And 99% of it was negative coverage. The media was in the tank for hildebeast. That's not an opinion, it's a proven fact.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
How about an admission?
Confession: Donna Brazile Admits She Used CNN Position To Pass Debate Questions To Clinton Campaign

Even if true, so what? Hillary was more than capable of responding to all questions asked. She proved that in the Benghazi hearings. At least she didn't wear a wire like Bush did.
So does that mean that the democrats were fooled into voting for Trump by Russia? I mean you all blame Russia so what you're essentially saying is democrats were played by Russia.

The Democrats lost because Hillary believed that all she had to do to defeat Trump was point and laugh.
FACT: Trump won because the election was rigged by Putin, Wikileaks, Comey - and Trump lies...

The media tried to rig the election for hildebeast. Now that is a real fact.

Really? Is that why Trump got $$$billions of free campaign coverage from the media? Funny...

And 99% of it was negative coverage. The media was in the tank for hildebeast. That's not an opinion, it's a proven fact.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
How about an admission?
Confession: Donna Brazile Admits She Used CNN Position To Pass Debate Questions To Clinton Campaign
Not only did Brazile pass questions to Clinton during the general election, she also passed them to Clinton during the primaries.
The media tried to rig the election for hildebeast. Now that is a real fact.

Really? Is that why Trump got $$$billions of free campaign coverage from the media? Funny...

And 99% of it was negative coverage. The media was in the tank for hildebeast. That's not an opinion, it's a proven fact.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
How about an admission?
Confession: Donna Brazile Admits She Used CNN Position To Pass Debate Questions To Clinton Campaign

Even if true, so what? Hillary was more than capable of responding to all questions asked. She proved that in the Benghazi hearings. At least she didn't wear a wire like Bush did.
She was capable of answering questions about Benghazi but she wasn't capable of keeping the people safe in Benghazi.
The media tried to rig the election for hildebeast. Now that is a real fact.

Really? Is that why Trump got $$$billions of free campaign coverage from the media? Funny...

And 99% of it was negative coverage. The media was in the tank for hildebeast. That's not an opinion, it's a proven fact.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
How about an admission?
Confession: Donna Brazile Admits She Used CNN Position To Pass Debate Questions To Clinton Campaign

Even if true, so what? Hillary was more than capable of responding to all questions asked. She proved that in the Benghazi hearings. At least she didn't wear a wire like Bush did.
"Even if true"??? She admitted it, dumbshit.

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