Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .
Pathetic. This is what Trump is a democrat saying he is a republican... You want to vote against Hillary thats fine but dont defend obviously democrat moves by Trump like it is a chess game. The man is was and always will be a fraud.
------------------------------------------------------ So what , republican so called Conservatives haven't done anything for ME since the first bush , actually R REAGAN . They have flooded the USA and its school rooms as one example with foreigners that compete with American grown children for time and education , funding as the schools cater to the foreigners for American taxpayer money . Now the so called conservative rino repub gop is flooding the USA with Syrian refugee invader muslims which is just another arm of enemies that are forming a fifth column inside the USA . Yeah , I will vote and advocate for the Trump Thanatos .
Um thats your fault because you keep choosing losers.
---------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
My kids have to live in this country obviously full of idiots. Cant put the genie back in the bottle and cant change when stupidity went wild. You assholes made horrible choices that we all now have to live with.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD , my personal CURSE on ALL you tattooed millenial types in these messed up American times is that you have kids and the younger they are then thats the better . First off , you have no brains and you have kids , have a few more kids :afro:. Do you and your kids live in your parents basement Thantos !! ------------------- Go TRUMP !!
Last edited:
Pathetic. This is what Trump is a democrat saying he is a republican... You want to vote against Hillary thats fine but dont defend obviously democrat moves by Trump like it is a chess game. The man is was and always will be a fraud.
------------------------------------------------------ So what , republican so called Conservatives haven't done anything for ME since the first bush , actually R REAGAN . They have flooded the USA and its school rooms as one example with foreigners that compete with American grown children for time and education , funding as the schools cater to the foreigners for American taxpayer money . Now the so called conservative rino repub gop is flooding the USA with Syrian refugee invader muslims which is just another arm of enemies that are forming a fifth column inside the USA . Yeah , I will vote and advocate for the Trump Thanatos .
Um thats your fault because you keep choosing losers.
---------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
My kids have to live in this country obviously full of idiots. Cant put the genie back in the bottle and cant change when stupidity went wild. You assholes made horrible choices that we all now have to live with.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD , my personal CURSE on ALL you tattooed millenial types in these messed up American times is that you have kids and the younger they are then thats the better . First off , you have no brains and you have kids , have a few more kids :afro:. Do you and your kids live in your parents basement Thantos !! ------------------- Go TRUMP !!
I was born in 1972 idiot. I work for my money and damn fucking hard.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Nothing's stopping you. Go ahead. Leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.

I do do the right thing, and so should you.

Who are you to decide what the "right" thing is for other people?

'Other people' already know the right thing to do, they choose to be greedy and don't. Saps like you defend them.

It always cracks me up when you argue business claiming to be a CEO.

So I'm "greedy" if I don't pay someone more than they are worth, you're a fucking idiot. Why isn't it their job to be worth more? You know, be more reliable, care about their job and their employer ... work harder ...
------------------------------------------------------ So what , republican so called Conservatives haven't done anything for ME since the first bush , actually R REAGAN . They have flooded the USA and its school rooms as one example with foreigners that compete with American grown children for time and education , funding as the schools cater to the foreigners for American taxpayer money . Now the so called conservative rino repub gop is flooding the USA with Syrian refugee invader muslims which is just another arm of enemies that are forming a fifth column inside the USA . Yeah , I will vote and advocate for the Trump Thanatos .
Um thats your fault because you keep choosing losers.
---------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
My kids have to live in this country obviously full of idiots. Cant put the genie back in the bottle and cant change when stupidity went wild. You assholes made horrible choices that we all now have to live with.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD , my personal CURSE on ALL you tattooed millenial types in these messed up American times is that you have kids and the younger they are then thats the better . First off , you have no brains and you have kids , have a few more kids :afro:. Do you and your kids live in your parents basement Thantos !! ------------------- Go TRUMP !!
I was born in 1972 idiot. I work for my money and damn fucking hard.
--------------------------------------------------- So you work hard so you are probably employed so thats good . Employed is the only qualification needed for you to help Trump with his plans to have YOU pay taxes for maternity leave to young women that have children Thantos .
Um thats your fault because you keep choosing losers.
---------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
My kids have to live in this country obviously full of idiots. Cant put the genie back in the bottle and cant change when stupidity went wild. You assholes made horrible choices that we all now have to live with.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD , my personal CURSE on ALL you tattooed millenial types in these messed up American times is that you have kids and the younger they are then thats the better . First off , you have no brains and you have kids , have a few more kids :afro:. Do you and your kids live in your parents basement Thantos !! ------------------- Go TRUMP !!
I was born in 1972 idiot. I work for my money and damn fucking hard.
--------------------------------------------------- So you work hard so you are probably employed so thats good . Employed is the only qualification needed for you to help Trump with his plans to pay maternity leave to young women that have children Thantos .
I dont need Trumps help to raise my family ... i dont want to suck on the governments tit like you.
the paid maternity leave is a good tactic to help get Donald TRUMP elected and the paid maternity leave may or may not happen . It'd be good if Trump is elected , otherwise you will get 'illary' and she is good at spending lots of YOUR taxpayer money as she gives away lots of FREE stuff Thantos !!
the paid maternity leave is a good tactic to help get Donald TRUMP elected and the paid maternity leave may or may not happen . It'd be good if Trump is elected , otherwise you will get 'illary' and she is good at spending lots of YOUR taxpayer money as she gives away lots of FREE stuff Thantos !!

