
Considering “The Donald” is a life-long liberal, that would go without saying. Except the “accomplished” nothing part though. President Trump had the most successful first year of any president in the modern era.
By what metric? He has one legislative victory. One.
I hate to be the one to break this to you - but President Trump is in the executive branch. The executive branch doesn't do legislation. That's the legislative branch.

So by what metric? By ALL metrics. He has...
  • Secured the border
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S.
  • Created over 1 million new jobs in his first seven months alone
  • Constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to eliminate Barack Insane Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders
  • Overseen record stock market levels
  • Returned power to the states (where it constitutionally belongs)
  • Facilitated cheap energy sources (approving the KeyStone pipeline, the Dakota pipeline, etc.)
  • All but eliminated ISIS (they are in really bad shape right now)
  • Restored the U.S. has the world leader and elite superpower again
If Barack Insane Obama had done any one of those things, you wouldn't be able to stop talking about it. But because it was all achieved by President Trump, you want to pretend like none of it happened.
Trump is intent on reversing Obama's legacy
Cheap gas is part of that legacy
Only a disingenuous left-wing nut job could call $4.00 per gallon "cheap gas" (during the third worst economy in U.S. history). Especially when President Trump has it hovering around $2.20 per gallon with an absolute booming economy.
/----/ I said that was the goal. And aviation fuel hit $7 but that didn't affect the average driver.
Bush handed Obozo $1.86 gas, Obozo ran it up to to $4.50 then the GOP took the House and drove the price back down to $1.86 DRILL BABY DRILL worked.

If $7 a gallon was their goal
They didn't do a very good job...the price went the other way

If the GOP House brought down me a single bill they passed that helped bring down the price of Obamagas

If $7 a gallon was their goal
They didn't do a very good job...

Obama had a huge list of things he didn't do a very good job at.........

If the GOP House brought down me a single bill they passed that helped bring down the price of Obamagas

If Obama and the DEM House and/or Senate brought down me a single bill they passed that helped bring down the price of Obamagas

The Great Obama cut the price of Obamagas in half

What a great President

If Obama and the DEM House and/or Senate brought down me a single bill they passed that helped bring down the price of Obamagas
Obama controlled the price of Obamagas
Why do you think they called it Obamagas you dumbass?

He had an app on his phone where he could set the prices
Yeah, but it was an obamaphone, and he ran out of data.
this is a joke thread
Paying under $2.00 a gallon for pure, clean, patriotic ObamaGas™ is no joke!

Still waiting to hear what Obama policy gave us cheap gas, Synth...and you're still ducking the question!
Obama controlled the price of Obamagas
Why else would they call it Obamagas?
Well, duh! It’s also called excellent presidenting. Now we have an amateur and an incompetent reversing President Obama’s cheap gas legacy.

What's really pathetic is that you two Obamanista's have so little to point to as his "achievements" that you're touting cheap gas as his legacy! The truth is...Barack Obama was an anti fossil fuel President who did everything he could to raise the price of oil, natural gas and coal.
this is a joke thread
Paying under $2.00 a gallon for pure, clean, patriotic ObamaGas™ is no joke!

Still waiting to hear what Obama policy gave us cheap gas, Synth...and you're still ducking the question!
Obama controlled the price of Obamagas
Why else would they call it Obamagas?
Well, duh! It’s also called excellent presidenting. Now we have an amateur and an incompetent reversing President Obama’s cheap gas legacy.

What's really pathetic is that you two Obamanista's have so little to point to as his "achievements" that you're touting cheap gas as his legacy! The truth is...Barack Obama was an anti fossil fuel President who did everything he could to raise the price of oil, natural gas and coal.

an anti fossil fuel President who did everything he could to raise the price of oil, natural gas and coal

yeah he couldnt even pull that off

what a failure

this is a joke thread
Paying under $2.00 a gallon for pure, clean, patriotic ObamaGas™ is no joke!

Still waiting to hear what Obama policy gave us cheap gas, Synth...and you're still ducking the question!
Obama controlled the price of Obamagas
Why else would they call it Obamagas?
Well, duh! It’s also called excellent presidenting. Now we have an amateur and an incompetent reversing President Obama’s cheap gas legacy.

