Trump won't pursue Hillary investigation/prosecution...

FBI is still investagating the Clinton Foundation.
That was what the "lock her up" was about, not the emails.

"Lock her up" was about putting someone not proved guilty into jail. It is one reason why the alt-right, aka, the New Right/Republikan Party has become a fascist/terrorist organization.

Another failed far left drone post!

She was/is guilty!

Of course, in the mind of a fascist, guilty until proved innocent is a valuable tool. I once thought you were simply intellectually challenged, now I am wondering if your are truly evil.

The basis and core of the American judicial system is that a person is innocent until proven guilty. She's probably not evil, she's just really stupid.
My contention is that he as President need not investigate anything himself. Until Trump makes a statement regarding this, I call it BS propaganda.

You dopes are so fucking confused you have no idea of what is happening around you. Trump has you fools totally baffled with bullshit. :laugh2:
Says the people who supported Hillary, a crooked elitist who could not even beat Trump with a rigged election. :p

How in the fuck was it rigged if Trump won?
That is some dumb shit.

It was rigged and he STILL won. That's what makes it so sweet.

That would make it an attempted rig then, no?

No, it would make it a failed rig.
FBI is still investagating the Clinton Foundation.
That was what the "lock her up" was about, not the emails.

"Lock her up" was about putting someone not proved guilty into jail. It is one reason why the alt-right, aka, the New Right/Republikan Party has become a fascist/terrorist organization.

Another failed far left drone post!

She was/is guilty!

Of course, in the mind of a fascist, guilty until proved innocent is a valuable tool. I once thought you were simply intellectually challenged, now I am wondering if your are truly evil.

The basis and core of the American judicial system is that a person is innocent until proven guilty. She's probably not evil, she's just really stupid.

is stupidity a valid defense? How about lack of intent? "but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 35 zone" would that work?

She is guilty, evil, corrupt, a liar, and a very sick old woman. For the people to know the truth about her may be the only punishment she gets.
FBI is still investagating the Clinton Foundation.
That was what the "lock her up" was about, not the emails.

"Lock her up" was about putting someone not proved guilty into jail. It is one reason why the alt-right, aka, the New Right/Republikan Party has become a fascist/terrorist organization.

Another failed far left drone post!

She was/is guilty!

Of course, in the mind of a fascist, guilty until proved innocent is a valuable tool. I once thought you were simply intellectually challenged, now I am wondering if your are truly evil.

The basis and core of the American judicial system is that a person is innocent until proven guilty. She's probably not evil, she's just really stupid.

No Hilary is evil and knew better, she just thought she would get away with it. And she did!

Silly far left drones!
FBI is still investagating the Clinton Foundation.
That was what the "lock her up" was about, not the emails.

"Lock her up" was about putting someone not proved guilty into jail. It is one reason why the alt-right, aka, the New Right/Republikan Party has become a fascist/terrorist organization.

No it wasn't.
It's always been about the foundation.
Trump supportes were well informed about it
Once again main stream media got it wrong.

That is the Lie of the Day.

btw, Trump's foundation is being investigated.
I never thought she would be charged, this is no surprise.

Get over it folks, the Clintons are irrelevant now anyway.
FBI is still investagating the Clinton Foundation.
That was what the "lock her up" was about, not the emails.

"Lock her up" was about putting someone not proved guilty into jail. It is one reason why the alt-right, aka, the New Right/Republikan Party has become a fascist/terrorist organization.

No it wasn't.
It's always been about the foundation.
Trump supportes were well informed about it
Once again main stream media got it wrong.
THAT is the farthest from the truth Peach....couldn't get any farther from the truth of what was posted on this board by all right wingers for the last year and a half....Peach!
Trump can say January 21, 2017 that he did not know and could not have known the extent of Clinton’s crimes and that he has changed his mind. This may be just to forestall a preemptive Obama pardon/pardons for Clinton and her many minions.
FBI is still investagating report says its nearing the end.
BREAKING: New Investigative Report Reveals The End of Clinton Foundation Is Nearing
Lets wait and see what they found or didn't find.

Gee, ending the Clinton Foundation isn't just stupid, it would be evil.

But what right winger cares about harm done, when they can cast aspersions on a Clinton. You maybe stupid, for stupid people echo the meme, but you should know to end the Clintons' philanthropic efforts is an evil act.

Educate yourself:

What Bill and Hillary Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does
wrong, her guilt was clearly laid out by Comey

He did no such thing. Here is his full statement. Not only did he lay out what the law required, but he also told you that her actions did not meet the requirements.

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."


"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
She's already been investigated, over a year and a half on just the emails, and another 3 years With all the Benghazi investigations, and nothing that reached a CRIMINAL level was found, as per the FBI and Congress critters with their 8 investigations.

If Trump cronies go after her again, and once again have nothing criminal, then it will SHOW that he and his ilk, lied through their teeth, during the run for the election. It will also show, that he and his Republican establishment ilk USED our law enforcement services to simply attack a political opponent, which is what dictators and minions do to their opponents.