I've recently decided that I'm not as opposed to "free stuff" as much as I once was, as long as it includes tacos.
the paid maternity leave is a good tactic to help get Donald TRUMP elected and the paid maternity leave may or may not happen . It'd be good if Trump is elected , otherwise you will get 'illary' and she is good at spending lots of YOUR taxpayer money as she gives away lots of FREE stuff Thantos !!

I've recently decided that I'm not as opposed to "free stuff" as much as I once was, as long as it includes tacos.
------------------------------------------- feck mexican tacos SwimExpert .
the paid maternity leave is a good tactic to help get Donald TRUMP elected and the paid maternity leave may or may not happen . It'd be good if Trump is elected , otherwise you will get 'illary' and she is good at spending lots of YOUR taxpayer money as she gives away lots of FREE stuff Thantos !!

I've recently decided that I'm not as opposed to "free stuff" as much as I once was, as long as it includes tacos.
------------------------------------------- feck mexican tacos SwimExpert .

Didn't anyone ever teach you not to play with your food?
Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Because people are not getting paid to raise families they are getting paid to perform a job for 8 hours a day that is all.

If you want a family it's up to you to figure out how to support them not me

People are being paid to move the country forward.

People are being paid to do a job they agreed to do it has nothing to do with the country

People take their money and spend it in the economy.


That's got nothing to do with paying a person for not working simply because she chose to have a kid

Why wouldn't a good employer want to give a good benefit? I do!
I do do the right thing, and so should you.

Who are you to decide what the "right" thing is for other people?

'Other people' already know the right thing to do, they choose to be greedy and don't. Saps like you defend them.

Who are you to say what the "right thing" is to do?

Fucking your employees isn't the right thing to do.
What the fuck has that to do with the tax payer?????????

The largest contributor to the economy is the middle class.
------------------------------------------------------ So what , republican so called Conservatives haven't done anything for ME since the first bush , actually R REAGAN . They have flooded the USA and its school rooms as one example with foreigners that compete with American grown children for time and education , funding as the schools cater to the foreigners for American taxpayer money . Now the so called conservative rino repub gop is flooding the USA with Syrian refugee invader muslims which is just another arm of enemies that are forming a fifth column inside the USA . Yeah , I will vote and advocate for the Trump Thanatos .
Um thats your fault because you keep choosing losers.
---------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
My kids have to live in this country obviously full of idiots. Cant put the genie back in the bottle and cant change when stupidity went wild. You assholes made horrible choices that we all now have to live with.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD , my personal CURSE on ALL you tattooed millenial types in these messed up American times is that you have kids and the younger they are then thats the better . First off , you have no brains and you have kids , have a few more kids :afro:. Do you and your kids live in your parents basement Thantos !! ------------------- Go TRUMP !!
I was born in 1972 idiot. I work for my money and damn fucking hard.

You should get smart and work smarter.
Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Nothing's stopping you. Go ahead. Leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.

I do do the right thing, and so should you.

Who are you to decide what the "right" thing is for other people?

'Other people' already know the right thing to do, they choose to be greedy and don't. Saps like you defend them.

It always cracks me up when you argue business claiming to be a CEO.

So I'm "greedy" if I don't pay someone more than they are worth, you're a fucking idiot. Why isn't it their job to be worth more? You know, be more reliable, care about their job and their employer ... work harder ...

How much is someone that makes you all of your money worth?
Hey..................the military has had paid maternity leave for both the mother as well as the father (mother gets 6 weeks, the father gets 3) for years now.

About time the civilian sector decided to catch up.

Since when????? LINK?

Well, I know that females were getting maternity leave in the mid 80's in the Navy, and the program has since been expanded for other services and dropped for the Navy, but have been standardized to 12 weeks.

Here's your link. Is your Google down?

Pentagon Sets Maternity Leave at 12 Weeks for All Services |

So, according to your link you were wrong. as paternity leave is 10 days and not 3 weeks as you claimed. Also calling it "paid leave" is a misnomer, because "unpaid leave" is about as common as hen's teeth.
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out

you should have paid maternity leave because most people are two paychecks from homelessness and it's not easy taking care of a baby the first few weeks. plus, it's good for families, which is why most western countries provide it.

Right now, I have 54 days of sick leave on the books. If you want to have a child, save up your time!
Nothing's stopping you. Go ahead. Leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.

I do do the right thing, and so should you.

Who are you to decide what the "right" thing is for other people?

'Other people' already know the right thing to do, they choose to be greedy and don't. Saps like you defend them.

Who are you to say what the "right thing" is to do?

Fucking your employees isn't the right thing to do.

Tell that to Bill Clinton!
Because people are not getting paid to raise families they are getting paid to perform a job for 8 hours a day that is all.

If you want a family it's up to you to figure out how to support them not me

People are being paid to move the country forward.

People are being paid to do a job they agreed to do it has nothing to do with the country

People take their money and spend it in the economy.


That's got nothing to do with paying a person for not working simply because she chose to have a kid

Why wouldn't a good employer want to give a good benefit? I do!

Why would a good employee want to be paid when not working?
The employer already will hold her job for 6 weeks or more while she has a kid. If she wants to get paid while not working she can save up her vacation sick and personal time

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