What's really pathetic is that you two Obamanista's have so little to point to as his "achievements" that you're touting cheap gas as his legacy! The truth is...Barack Obama was an anti fossil fuel President who did everything he could to raise the price of oil, natural gas and coal.
The Great Obama had a legacy of Obamagas under $2 a gallon

Fat Donnie reversed that
Trump is intent on reversing Obama's legacy
Cheap gas is part of that legacy
Only a disingenuous left-wing nut job could call $4.00 per gallon "cheap gas" (during the third worst economy in U.S. history).

Once AGAIN the only time $4/gallon gas was seen in this country was in the summer of 2008, exactly six months before O'bama took office. That's an all-time record that still stands ($4.11 average) and there is, as always, not a damn thing you can do about that inconvenient fact except (a) pray that it's eclipsed some day or (b) give up your juvenile uninformed Association Fallacy that tries to connect POTUSes and gas prices. I'm not betting on the latter since it involves what the rest of us call "thought".

Especially when President Trump has it hovering around $2.20 per gallon with an absolute booming economy.

Go ahead ---- essplain to the class how Rump, or any POTUS, "has" an international fungible commodity "hovering" around anything. And by the way the average gas price right now ranges from 2.23 to 3.41 depending on the state, and by the other way if you're still mired in your childish Association Fallacy it's gone up in the Trump Daze:


Of course, those of us old enough to drive who actually buy gas already know this.

So by what metric? By ALL metrics. He has...
  • Secured the border

The border's been secured for over two hundred years. There wasn't an "unsecured border" to start with. You just proved Rump's snake oil strategy of "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". And you bought em. Hook, line and sinker.

Constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to eliminate Barack Insane Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders

How'd Denali work out?

Overseen record stock market levels

Aaaaaaand here we go again. Essplain to the class how a POTUS controls "stock market levels".

Might want to also essplain why Rump himself said the economy does better under Democrats than under Republicans. Is he right? Or is he a liar?

Returned power to the states (where it constitutionally belongs)


Facilitated cheap energy sources (approving the KeyStone pipeline, the Dakota pipeline, etc.)

Cheap energy sources for India and Chevron. You have no clue what that path is, do you Buttsoiler? What it "facilitates' is Big Oil's pathway from Canada to Houston, where it's refined and loaded onto ships bound for Asia. Big Oil loves it --- reduces overhead. And Canada loves it --- that's raw material exported. Well, except for two hundred thousand barrels that spilled exactly as the State Department warned it would.

And again --- gas prices in the Rump Term are up, not down.

Do we actually need to explain the concepts of "up" and "down"?

All but eliminated ISIS (they are in really bad shape right now)

Once AGAIN --- Rump did what? Oh wait, I remember. He continued the "insane" O'bama approach that was already working.

Poor Buttsoiler. So many posts, so little credibility. :itsok:

And finally....

Restored the U.S. has the world leader and elite superpower again

Haha, you spelled "laughingstock" wrong.
The price of gas is set by the President on the weekends

Fat Donnie is playing golf, he doesn't want to be bothered lowering the price of Trumpgas
Obama had a legacy of being respected around the world, calm, steady leadership...
Bwahahaha! Seriously...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Barack Obama was the laughing stock of the world.

Iran TV host mocks Obama's bricks | The Times of Israel

Iran Mocks Obama Again, Test-Fires 2 More Ballistic Missiles | Zero ...

It is freaking hilarious how Obama minions have completely made up their own alternate reality. In their version of the story, Obama is a God who is loved and respected around the world, Meanwhile, in the real world, he was laughed at, disrespected, and trampled over. There wasn't a single nation that respected him. Not one. He even alienated our allies.
Bwahahaha! Seriously...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Barack Obama was the laughing stock of the world.

Again ----- link?

Oh wait, never mind. I gots one right here.

>> At a campaign rally in Alabama, President Donald Trump said “the world is starting to respect the United States of America again.” Surveys suggest otherwise.

The Pew Global Attitudes Project found that citizens in 35 out of 37 countries have less confidence in Trump than they did in former President Obama. In some cases, far less confidence.

For example, 86 percent of Germans said they had “a lot of confidence” or “some confidence” in Obama, but only 11 percent said the same of Trump.

Separately, the Pew Global Attitudes Project measures foreign opinion of the United States. That survey found that only two of the 37 countries have a more favorable opinion of the United States since Trump took office.