And lastly, Trump knows if his team continues with this unethical behavior of using tools in Justice system for going after opponents, then he will know that the same measures WILL BE DONE towards him by the Democrats in congress, investigating him for every wrong and idiotic move he makes....and the Dems simply have to say to him and the R's in a language Donald totally understands, ''YOU STARTED IT''! :D
Do you believe that Obama was unethical getting his justice department and IRS go after his opponents?

Fake news! Obama didn't do that .
:p Actually he did - it is recorded / documented. I know it is uncomfortable for Snowflakes to hear, but it did...and just because a Snowflake says something is true or false doesn't make it so. That is one lesson we have definitely learned from Barry 'Lie of the Year' Obama.

If they had that on record they would have had to impeach the President.

She isn't going to be prosecuted. Trump himself has expressed this. So its time to move on.
She's already been investigated, over a year and a half on just the emails, and another 3 years With all the Benghazi investigations, and nothing that reached a CRIMINAL level was found, as per the FBI and Congress critters with their 8 investigations.

If Trump cronies go after her again, and once again have nothing criminal, then it will SHOW that he and his ilk, lied through their teeth, during the run for the election. It will also show, that he and his Republican establishment ilk USED our law enforcement services to simply attack a political opponent, which is what dictators and minions do to their opponents.

And lastly, Trump knows if his team continues with this unethical behavior of using tools in Justice system for going after opponents, then he will know that the same measures WILL BE DONE towards him by the Democrats in congress, investigating him for every wrong and idiotic move he makes....and the Dems simply have to say to him and the R's in a language Donald totally understands, ''YOU STARTED IT''! :D
Do you believe that Obama was unethical getting his justice department and IRS go after his opponents?

Fake news! Obama didn't do that .
:p Actually he did - it is recorded / documented. I know it is uncomfortable for Snowflakes to hear, but it did...and just because a Snowflake says something is true or false doesn't make it so. That is one lesson we have definitely learned from Barry 'Lie of the Year' Obama.
NOPE, that's a BIG FAT LIE....par for the course with you.

there was no evidence what so ever, that Obama had anything, anything at all, to do with the IRS and the steps they took to approve the PACS applying for charity status.


JUST NOTHING that congress ever found that connected Obama to them, after going through years of investigations and over 100,000 emails.....
You watch. If this holds up, all the Trumptards around here that were boasting that Trump was going to deliver them Hillary's head on a platter will flip and start praising Trump for not doing it.

That's how cults work. The Master is always right.

the proper thing to do would be to continue the investigation/prosecution, then after the guilty verdict issue a pardon that would be conditional on no one in the Clinton family ever running for any political office at any level of government.

We do not put our political opponents in jail in this country. Even though they may deserve it.
Hillary does not need to go to jail because she is a 'political opponent' - she needs to be convicted because she BROKE THE LAW! So far she has gotten away with crimes that have already resulted in military members and other Americans being prosecuted.

Her going to jail would NOT be a lesson that we send our political opponents to jail - it would be that in this country there is no ruling or protected class that is too big to jail for committing crimes!

THAT needs to be the lesson.

I agree with you, but from a practical standpoint, she will never go to jail. Not saying that's right, but its the way it is. Acceptance of a pardon from obozo or Trump is an admission of guilt. She is done, a two time loser, proven criminal.

Now, if you want to prosecute, lets take on the Clinton foundation and shut it down, then return the Clinton millions to the taxpayers that it was stolen from.
are you off your rocker?

What TAX PAYER MONEY was stolen by the clintons?


I never thought she would be charged, this is no surprise.

Get over it folks, the Clintons are irrelevant now anyway.

I agree.
The GOP isn't the only party that is moving away from their party's establishment. There is also a movement within the Democratic Party.

Clinton & co are finally gone. That is the silver lining in this disaster
Clinton & co are finally gone. That is the silver lining in this disaster | Hazem Salem
Pelosi challenger: Democrats lost economic focus
Nancy Pelosi challenger: Democrats lost economic focus -

Let the bleeding begin. :clap:
Hahaha this shit is hilarious. Trump ran on a platform of building a wall, deporting immigrants, bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., and putting Clinton in jail.

He's not building a 2,000 mile "Great" wall. He's not going to even try to put Clinton in jail. He has already been caught lying about keeping a Ford plant in the U.S., and he has softened on deporting all the immigrants from 11 million to maybe 1 or 2 million.

and what do his supporters have to say about it? Well I didn't think he would be able to do it in the first place. Why the fuck did you vote for him if you knew he was giving you false promises??? Either it's an excuse or you are fucking ignorant. And I don't just mean in the Presidential election... I mean you voted for him to be your candidate in the primaries when you could have voted a candidate that might have actually done some of what they promised!
Just being reported. Is anyone keeping track of Trump's broken promises?
Today my view of Donald Trump improved. He is not as bad a President-elect as I thought. He risks angering conservatives LockHerUppers, but he did the righte thing. Kudos, Mr. Trump.

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