In addition to Germany, which we mentioned earlier, only 14 percent of French citizens surveyed said they had “a lot of confidence” or “some confidence” in Trump — a drop of 70 percentage points from the 84 percent that expressed confidence in Obama.<<​


>> .... “In countries where confidence in the U.S. president fell most, America’s overall image has also tended to suffer more,” Pew reports. “In the closing years of the Obama presidency, a median of 64% had a positive view of the U.S. Today, just 49% are favorably inclined toward America. Again, some of the steepest declines in U.S. image are found among long-standing allies.” <<
Link to page
Link to survey
Search took 0.42 seconds​

Buttsoiler must lie live in his own little Butt-Bubble.
this is a joke thread
Paying under $2.00 a gallon for pure, clean, patriotic ObamaGas™ is no joke!

Still waiting to hear what Obama policy gave us cheap gas, Synth...and you're still ducking the question!

You actually don't know what the term "joke" means?


Joke? Pretty much anyone claiming that Barack Obama did anything to lower gas a huge joke!
Bwahahaha! Seriously...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Barack Obama was the laughing stock of the world.

Again ----- link?

Oh wait, never mind. I gots one right here.

>> At a campaign rally in Alabama, President Donald Trump said “the world is starting to respect the United States of America again.” Surveys suggest otherwise.

The Pew Global Attitudes Project found that citizens in 35 out of 37 countries have less confidence in Trump than they did in former President Obama. In some cases, far less confidence.

For example, 86 percent of Germans said they had “a lot of confidence” or “some confidence” in Obama, but only 11 percent said the same of Trump.

Separately, the Pew Global Attitudes Project measures foreign opinion of the United States. That survey found that only two of the 37 countries have a more favorable opinion of the United States since Trump took office.

In addition to Germany, which we mentioned earlier, only 14 percent of French citizens surveyed said they had “a lot of confidence” or “some confidence” in Trump — a drop of 70 percentage points from the 84 percent that expressed confidence in Obama.<<​


>> .... “In countries where confidence in the U.S. president fell most, America’s overall image has also tended to suffer more,” Pew reports. “In the closing years of the Obama presidency, a median of 64% had a positive view of the U.S. Today, just 49% are favorably inclined toward America. Again, some of the steepest declines in U.S. image are found among long-standing allies.” <<
Link to page
Link to survey
Search took 0.42 seconds​

Buttsoiler must lie live in his own little Butt-Bubble.

The rest of the world loves it when the US is weakened. As an YOU like it?
Obama had a legacy of being respected around the world, calm, steady leadership...
Bwahahaha! Seriously...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Barack Obama was the laughing stock of the world.

Iran TV host mocks Obama's bricks | The Times of Israel

Iran Mocks Obama Again, Test-Fires 2 More Ballistic Missiles | Zero ...

It is freaking hilarious how Obama minions have completely made up their own alternate reality. In their version of the story, Obama is a God who is loved and respected around the world, Meanwhile, in the real world, he was laughed at, disrespected, and trampled over. There wasn't a single nation that respected him. Not one. He even alienated our allies.

Fat Donnie is not even welcome in England
Obama had a legacy of being respected around the world, calm, steady leadership...
Bwahahaha! Seriously...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Barack Obama was the laughing stock of the world.

Iran TV host mocks Obama's bricks | The Times of Israel

Iran Mocks Obama Again, Test-Fires 2 More Ballistic Missiles | Zero ...

It is freaking hilarious how Obama minions have completely made up their own alternate reality. In their version of the story, Obama is a God who is loved and respected around the world, Meanwhile, in the real world, he was laughed at, disrespected, and trampled over. There wasn't a single nation that respected him. Not one. He even alienated our allies.

Fat Donnie is not even welcome in England

And even less so in Scotland --- even though his mother was literally from there.

Especially after he fucked up yet another Twit claiming Scotland voted to leave the EU ---





Scots have the best words. It must skip a generation.
Fat Donnie is not even welcome in England
I've got news for you - black, chain smoking Obama wasn't either. Nor was he welcome in Israel. Nor was he welcome in Egypt.

Don't change the subject. You proclaimed that Obama was beloved around the world. I provided indisputable video evidence that he was vehemently despised and mocked.
Trump is intent on reversing Obama's legacy
Well, that is exactly what the American people sent him to Washington D.C. to do.

Obama had a legacy of being respected around the world, calm, steady leadership and low priced Obamagas

Trump has reversed them all
/——/ Obozo was the laughing stock of the world with his bowing and scraping.
Actually...The Great Obama was respected around the world...he still is

Fat Donnie is mocked

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